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 道教词汇英文翻译对照 [Religious Terms - Taoism]

八节斋 The Fasts of the Eight Seasons; The Fasts of the Lunar Periods
八仙 the eight immortals
半仙 demigod
避邪符 phylactery [a charm to drive away demon influences]
卜卦用签 lots [used in divination]
财神 God of Wealth
曹国舅 Ts`ao Kuo-chiu
长生不老 agelessness; everlasting life
城隍 City God
赤脚大仙 barefoot immortal [reference to Emperor Sen Tsung of the Sung Dynasty]
道士 Taoist
对签号 checking lots
法术 supernatural feat
返老还童 rejuvenescence; renewing one's youth
符 charm
福神 God of Fortune; God of Blessedings
供斋 to offer a vegetarian meal
韩湘子 Han Hsiang-tzu
何仙姑 Ho Hsien-ku
狐仙 fox spirit; fox fairy 道教神仙谱系1)  religion of Taoism fairy pedigree道教神仙谱系2)  Taoism道教1.A Brief Discussion on the Taoist Thoughts,Taoism and Its Ways of Health Preserving;简论道家思想、道教与养生2.The Influence of Taoism "Fuqi Daoyin" to the Traditional Chinese Medical Thought of Keeping in Good Health by "Heyushushu";论道教服气导引术对中医“和于术数”养生思想的影响3)  Daoism道教1.Doctor Mingtang Theory and Daoism Mingtang Symbol Regimen;医家明堂论与道教的明堂符号养生法2.On Gehong s Internal Pellet Vital Power Conservation in Daoism;论葛洪的道教内丹养生学3.Comparision of the Cosmos Evolution Idea of Daoism and Big Bang;道教宇宙演化观与大爆炸宇宙论之比较4)  Taoist道教1.The Taoist meditation and ancient creative imagination of literature and art;论道教“存思”与古代文艺创作想象2.Discussion about the History-Intoned Group Poems of Taoist Poet Wujun of the Tang Dynasty;试论唐代道教诗人吴筠的咏史组诗3.The Spreading of Taoist and the Fable of Pangu in Ethnic Minority Groups;道教传播与少数民族盘古神话5)  religious Daoism道教1.Both philosophical Daoism and religious Daoism,they hold tourism aesthetics which insists that man is an integral part of nature.道家、道教文化是中国传统文化的三大组成部分之一,理应成为我国休闲旅游业的重要内核。2.The Theroist of religious Daoism demonstrated "the long life and celestial"and expounded the ways and methods of acquiring Tao and becoming the celestial ,which layed a foundation about the theory of "the long life and celestial".道教理论家对神仙即长生不死的人的系统论证以及对得道成仙的途径和方法的阐扬,使道教的长生成仙说获得了一定的理论依据。3.From a historical point of view, the philosophical Daoism had the characteristics of philosophical thought in pre-Qin,but the religious Daoism had the characteristics of religious belief in Han danasty.从历史角度看,以哲学、思想理论为主导的老庄道家创立于前(先秦),以宗教信仰为主旨的道教建立于后(东汉以降),随之而来的是道家与道教的融合、涵化、整合、熔铸,亦道家亦道教,亦道教亦道家。6)  Tao道教1.Doctrine Fangxian in YanQi and the Arising of Tao;燕齐方仙道与道教的出现2.The ban of holding woman for joys is a key barrier in the becoming celestial being in Tao.道教成仙得道考验,女色也往往是重要一关。 1)  Taoism history books道教史籍1.Analysis of social background of Taoism history books development in Yuan Dynasty;元代道教史籍发展的社会背景探析2.The Taoism history books, which can be classified into the biography of celestial being, the pedigree of Taoist priest, the annals of mountain, the record of stone tablet and the travel notes, are very rich in Yuan dynasty.元代道教史籍非常丰富,可分为仙传、谱录、山志、碑铭集、游记等体裁;仙传又可细分为专传、类传、总传、像传等小类,这些史籍有着鲜明的特征,在文献学上也有相应的学术价值。3.Placing hope on temples,eulogizing green hills and clear waters,recalling sages and the founder of a sect of Taoism are two important themes;responding with a poem,sighing with regret are general tendency in Taoism history books in Yuan dynasty.寄情宫观、赞咏山水、缅怀先圣、祖师、高道,是道教影响下士人文学的两大主题,酬赠友人、慨叹人生,为元代道教史籍中士人文学的普遍倾向。