X射线照射下的口腔运动(2 gifs)

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/29 12:28:34

Interesting X-Ray Analyses of Speech

 Those two gif animations were realized by Christine Eric. She made short X-ray films showing
the movement of the tongue and the entire mouth area.
It’s really weird but in the same time, very interesting to see!

这些X光照片是由Christine Eric拍摄的,她摄制的X光电影显示了人类说话活动过程中舌头和口腔的运动过程。

The first gif animation shows a man saying “pion”. 这张是人说“pion”这个词时的运动过程。

The second gif animation show the widest possible opening of the mouth 这张显示的是人张大嘴的运动。

[via hundertmarkblog]