
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 08:49:21
20世纪60年代是美国自二战以来最为深刻严肃的历史时期,源于物质生活的极大丰富和传统信仰的缺失。那时,年轻人的迷惘和其与日俱增的社会责任感产生了激烈的碰撞,在摇滚乐的催化下,年轻人开始融合在这个矛盾中,并最终形成了那个时代最具代表性的文化现象——一种完全自发而纯粹精神性的运动:嬉皮运动。伴随着这个运动,“嬉皮”产生了。而本期,我们就来了 解一下这个特定群体的独特语言风范。

  Whenever the 1960's are mentioned one immediately thinks of hippies. Though hippies exist today it was during the sixties that this sub-culture emerged and were at their strongest. Back then Hippies were regarded as a counter-culture that threatened to disrupt normal society. Today they are viewed a little more favourably and with some nostalgia.


  Like all other sub-cultures, hippies developed their own fashion and lingo. They were, and still are, immediately identifiable by their hairstyles, clothes and speech. Many of the slang words that ①evolved from the sub-cultures of the sixties have entered into the speech of a much broader spectrum of society and are used by many young people today. Most people are unaware that the s they use originated with the hippie 'scene' more than thirty years ago. 'Far out dude!'


  How, exactly, can one define a hippie? The word hippie refers to someone who is 'hip'. To 'be hip' means to ②be consistent with the latest trends and ideas. Although a fashionable person of the 21st century can still be described as 'hip', they would not be referred to as a hippie. A hippie is someone who was able to 'dig' and 'get it on with' the 'groovy' ideas of the sixties.

  怎样才能准确地给嬉皮下定义呢?“嬉皮”这个词指的是那些“时髦的”人。“be hip”的意思就是紧跟最新的潮流和思想。尽管21世纪的时尚人士仍旧可以被形容为“时髦的”,但他们不会被当作一个嬉皮。嬉皮是指那些能够“享受”和“尝试”60年代“新奇”想法的人。

  The hippies ③started out as young Americans who were opposed to the Vietnam War. They called themselves 'conscientious objectors' and refused to be conscripted. They were opposed to violence and believed that the positive energy of peaceful thoughts and expressions, or 'flower power', could solve the problems of the world. They challenged the established norms of society and the 'hang ups' caused by traditional morals, which they referred to as 'the system'. They decided to lead an alternative lifestyle and 'drop out'.


  Disillusioned with the materialism and capitalism of the west, hippies explored the religions and philosophies of the east. The music and fashions of the sixties reflects the 'Aquarian' beliefs of this unique and 'rad' generation.


  So how would one recognize a hippie? The most common trait is long hair. Having long hair or an 'afro' today ④by no stretch of the imagination indicates that someone is a 'flower child'. In the sixties, however, a man having long hair implied that he was 'turned on' to free thinking and found traditional rules to be a 'drag'. A hippie would also wear colourful clothing with abstract patterns known as 'tie-dye'. Intense colours were popular as they reflected the 'psychedelic' experiences that hippies pursued. The most common type of accessories were beads that represented love. These were called 'love beads'. 'Out of sight, man! '


  Hippies usually avoided the 'downer' of the real world by escaping to the wilds to enjoy the 'buzz' of nature, make 'heavy' observations about life and enjoy 'free love'. These centres of hippie life were called 'communes'. A 'commune' was a community of people sharing possessions, living accommodations and work (or lack thereof). The dwellings where they would 'crash' after a hard day working the land usually consisted of simple houses or tents. 'Right on!'

  为了躲避现实世界中的“不利局面”,嬉皮们通常会逃往荒野地带,以便享受自然带来的“愉悦”、“深入”观察生活并尽享“自由之爱”。这些嬉皮们的生活聚集地被称作“公社”。 “公社”就是人们分享财富、住所、共同劳动(或根本不劳动)的社区。他们居住的地方往往只是一些简单的房屋或帐篷,在辛勤耕作一天之后他们会在那里“栖身”。“棒极了!”

  To understand more about hippies seeing the movie Easyrider is a must. This story about two men riding motorcycles across America in search of freedom is the ultimate hippie flick. Along the way they visit a 'commune' and 'freak out' in a New Orleans cemetery. Eventually, their quest for a free life ends in tragedy, as the rest of society cannot tolerate their independence. 'Bummer!'


  Not everybody in the sixties was a hippy. Even at the peak of this movement hippies were still a minority group. People who were not 'hip' were known as 'straight' or 'square'. The word 'square' is still used today to describe somebody who is very conservative or boring. Hence, when inviting somebody to a party, the expression '⑤be there or be square' is used.

