杰西卡(12月运势) 平羯鱼羊译

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/29 09:09:05

杰西卡(12月运势) 平羯鱼羊译

2010-12-05 15:32:26 来自: 路哈(我的青春,你的圆舞。)

你脑袋中想象的一些美好画面在12月份会实现。事实发现原来所有的旧观念是错误的,但谁在乎呢?生命就是一个冒险。你会有机会参加一门课程,出版或者出行,但是你要搞清楚细节。旅游,教育,图书和互联网将有所变动,并推迟到1月31日。这个年末对于你的工作来说也是时候来一个结束或者改变。 成功和女性相关,随着时间过去,你应该发现了,这1年,女性对你的工作向前向上的轨迹发展有至关重要的作用。 14号左右是这一年中最关键之一或者有个很重要的谈话。

Near December 14th the facts and figures finally fall into place, and you can start reorganising an important aspect of your finances, property situation or business interests for 2011. It’s not yet time to lower yourself into a spa just yet, though; allow for complications or hold-ups until January. The results will either make you richer or satisfy your principles, as you’ve never been slow to put your values before mere moolah. Once this is out of the way, you can deal with the big Babar in the room. This particular elephant has been standing there all year, getting in the way of your ideas about those from other countries and cultures – or important travel plans, university qualifications or publishing projects. Just after Boxing Day it’s clearly time for a sweeping rethink.

One in three Geminis will find themselves in the hatched or matched columns in December; failing that, a separation seems to be on the way. Singletons will have an intriguing guessing game – possibly involving condoms or erotica – and even if you’re ‘Bitter With Baggage Seeking Same’ you should find what you want. The planets are piling into your zone of dating, mating, relating and separating. If you need to achieve closure with your ex, this is the moment. Do be aware that your ruler Mercury is in a peculiar mood though. No decisions can be truly called final until New Year’s Eve, and in the interim there may be missing cards, botched paperwork or even a waiting u-turn.

The wheel of karma is spinning like the London Eye and all eyes are on your final decisions for Christmas and New Year. Will you leave a difficult one-on-one situation, plunge into a life-changing new partnership, or grit your teeth and instigate changes? The Moon’s Node suggests you’ve been through this before, with the same soul, although in two very different bodies. Overlook the fact that it’s all achingly familiar and try to redestribute the power. That’s what this scenario is all about, although nobody ever dares talk about it. High summer always brings questions about the body beautiful for you – and related issues, like your work-life balance. A lifestyle change is coming. It can be as dramatic as you like, but the conversation you have a week before Christmas is pivotal.

In December, you will finally feel that you know yourself so well that the sex can only get better. After everything you went through from the late 1990s through to the late Noughties, you now have no doubt at all about parenthood, adoption, contraception, step-parenting and other deep questions, As you are now quite clear about who you want, why you want them and how you want it, the rest should come naturally. That’s why December will feel like a reward; you are now free to be yourself, in bed and out of it. Just remember to allow for communication obstacles or reversals until at least the end of the month. The big challenge now is your daily routine, your lifestyle, your health and your job. Make the changes. Everything is interlocked and you must put yourself first.

December 1-7 and 16-21 will help you to rethink a holiday home, garden overhaul, family change, apartment makeover or property transaction. Forget how your life was in previous years; this time there is no power struggle and there will be no undercurrents. You can organise the look and feel of your residence as you wish, and even if your family has at times resembled the Mansons (Marilyn and Charles) you can move on. Read the paperwork carefully though and if you can wait until January 1 to finalise, even better. More personal, heartfelt issues are more testing. Children or parenthood may be on the list; your personal life is certainly an area of deep change. Whatever your question, the answer is power. You need it. So does he/she. How will you all get it?

任何影响你的生活方式,财产权益,家庭,分担家务或家庭安排的情况都不能继续下去。十二月和一月代表紧缩的时候,到时你之前提到- 但并没有承诺的变化将会继续下去。时间就是一切,但是,如果你要采取控制,可能要等到水星前进到节礼日前后。在此之前,要特别小心文书工作或握手协议,比如从你公公那里得到的任何东西,或者您的逾期厨房维修,都会通过传递混乱受到影响。一个极好的双赢协议的金钱,财产,你的房子,企业或单位在短期内会使你快乐。

December is the month to eliminate as much debt as you can, indulge in savvy borrowing if you must, and let the rest go. There will be a further chapter in January when everything is clear, final and settled. For the moment, treat this property, business or financial plan as a work in progress as there may be some computer or human error along the way, or even issues with the mail. The final month of 2010 also seems to be a time of reckoning for the ideas, projects and plans you pursued earlier on. Some took off. Some failed. This is less important than the lesson you learned about power. More than anyone else, you know how crucial is to have the upper hand. What is now clear is the way this impacts communication. There is one scenario you simply won’t let happen again.