2)  Taoism道教1.A Brief Discussion on the Taoist Thoughts,Taoism and Its Ways of Health Preserving;简论道家思想、道教与养生2.The Influence of Taoism "Fuqi Daoyin" to the Traditional Chinese Medical Thought of Keeping in Good Health by "Heyushushu";论道教服气导引术对中医“和于术数”养生思想的影响3)  Daoism道教1.Doctor Mingtang Theory and Daoism Mingtang Symbol Regimen;医家明堂论与道教的明堂符号养生法2.On Gehong s Internal Pellet Vital Power Conservation in Daoism;论葛洪的道教内丹养生学3.Comparision of the Cosmos Evolution Idea of Daoism and Big Bang;道教宇宙演化观与大爆炸宇宙论之比较4)  Taoist道教1.The Taoist meditation and ancient creative imagination of literature and art;论道教“存思”与古代文艺创作想象2.Discussion about the History-Intoned Group Poems of Taoist Poet Wujun of the Tang Dynasty;试论唐代道教诗人吴筠的咏史组诗3.The Spreading of Taoist and the Fable of Pangu in Ethnic Minority Groups;道教传播与少数民族盘古神话5)  religious Daoism道教1.Both philosophical Daoism and religious Daoism,they hold tourism aesthetics which insists that man is an integral part of nature.道家、道教文化是中国传统文化的三大组成部分之一,理应成为我国休闲旅游业的重要内核。2.The Theroist of religious Daoism demonstrated "the long life and celestial"and expounded the ways and methods of acquiring Tao and becoming the celestial ,which layed a foundation about the theory of "the long life and celestial".道教理论家对神仙即长生不死的人的系统论证以及对得道成仙的途径和方法的阐扬,使道教的长生成仙说获得了一定的理论依据。3.From a historical point of view, the philosophical Daoism had the characteristics of philosophical thought in pre-Qin,but the religious Daoism had the characteristics of religious belief in Han danasty.从历史角度看,以哲学、思想理论为主导的老庄道家创立于前(先秦),以宗教信仰为主旨的道教建立于后(东汉以降),随之而来的是道家与道教的融合、涵化、整合、熔铸,亦道家亦道教,亦道教亦道家。6)  Tao道教1.Doctrine Fangxian in YanQi and the Arising of Tao;燕齐方仙道与道教的出现2.The ban of holding woman for joys is a key barrier in the becoming celestial being in Tao.道教成仙得道考验,女色也往往是重要一关。 道教典籍1)  Taoism books道教典籍1.Taoism have many books and there are great many Taoism books in Chinese ancient offi- cial and private bibliographies,which are different from Taoism bibliographies in the classification,the limits of record and the purport of record.道教典籍数量庞大,我国历代官私书目中收录的大量道教典籍,从分类方法和著录范围乃至著录旨趣上,与道经目录都有很大不同;历代官私书目之间在诸多方面也存在差异。2)  Taoism道教1.A Brief Discussion on the Taoist Thoughts,Taoism and Its Ways of Health Preserving;简论道家思想、道教与养生2.The Influence of Taoism "Fuqi Daoyin" to the Traditional Chinese Medical Thought of Keeping in Good Health by "Heyushushu";论道教服气导引术对中医“和于术数”养生思想的影响3)  Daoism道教1.Doctor Mingtang Theory and Daoism Mingtang Symbol Regimen;医家明堂论与道教的明堂符号养生法2.On Gehong s Internal Pellet Vital Power Conservation in Daoism;论葛洪的道教内丹养生学3.Comparision of the Cosmos Evolution Idea of Daoism and Big Bang;道教宇宙演化观与大爆炸宇宙论之比较4)  Taoist道教1.The Taoist meditation and ancient creative imagination of literature and art;论道教“存思”与古代文艺创作想象2.Discussion about the History-Intoned Group Poems of Taoist Poet Wujun of the Tang Dynasty;试论唐代道教诗人吴筠的咏史组诗3.The Spreading of Taoist and the Fable of Pangu in Ethnic Minority Groups;道教传播与少数民族盘古神话5)  religious Daoism道教1.Both philosophical Daoism and religious Daoism,they hold tourism aesthetics which insists that man is an integral part of nature.道家、道教文化是中国传统文化的三大组成部分之一,理应成为我国休闲旅游业的重要内核。2.The Theroist of religious Daoism demonstrated "the long life and celestial"and expounded the ways and methods of acquiring Tao and becoming the celestial ,which layed a foundation about the theory of "the long life and celestial".道教理论家对神仙即长生不死的人的系统论证以及对得道成仙的途径和方法的阐扬,使道教的长生成仙说获得了一定的理论依据。3.From a historical point of view, the philosophical Daoism had the characteristics of philosophical thought in pre-Qin,but the religious Daoism had the characteristics of religious belief in Han danasty.从历史角度看,以哲学、思想理论为主导的老庄道家创立于前(先秦),以宗教信仰为主旨的道教建立于后(东汉以降),随之而来的是道家与道教的融合、涵化、整合、熔铸,亦道家亦道教,亦道教亦道家。6)  Tao道教1.Doctrine Fangxian in YanQi and the Arising of Tao;燕齐方仙道与道教的出现2.The ban of holding woman for joys is a key barrier in the becoming celestial being in Tao.道教成仙得道考验,女色也往往是重要一关。