  在60年代,并非每个人都是嬉皮。即使在这个运动的鼎盛时期,嬉皮也只是一个少数群体。那些不“时髦的”人被称为“死板”或“保守”。“square”这个词现在仍被用来形容那些非常保守或无趣的人。所以,在邀请某人参加一个聚会时,就用到了这个词组“be there or be square”。

  Where have all the hippies gone? Hippies can still be found today, but one has to look hard. They can be seen in the cafes of Amsterdam, on the beaches of Goa or hiding away in remote mountain artist colonies. They are no longer feared as dangerous or subversive but anachronistic and slightly ridiculous. In comparison with some of the sub-cultures that are knocking around today, hippies seem quite positive and tame. After all, they were only over-idealistic young people with romantic notions about changing the world for the better.


  The large bulk of hippies from the sixties 'sold out', settled down, got office jobs and moved to middle class suburbs. They can only be identified today by looking at their old photo albums and music collections. Otherwise, they lead relatively boring normal lives and can now only fondly reminisce about the 'Age of Aquarius'.

  在60年代的那批嬉皮群体当中,大部分人都“背离了信念”,安定下来,当上了办公室职员,并移居到中产阶级居住的郊区生活。现在,要找出这些人的话,只有翻看他们的老相册和音乐收藏才能知道。另一方面,他们过着一种相对无聊的正常生活,而且只能深情地缅怀以往的“宝瓶时代”。sub-culture /`s7bk7ltH9/ n.亚文化群

  disrupt /dis`r7pt/ v.使中断;使分裂

  nostalgia /n4s`t2ldEi9/ n.怀旧之情

  lingo /`liMG9u/ n.行话;隐语

  spectrum /`spektr9m/ n.型谱

  conscript /`k4nskript/ vt.征募

  norm /n5m/ n.标准;规范

  disillusion /,disi`l6E9n/ v.醒悟

  dwelling /`dweliM/ n.住处

  quest /kwest/ n.寻求

  subversive /s7b`v8siv/ adj.颠覆性的;破坏性的

  anachronistic /9,n2kr9`nistik/ adj.时代错误的

  bulk /b7lk/ n.大部份;大半

  reminisce /,remi`nis/ v.回忆

  ① evolve from由……进化(发展)而来

  ② be consistent with 与……保持一致

  ③ start out 开始;出发

  ④ by no stretch of the imagination 绝对不;肯定不

  ⑤ be there or be square 不见不散


  嬉皮运动 — “嬉皮运动”实际是美国50年代“垮掉的一代”的一个变种延续,是一场自发的“群众运动”。嬉皮们主张仁爱、反对暴力、提倡和平主义和利他主义;他们留着长发、穿着奇装异服,与尔虞我诈的社会现实针锋相对。由于没人能控制其发展规模和方向,所以“嬉皮运动”以美国旧金山的松树岭地区为中心,以势不可挡的威力席卷欧美,对欧美的文化形态及生活方式都产生了深远的影响。scene — 更多的时候,这个词在嬉皮文化当中是指“场所”、“情况”和“氛围”之类的意思,是一个既具体又有些抽象的词汇。

  far out — 在嬉皮文化中,这个词组的意思是“非常有趣的”、“很好”、“很棒”的意思。通常这个词组是作为一个感叹语使用,意思 与“好极了”相近。

  dude — 这个词原意是“花花公子”,但在嬉皮文化当中,却被当作同仁之间的称呼语,意思近于“哥们”、“伙计”等。

  drop out — 这个词组在嬉皮文化当中是指放弃、超脱于既有的正常社会规范,不受传统的束缚,有点世人眼中“自甘堕落”的意思。但在他们自己看来,这却是一个新的、好的开始。

  rad — 这个词是“radical”的缩略语,意思不是“激进的”或“基本的”。它被嬉皮们赋予了新的意思,即“出色的”、“很好的”、“特棒的”的意思。现在,这个词也经常被使用来表达“好”的意思。

  Aquarian / Age of Aquarius — 在西方的星象中,宝瓶属水象。而水就代表着和平与安宁。而嬉皮们所倡导的就是爱与和平。所以,“Aquarian”就成了其信念的一个代名词。所以,他们把其信念称为“Aquarian beliefs”,并把他们所属的时代称为“Age of Aquarius”。

  flower child —嬉皮们把和平的思想与表达方式所产生的积极能量称为“花的力量”,所以他们自己就是“花之子”。

  out of sight —在嬉皮文化中,这个词组是“好”的意思。类似于我们现在常用的流行语——“酷”。

  right on — 嬉皮们常常挂在嘴边的感叹语,表示极大的赞同和认可,意思近于“棒极了”、“好极了”。

  bummer —虽然这个词的原意是“ 无赖,游民”的意思,但在嬉皮文化当中,这是一个形容不好形势或局面的词。意思是“倒霉”、“失望”等。

  sold out — 这个词组是讲,一个人把自己的信念和信仰一扫而光,全“卖光了”。所以,其引申的意思就是“背离了信念”、“放弃了自己的理想”。