Hitwise UK

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/27 13:49:30
Hitwise UK - Top 20 Websites - February, 2008
This list features the most popular websites based on UK Internet usage for February, 2008, ranked by market share of visits across all Hitwise industries.

Rank Website Market Share
1. www.google.co.uk 7.73%
2. mail.live.com 3.12%
3. www.ebay.co.uk 2.73%
4. www.facebook.com 1.9%
5. uk.msn.com 1.72%
6. www.google.com 1.71%
7. www.bebo.com 1.45%
8. www.youtube.com 1.23%
9. news.bbc.co.uk 0.95%
10. www.myspace.com 0.9%
11. uk.mail.yahoo.com 0.86%
12. www.bbc.co.uk 0.84%
13. www.microsoft.com 0.84%
14. uk.yahoo.com 0.81%
15. www.orange.co.uk 0.73%
16. images.google.co.uk 0.6%
17. www.wikipedia.org 0.59%
18. news.bbc.co.uk/sport 0.54%
19. www.amazon.co.uk 0.49%
20. www.msn.com 0.46%
Note - the Hitwise data featured is based on UK market share of visits, which is the percentage of online traffic to the domain or industry, from the Hitwise sample of 8.4 million Internet users in the UK. Hitwise measures more than 1 million unique websites on a daily basis, including sub-domains of larger websites. Hitwise categorises websites into industries on the basis of subject matter and content, as well as market orientation and competitive context.
Source -Hitwise - February, 2008 - based on market share of visits.