The amounts of money, the value of a particular property, the nature of a business arrangement or the price tag on favourite possessions is not important. December is about the human cost of a situation where one person feels shut out of proceedings. The domino effect of this is plain to see. You are ending the year with a distinctly lopsided situation that must be corrected. The best time to do this is when Mercury, the planet of communication, turns direct in the practical sign of Capricorn, from January 14. But make gestures now. Sagittarians are gifted at seeing the big picture. Soar above the situation from the comfort of your hammock, with a Pimms in hand, and you should see the way this is going to go; it’s time to factor in everything and everybody, at last.

盛夏是节食,锻炼和美容的时候 (??真是这麽写的,不明白关盛夏啥事)并是新年方案的重要时期。今年的赌注比较高,如果有什麽重新起步的事情,要小心不要和别人发生权利斗争。

December is all about friendship and group solidarity, which is your raison d’etre. Every Aquarian has her tribe, and it’s time to commit more strongly to yours, or even find a new one. Just remember that Mercury could affect your plans. Before you invest too much time and money in your social life or your groups, see what the outcome is, should anything change. On a far more serious note, this is a month to examine why you covered up certain sensitive information this year, and how you feel about it now. At the time it seemed the only option. But December is a good moment to see if you must correct anything. Be particularly careful with any classified knowledge that could make the stakes extremely high for other people. It’s dynamite. You need a new strategy.


  • 2010-12-05 15:32:53 路哈 (我的青春,你的圆舞。)


    > 删除
  • 2010-12-05 15:44:10 blacklynx (所有的伯乐都瞎眼了吗?)


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  • 2010-12-05 15:44:55 狗狗狗狗狗狗 (冬天还是暖和点的好!!!)


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  • 2010-12-05 15:46:55 Catling


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  • 2010-12-05 15:47:56 路哈 (我的青春,你的圆舞。)


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  • 2010-12-05 16:59:17 blacklynx (所有的伯乐都瞎眼了吗?)



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  • 2010-12-05 17:02:15 美丽不言传


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  • 2010-12-05 17:05:05 洛可可 (我是小白TWO之小白……)

    等 处处 天蝎 摩羯 水瓶 我等的好多……

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  • 2010-12-05 17:05:59 依无所求 (3K 黄昏)

    M 秤子..

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  • 2010-12-05 17:53:03 zosa (世界傻人太多!)


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  • 2010-12-05 18:59:03 Natalie

    摩羯摩羯( ⊙ o ⊙ )啊!

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  • 2010-12-05 19:09:02 裴尚尚 (高三高三高三.)


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  • 2010-12-05 19:17:19 エス·ミヤコ (都是浮云)

    鱼啊 事业运UP

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  • 2010-12-06 03:02:20 卜丁 (I love Severus Snape)


    盛夏是节食,锻炼和美容的时候 (??真是这麽写的,不明白关盛夏啥事)并是新年方案的重要时期。今年的赌注比较高,如果有什麽重新起步的事情,要小心不要和别人发生权利斗争。



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  • 2010-12-06 03:07:11 kissy

    双子 天蝎

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  • 2010-12-06 14:19:38 等你回来 (我心定了,不再因为你而摇摆)


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  • 2010-12-07 16:37:50 star

    任何影响你的生活方式,财产权益,家庭,分担家务或家庭安排的情况都不能继续下去。十二月和一月代表紧缩的时候,到时你之前提到- 但并没有承诺的变化将会继续下去。时间就是一切,但是,如果你要采取控制,可能要等到水星前进到节礼日前后。在此之前,要特别小心文书工作或握手协议,比如从你公公那里得到的任何东西,或者您的逾期厨房维修,都会通过传递混乱受到影响。一个极好的双赢协议的金钱,财产,你的房子,企业或单位在短期内会使你快乐。

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  • 2010-12-07 18:08:16 女人、而已 (无欲则刚~~~)


    水逆 金逆 各种行星逆行专用讨论小组

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  • 2010-12-07 18:11:39 ねこぢる (今までありがとうございます!)



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  • 2010-12-07 21:16:24 梦梦 (真爱在那,那有真爱?)


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> 我来回应

这个小组的被星曜操控的木偶们也喜欢去 · · · · · ·

星座奇缘 (70682)
星象研究资料室 (29000)
女巫店 (34535)
~非关命运~ (15971)
★星译社★ (15543)

> 回占星与玛法达星座运势小组


JM们一起聊聊~~大家都喜欢什么星座的男生~~   (大橘子)

水星逆行对12星座影响--百变女巫++旧爱?   (曦玥)

TIM周运 (2010.12.19 — 12.25)   (baby cat)

【转帖】别拖了!2011结婚运旺到爆的五个星座!   (人鱼美。)

射手们,你们的旧爱回来了麽   (偏执狂)

殺破狼2010年12月13日~2010年12月19日12星座一週運勢   (@Su-Su-Suki、)

如何让金牛男爱我。求解啊。   (不s)

求助各位了解狮子座或者是狮子座的进来帮忙解惑   (猫耳朵)

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