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Wetland Fact Sheet Series 湿地概况介绍系列

Why Protect Wetlands? 为什么要保护湿地?

Functions and Values 功能和价值 Fish & Wildlife 鱼类和野生动植物
Flood Protection 防洪 Shoreline Erosion 海岸侵蚀
Water Quality and Hydrology 水质和水文 Economics 经济学 Recreation and Aesthetics 休闲与审美

How are Wetlands Protected? 湿地如何保护?

Water Quality Standards 水质标准 404 Permitting 404准许 Watershed Planning 流域规划
Financial Assistance 财政援助 Mitigation 缓解 Monitoring & Assessment 监测与评估
Restoration 恢复

What You Can Do to Protect our Vital Resource 你能做什么来保护我们的重要资源

湿地和流域  湿地和流域规划
  • Non-Point Source Pollution and Wetlands 非点源污染和湿地
  • Urban Stormwater and Wetlands 城市雨水和湿地
  • Floodplain Protection 洪泛区的保护
  • Wetland Restoration and Creation 湿地修复与创新
  • Wetlands and Watershed Planning湿地和流域规划

    Wetlands are important elements of a watershed because they serve as the link between land and water resources.湿地是一个分水岭的重要因素,因为他们的土地和水资源的纽带。 Wetlands protection programs are most effective when coordinated with other surface water and ground-water protection programs and with other resource management programs, such as flood control, water supply, protection of fish and wildlife, recreation, control of stormwater, and non-point source pollution.湿地保护程序的最有效的与其他地表水和地下水保护计划,并与其他资源管理程序,如防洪,供水,鱼类和野生动物,娱乐,雨水控制保护,协调和非点源污染。

    EPA has been working in partnership with many others to design and implement the watershed approach.环保局一直在与许多其他的伙伴关系,以设计和实施方法的分水岭。 The following EPA resources may be helpful to you:下面环保局资源可能对您有所帮助:

    Partnership Agreement for Watershed Management between the US Department of the Army Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (office of Water) 伙伴关系协定的流域之间的陆军(土木工程)和美国环境保护局(水军办公室助理秘书长办公室美国部管理

    Wetlands and Watersheds Factsheet 流域湿地和资料单张

    The Watershed Approach 该流域方法

    Center for Watershed Protection 流域保护中心 - A watershed planning site containing guidance on local tools to protect wetlands. -以流域规划本地网站中包含的工具,指导,以保护湿地。

    Non-Point Source Pollution and Wetlands非点源污染和湿地

    Non-point source pollution is the Nation's leading source of surface water and ground water quality impairment.非点源污染是全国地表水和地下水的质量受损的主要来源。 When properly managed, wetlands can help prevent non-point source pollution from degrading water quality.如果管理得当,湿地可以帮助防止非点,有辱人格的水质污染源。

    Wetlands and Runoff Factsheet 湿地与径流资料单张

    Wetlands and Non-Point Source Factsheet - Managing Wetlands to Control Non-Point Source Pollution - This is one in a series of factsheets designed to help the public increase their understanding and management of non-point source pollution in their community. 湿地和非点源资料单张 -湿地管理控制非点源污染-这是一个旨在帮助市民增加他们的理解和管理非在他们的社区点源污染概况介绍系列之一。

    1990 National Guidance: Wetlands and Non-Point Source Control - describes how State non-point source programs can use the protection of existing wetlands and the restoration of previously lost or degraded wetlands to meet the water quality objectives of adjacent or downstream water bodies. 1990年国家指导:湿地与非点源控制 -介绍如何国家非点源程序可以使用现有的湿地的保护和以前丢失或退化的湿地,以满足相邻或下游水体水质指标恢复。

    Clean Water Act Section 319 Nonpoint Source Management Program 清洁水法第319点源管理程序

    Urban Stormwater and Wetlands城市雨水和湿地

    Natural Wetlands and Urban Stormwater: Potential Impacts and Management (PDF) (84 pp, 212K, About PDF ) - Addresses the issues and options related to the protection of natural wetlands that receive stormwater and urban runoff. 天然湿地与城市雨水:潜在影响和管理(PDF)(84 页,212K, 关于PDF) -地址的问题和有关的自然湿地的保护和城市接受雨水径流的选择。

    Protecting Natural Wetlands: A Guide for Stormwater Best Management Practices (PDF) (181 pp, 2.8MB, About PDF ) - This document describes the potential benefits, limitations, and appropriate application of best management practices (BMPs) that can be implemented to protect the functions of natural wetlands from the impacts of urban stormwater discharges and other diffuse sources of runoff. 保护天然湿地:一个雨水最佳管理措施(PDF格式)指南 (181页,2.8MB, 关于PDF) -本文档描述的潜在利益,限制和最佳管理实践(骨形成蛋白),可以实施的保护适当的应用从城市雨水排放和径流等面源的影响的天然湿地功能。 (protecti.pdf) (protecti.pdf)

    Floodplain Protection 洪泛区的保护

    Floodplains are the relatively low areas adjacent to rivers, lakes, and oceans that are periodically inundated.洪泛区是相对较低的邻近地区的河流,湖泊,以及定期的海洋淹没。 Floodplain lands and adjacent waters, including wetlands, combine to form a complex, dynamic physical and biological system that supports a multitude of water resources. Floodplains provide the Nation with natural flood and erosion control, natural water filtering processes, a wide variety of habitats for plant and animal communities, places for recreation and scientific study, and historic sites.洪泛区土地及邻近水域,包括湿地,共同构成了一个复杂,动态的物理和生物系统,支持大量的水资源。漫滩提供天然洪水和侵蚀控制,天然水的过滤流程,各种各样的生境的国家植物和动物群落,康乐和科学研究的地方,和历史遗迹。

    Wetland Restoration and Creation湿地修复与创新

    Wetland Restoration 湿地修复

    Constructed Wetlands 人工湿地