Touch me, it's so easy to leave me.

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/30 03:51:07
在寒风中等待了很久一起观影的人,进去后情绪也起起落落,很多时候都沉浸在自己的心情世界里,当主题曲《Memory》的音乐响起,依莲娜·佩吉的歌声响起的时候,我突然有了一种新生的感觉,那种新的希望和生机从天而降,事实上,自己这段时间心情和情绪一直不稳定,时时在怀疑和忧伤,否定和落寞的情绪里挣扎,当听到这首歌缓缓响起,并在结尾处清晰的听到:Look, a new day will begin!
也一直期待自己会写出什么感人至深的影评,但是不知道为什么,看完《猫》后的第一感觉,是那种表面上其实挺悲伤,但其实还是透着快乐和开心的积极,当时看完心情愉快的离开演出现场,走在回家的路上甚至都没有什么,但事后的这几天后,仔细一边听《Memory》的音乐,一边看着它的歌词的时候,一种淡淡的忧伤涌上心头。尤其到那句:Touch me, it's so easy to leave me. All alone with the memory of my days in the sun. If you touch me,You'll understand what happiness is. Look! A new day has begun.(靠近我,因为离开我是那么容易;我在阳光下独自回忆昨日美好时光,如果你靠近我,你将明白快乐的意义;看,新的一天就将开始!),忍不住动容,唉,谁又能明白快乐的真正含义呢,尤其一个人的快乐为了另一个人的快乐的时候......
Midnight, not a sound from the pavement     午夜、路上寂静无声
Has the moon lost her memory           月亮也消逝了她的记忆嗎?
She is smiling alone               她笑得多么孤寂
In the lamplight                 街灯下
The withered leaves collect at my feet     枯叶在我的脚下堆积
And the wind begins to moan           风儿也开始哀鸣
Memory, all alone in the moonlight       回忆,当我独自在月光里
I can smile at the old days           我的笑容只在往昔
I was beautiful then              那时我多幺美丽
I remember the time I knew what happiness was 回忆当时才知快乐是什幺
Let the memory live again            让回忆重新降临
Every street lamp seems to beat               每一盏街灯闪烁,
A fatalistic warning               似乎在揭示着宿命的警告
Someone mutters and the street lamp sputters  有人在嘟哝和低语
and Soon it will be morning           而清晨就将很快来临
Daylight, I must wait for the sunrise      晨曦中,我等待太阳升起
I must think of a new life            我必须思考新的生活
And I mustn't give in               而我不能放弃
When the dawn comes                当黎明到来
Tonight will be a memory, too          今夜也将会成为回忆
And a new day will begin             新的一天就要开启
Burnt out ends of smoky days            每日都像燃烧的烟雾
The stale, cold smell of morning          霉味充满着清晨的空气
The street lamp dies                街灯熄灭了
Another night is over                又是一夜过去
Another day is dawning               又是一个黎明将至
Touch me, it's so easy to leave me         靠近我,因为离开我多幺容易
All alone with the memory of my days in the sun  让我独自回忆,回忆昨日美丽
If you touch me                   如果你靠近我
You'll understand what happiness is        你将明白快乐的意义
Look! A new day has begun             看!新的一天已经来临