
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/27 20:49:59

HANGZHOU, China (AP) -- China rolled out its fastest train yet on Tuesday and announced that the Three Gorges Dam, the world\'s biggest hydroelectric project, is now generating electricity at maximum capacity -- engineering triumphs that signal the nation\'s growing ambitions as its economy booms.

中国周二向世界宣布已经研制出目前世界上最快的列车并且宣布世界最庞大的水电项目—三峡大坝现在正以最大装机容量运转中---工程技术方面的突破向世人昭示着伴随着经济领域的繁荣,这个国家的雄心也越来越大。 CHN强网社区 bbs.chnqiang.com

The successes demonstrate how, after decades of acquiring technology from the west, Beijing has begun to push the limits of its new capabilities, setting the bar higher on mega-projects as it seeks to promote the image of a powerful, modern China. But many of these initiatives have come at great human and environmental cost, and some have questioned whether the country fosters a sufficiently innovative spirit to compete on the next level.

这一系列的成就说明了,通过数十年来不断地从西方获取技术,北京的胃口也变得越来越大了,为了提升自身形象以向世人展现一个强大而又现代化的中国,北京正逐渐提高大型工程项目的技术门槛。但是其中的许多成就都是以牺牲大量的人力以及环境资源为代价的,于是开始有人质疑国家是否有足够的创新精神来应付接下来更高层次的竞争。军事战略站 www.chnqiang.com


Still in the works: more nuclear power plants, a gargantuan project to pump river water from the fertile south to the arid north, and a $32.5 billion, 820-mile (1,300-kilometer) Beijing-to-Shanghai high-speed railway that is scheduled to open in 2012.

中国目前在建的工程有:更多的核电站,南水北调工程以及耗资325亿美元,全长820英里(合计1300公里)的京沪高铁计划将在2012年全线开通 bbs.chnqiang.com 军事论坛

\"We are now much faster,\" Railway Ministry spokesman Wang Yongping said at Tuesday\'s inauguration of the super-fast line from Shanghai\'s western suburb of Hongqiao to the resort city of Hangzhou. \"Now other countries are hoping to cooperate with us.\"

“我们的列车现在可以运行的更快了,”铁道部发言人王勇平在周二的沪杭高铁(上海虹桥至旅游城市杭州)的落成仪式上这么说道“现在其他国家都很期待与我们合作”bbs.chnqiang.com 军事论坛


The train will cruise at a top speed of 220 mph (350 kph), making the 125-mile (200-kilometer) trip in 45 minutes.

China already has the world\'s longest high-speed rail network and aims to more than double its length to 10,000 miles (16,000 kilometers) by 2020.bbs.chnqiang.com 军事论坛



中国现在已经修建了世界上最长的高速铁路网而且它的目标是到2020年为止要使现有的高铁里程数翻番达到10000英里(16000公里) www.chnqiang.com 最好军事战略资讯站

Chinese companies are also vying for projects overseas, including in the U.S., which leads the world in freight railway technology but has almost no high-speed rail expertise. That\'s a mark of how well and quickly the technology has been adopted by Chinese companies, who have traditionally only been able to compete on price in bidding for railway and other basic infrastructure projects in the developing world.

中国的企业也正在海外竞争工程,包括在美国,这个曾经在货运铁路技术上领先全球的国家现在连一条像样的高速铁路都没有。这意味着中国的企业已经很好地消化了那些技术(西方技术),要知道曾经的中国企业只能够在发展中国家的基础设施建设中参与投标。 bbs.chnqiang.com 军事论坛
