美国图书馆电子书调查揭开电子书峰会序幕 学海拾贝 学海拾贝 图谋博客

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/29 03:34:29



分类:学海拾贝2010.10.4 22:53 作者:a | 评论:0 | 阅读:166

图谋按:美国《图书馆杂志》(LJ)和《学校图书馆杂志》(School Library Journal)出版商Ian Singer,介绍了该集团“电子书:以图书馆为引爆点”首次虚拟峰会,基于公共图书馆、学校图书馆和高校图书馆电子书专项调查结果。Singer报道,顾客(用户)阅读电子书的头号障碍是这三种类型图书馆的许多用户并不了解电子书在这些机构中的可用性。这项调查围绕以下几个目的:填补关于图书馆里电子书的信息沟;评估渗透到图书馆渠道中的电子书;了解图书馆里的电子书现状基准;了解电子书在这一领域的发展趋势并加以预测。Singer筛选了调查结果,归结为4个要点:电子书的可用性;电子书流通;电子阅读设备出租;电子书预算。
信息来源:David Rapp.Ebook Summit Kicks Off with Library Ebook Survey Results.http://www.libraryjournal.com/lj/home/887020-264/ebook_summit_kicks_off_with.html.csp
Ian Singer, publisher of LJ and School Library Journal, introduced the group's first virtual summit, Ebooks: Libraries at the Tipping Point, with results from a proprietary survey on ebooks in public, school, and academic libraries. The number one barrier to a patron's reading an ebook, Singer reported, was that many patrons across all three types of libraries are unaware of ebooks' availability in their institutions.
Nevertheless, the survey, "The Growing Importance of Ebooks in U.S. Library Collections," reveals the inroads ebooks are making at libraries nationwide. It had a total of 1,842 respondents, with 781 from public libraries, 364 from academic libraries, and 697 from school libraries.

The survey serves several purposes: to fill an information gap about ebooks in libraries, to measure the penetration of ebooks into library channels, to benchmark the current state of ebooks in libraries, and to identify trends and help predict the future in this area.

"We believe libraries will play a critical role in larger ebook adoption," Singer told the over 2100 attendees. They included 820 from public libraries, 435 from academic libraries, and 468 from school libraries. Among those participating in the summit, there were also 112 from publishers and 47 from nonsponsoring vendors, as well as 66 MLS students.

Singer went on to present selected findings from the survey. A few highlights:

Ebook availability
Academic libraries, in particular, appear to have embraced ebooks, with only 6% of academic library respondents not delivering ebooks to their users; the average number of ebooks available in academic libraries that do provide them was 33,830.

Among public libraries, 28% of respondents said that they carried no ebooks, but those that did had on average 1,529 ebooks.

School libraries had the fewest ebooks, with 67% reporting none, and, on average, only 49 ebooks available at those that did have ebooks.

Ebook circulation
What of the future? Most respondents agreed that ebook circulation will be on the rise over the next year. Large majorities of public (84%), academic (77%), and school libraries (65%) believed it would increase, while only 1% in each category believed ebook circulation would decrease.

The majority of respondents did not believe, however, that the popularity of ebooks was having any impact on increased circulation of other formats such as print or media for this new category of library users.

Ereading devices for loan?
The survey indicated that many patrons, at least in the short term, will be unable to borrow ereaders from the library.

The large majority of libraries in the survey (69% of public, 63% of academic, and 57% of school libraries) do not loan ereaders. Only 7% of public, 11% of academic, and 6% of school libraries said they do so, with 24%, 26%, and 37%, respectively, considering it.

Ebook budgets
The survey also indicated that the amount that libraries spend on ebooks, while relatively small now, is growing considerably.

Public libraries spend a mean of 2.5% of their materials budget on ebooks, with school libraries slightly higher at 2.7%. However, in five years, that percentage, for both public and school libraries, is predicted to increase to 7.4%.

Academic libraries surveyed spend more, with a mean percentage of 7.2% currently, expected to go up to 18% in five years.


ebooks: Libraries at the Tipping Point.http://ebook-summit.com/
ebooks: Libraries at the Tipping Point will bring together public libraries, academic libraries, and school libraries (K-12) in a day-long virtual conference environment. The day will be presented online and will include keynote presentations and panel discussions on the evolving concept of the book in a digital world and will keep participants future-focused and actively engaged in visioning and assuring an exciting role for libraries. Attendees will have access to webcasts and live chat rooms as well as the ability to interact with speakers and exhibitors.
Librarians and library administrators will learn about current best practices for library ebook collections and explore new and evolving models for ebook content discovery and delivery.
Publishers and content creators will learn how to effectively identify and develop the ‘right’ content offerings for each segment of the relatively untapped library ebook market.
Ebook platform vendors and device manufacturers will learn just what libraries need and want in this rapidly changing environment.
