Ji Xianlin, the reluctant master季羡林:不愿做大师的大师

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/30 03:13:32
导读:季羡林,人们尊他为“国学大师”(master of Chinese culture)、“学界泰斗”、“国宝”。对于这三顶桂冠,他拒绝了;他忠实于包办的婚姻,也有过异国的恋情……真实的季羡林是个什么样的人呢?
Ji Xianlin, the reluctant master
FROM China Daily
PUBLISHED: 2009-07-13
Youku:直击国学大师悼唁现场 社会各界哭痛缅怀季羡林

China Daily: Ji Xianlin strolls on Peking University's campus, his workplace for 63 years, in October, 1997.

XINHUA: A student mourns Ji Xianlin at a memorial service Sunday in the auditorium at Peking University.

XINHUA: A large portrait of renowned Chinese scholar Ji Xianlin is shown in a mourning hall set up at Peking University in Beijing July 12, 2009.
Ji Xianlin, dubbed by many as the "master of Chinese culture" had died of heart attack. He was 97.
Ji repeatedly asked the media to stop calling him a "maestro in traditional Chinese culture" but despite the protests, the "master" title stuck.
"Ji`s leaving is the ending of an era," says Zhao Rengui, professor of Beijing Normal University. "There are fewer and fewer masters accomplished like him nowadays."
Son to an impoverished rural family in Linqing, Shandong province, Ji was admitted to Tsinghua University in 1930 and majored in Western literature.
Five years later he went to Gottingen University in Germany as an exchange student, majoring in Sanskrit and lesser-known ancient languages like Pali.
He would spend more than 10 years in Germany and received his PhD in 1941.
In Germany, Ji met Irmgard, his friend`s landlord`s daughter, who helped him type his dissertation, because he could not afford a typewriter. The two soon fell in love but Ji was already married in China and made the hard decision to give up the relationship and returned to China in 1946.
In 1946 he became a professor at Peking University and soon founded the department of Eastern languages in the university.
Ji published 11 academic books and over 200 papers in more than 10 academic fields, including Chinese cultural research, comparative literature, and Sanskrit.
Ji maintained that "Cultural exchange is the main drive for humankind`s progress. Only by learning from each other`s strong points to make up for shortcomings can people constantly progress, the ultimate target of which is to achieve a kind of Great Harmony."
"One thing about Ji that deserves our admiration is that he never fears to tell the truth. He speaks out what he thinks," says Zhao.
In 1998, Ji published Memoirs from the Cowshed (Niupeng Zayi), a resonating book recording his experience in the "cultural revolution" (1966-76) and reflection on the turmoil.
"This small book is written with tears and blood," he wrote. "It is my biggest joy to finish it when I am alive. It is the best gift I can give to the young generations."
"I have a strong faith that if the process of such a disaster is truthfully recorded, it will be a mirror for our great nationality", he once said. "To look at ourselves in the mirror often will be very beneficial."
Ji won affection from general public also for his unassuming personality and humility.
Twenty years ago, a freshman, busily going through enrollment procedures on his first day at Peking University, ran into an old man on campus. In a frantic rush, he asked his senior to look after his luggage.
When he remembered his luggage hours later he rushed back and found the old man sitting by his bags in the searing sun and reading a book. The old man was the vice-president of Peking University.
"For a new student to Beijing, the luggage was his most precious belonging. I must treat his trust seriously," Ji recalled the story to his friend, journalist Tang Shizeng.
Peking University, where Ji worked for 63 years, announced Ji`s passing in a statement calling him a "senior professor" instead of "master", a title Ji urged the nation`s top university to remove many times.
(Translator & Editor: Sylvie AND 小胡)
master of Chinese culture 国学大师
era 时代
accomplish 完成
Sanskrit  梵文
typewriter 打字机
comparative literature 比较文学
cowshed  牛棚
unassuming  谦逊的, 不装腔作势的