14 things you can learn from the Google story(从Google身上可以学到的14个东西)

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/27 21:32:12
Connections - human, computer, biology - are everything. Life = networks. (人类,电脑,生物都是连接的,其实,生命=网络。备注:第 二次Wealink居委会上Isaac说到其实到场参加居委会的用户都是二度连接的,而且也提出了“度”的概念不限与人与人之间,也存在于人与事务之间。 所以Wealink也推出了“50词”的栏目,让用户通过50个以内的词来给自己打上标签“Tag”,而这个Tag也会成为连接两个人的节点-“度”) Never compromise your ideals because someone said it’s impossible, stupid, or a waste of time. (永远不要因为别人说你的想法愚蠢,不可能,或者是一种浪费而放弃自己的理想。备注:这句话让我不禁想起了Steve Jobs在Stanford的演讲的一段话:Your time is limited, so don‘t waste it living someone else‘s life. Don‘t be trapped by dogma -- which is living with the results of other people‘s thinking. Don‘t let the noise of others‘ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. ——你们的时间有限,所以不要浪费时间活在别人的生活里。不要被信条所惑-盲从信条就是活在别人思考结果里。不要让别人的意见淹没了你内在的心声。最重要的,拥有跟随内心与直觉的勇气,你的内心与直觉多少已经知道你真正想要成为什么样的人。任何其它事物都是次要的。)
Do focus on changing the world, don’t focus on the money. If you provide value, the money will come. (专注去做写可以改变世界的事情,不要太在乎钱。如果你真正为用户创造了价值,钱会自然而来。)
Have a healthy disregard for the impossible. If someone hasn’t done it yet, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. (理性地分析“不可能”的事情。市场上没有人做的想法并不一定意味着是不可能的。)
Money is a problem, not a solution. Money cannot solve your problems, but your solutions can solve the money problem. (钱是个问题,但不是解决方案;有钱并不一定能解决你的问题,但是你的解决方案会为你带来收入。)
Value creativity, not money. View creativity as your company’s true bottom-line, or your company will stop growing and die. (注重创造,而不是钱。将创造视为公司的基本方针,否则公司会停滞不前或者走向死亡。)
Go against the grain. Don’t believe in other people’s visions for you, believe in your own. (不要犹豫,不要太在乎别人对你的评价,相信自己。)
Speed is more important than looking good. A shiny, beautiful car isn’t impressive when it gets overtaken by an old jalopy; the same applies to software. (速度比“看起来完美”要重要的多。一辆漂亮而耀眼的车被一辆老爷车追上时,他就没什么可炫耀了。软件也一样。)
Organic growth is best. Only grow as fast as you need to, don’t waste money on advertising a product you won’t want your mom to use. (自然增长是最好的。按照你需要的速度成长,不要浪费金钱在那些从来都不会用的人身上作广告,比如你的老妈。)
Focus on users above all else, e.g. don’t do something that might annoy your users just to make more money, they won’t forget. (真心关注你的用户。比如,不要为了赚钱而破坏用户体验,你的用户不会忘记的。)
Never betray users’ trust, or anyone else’s. (永远不要背叛用户对你的信任,任何人对你的信任都值得珍惜。)
Spend 20% of your time on blue-sky ideas without worrying about how they will make a profit. If it might change the world for the better, it needs to be done, even if it can’t make money. (花20%的时间在那些看起来“没有价值”的想法上,不要担心是否会盈利。如果这个想法能为用户带来更好的价值,那么即便不盈利也值得去做。)
Don’t make enemies of your competitors to stay driven. Be driven by your own values and mission. (不要看着竞争对手做什么你就做什么,要知道自己的使命和价值所在。)
Beat your own path through the wilderness. (在荒野中打出一片天下!)