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这个of all times的榜单涵盖面非常广,既有古典世界名著,又有当代经典,既有所谓严肃小说,也有像早期被认为是低俗小说的间谍小说和惊悚小说作品。
The 100 greatest novels of all time as listed in The Observer
1. Don Quixote 《堂吉訶德》Miguel De Cervantes 【PDF+EXE格式下载】
The story of the gentle knight and his servant Sancho Panza has entranced readers for centuries.
2. Pilgrim's Progress《天路历程》 John Bunyan 【PDF格式下载】
The one with the Slough of Despond and Vanity Fair.
3. Robinson Crusoe《鲁滨逊漂流记》 Daniel Defoe 【PDF格式下载】
The first English novel.
4. Gulliver's Travels《格列佛游记》 Jonathan Swift 【PDF+EXE格式下载】
A wonderful satire that still works for all ages, despite the savagery of Swift's vision.
5. Tom Jones《弃儿汤姆·琼斯的历史》 Henry Fielding 【PDF+EXE格式下载】
The adventures of a high-spirited orphan boy: an unbeatable plot and a lot of sex ending in a blissful marriage.
6. Clarissa《克拉丽莎》 Samuel Richardson 【HTML格式全套下载(共10本)】
One of the longest novels in the English language, but unputdownable.
7. Tristram Shandy《项狄传》 Laurence Sterne 【PDF格式下载】
One of the first bestsellers, dismissed by Dr Johnson as too fashionable for its own good.
8. Dangerous Liaisons Pierre Choderlos De Laclos
An epistolary novel and a handbook for seducers: foppish, French, and ferocious.
9. Emma《爱玛》 Jane Austen 【PDF格式下载】【在线阅读】
Near impossible choice between this and Pride and Prejudice. But Emma never fails to fascinate and annoy.
10. Frankenstein《弗兰肯斯坦》 Mary Shelley【PDF格式下载】
Inspired by spending too much time with Shelley and Byron.
11. Nightmare Abbey《噩梦隐修院》 Thomas Love Peacock 【PDF格式下载】
A classic miniature: a brilliant satire on the Romantic novel.
12. The Black Sheep《黑羊》 Honore De Balzac 【PDF格式下载】
Two rivals fight for the love of a femme fatale. Wrongly overlooked.
13. The Charterhouse of Parma《巴马修道院》 Stendhal 【在线阅读】
Penetrating and compelling chronicle of life in an Italian court in post-Napoleonic France.
14. The Count of Monte Cristo《基督山伯爵》 Alexandre Dumas 【PDF格式下载】
A revenge thriller also set in France after Bonaparte: a masterpiece of adventure writing.
15. Sybil Benjamin Disraeli 【PDF格式下载】
Apart from Churchill, no other British political figure shows literary genius.
16. David Copperfield《大卫·科波菲尔》 Charles Dickens 【PDF格式下载】
This highly autobiographical novel is the one its author liked best.
17. Wuthering Heights《呼啸山庄》Emily Bronte 【PDF+EXE格式下载】
Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff have passed into the language. Impossible to ignore.
18. Jane Eyre《简·爱》 Charlotte Bronte 【PDF+EXE格式下载】
Obsessive emotional grip and haunting narrative.
19. Vanity Fair《名利场》 William Makepeace Thackeray 【PDF+EXE格式下载】
The improving tale of Becky Sharp.
20. The Scarlet Letter《红字》 Nathaniel Hawthorne【PDF格式下载】
A classic investigation of the American mind.
21. Moby-Dick《白鲸记》 Herman Melville 【PDF+EXE格式下载】
'Call me Ishmael' is one of the most famous opening sentences of any novel.
22. Madame Bovary《包法利夫人》 Gustave Flaubert 【PDF+EXE格式下载】
You could summarise this as a story of adultery in provincial France, and miss the point entirely.
23. The Woman in White《白衣女郎》 Wilkie Collins 【PDF格式下载】
Gripping mystery novel of concealed identity, abduction, fraud and mental cruelty.
24. Alice's Adventures In Wonderland《爱丽丝漫游奇境》 Lewis Carroll 【PDF格式下载】
A story written for the nine-year-old daughter of an Oxford don that still baffles most kids.
25. Little Women《小妇人》 Louisa M. Alcott 【PDF格式下载】
Victorian bestseller about a New England family of girls.
26. The Way We Live Now《我们的生活方式》 Anthony Trollope 【PDF格式下载】
A majestic assault on the corruption of late Victorian England.
27. Anna Karenina《安娜·卡列尼娜》 Leo Tolstoy 【PDF+EXE格式下载】
The supreme novel of the married woman's passion for a younger man.
28. Daniel Deronda《丹尼尔的半生缘》 George Eliot 【PDF格式下载】
A passion and an exotic grandeur that is strange and unsettling.
29. The Brothers Karamazov Fyodor Dostoevsky【PDF格式下载】
Mystical tragedy by the author of Crime and Punishment.
30. The Portrait of a Lady《贵妇人画像》 Henry James 【PDF+EXE格式】
The story of Isabel Archer shows James at his witty and polished best.
31. Huckleberry Finn《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》 Mark Twain 【PDF+EXE格式】
Twain was a humorist, but this picture of Mississippi life is profoundly moral and still incredibly influential.
32. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde《化身博士》 Robert Louis Stevenson【PDF格式下载】
A brilliantly suggestive, resonant study of human duality by a natural storyteller.
33. Three Men in a Boat《三人同舟》 Jerome K. Jerome 【PDF格式下载】
One of the funniest English books ever written.
34. The Picture of Dorian Gray《道林·格雷的画像》 Oscar Wilde 【PDF格式下载】
A coded and epigrammatic melodrama inspired by his own tortured homosexuality.
35. The Diary of a Nobody《小人物日记》 George Grossmith 【PDF格式下载】
This classic of Victorian suburbia will always be renowned for the character of Mr Pooter.
36. Jude the Obscure《无名的裘德》 Thomas Hardy 【PDF格式下载】
Its savage bleakness makes it one of the first twentieth-century novels.
37. The Riddle of the Sands《沙岸之谜》 Erskine Childers 【PDF格式下载】
A prewar invasion-scare spy thriller by a writer later shot for his part in the Irish republican rising.
38. The Call of the Wild《野性的呼唤》 Jack London 【PDF格式下载】
The story of a dog who joins a pack of wolves after his master's death.
39. Nostromo《诺斯托罗莫》 Joseph Conrad 【PDF格式下载】
Conrad's masterpiece: a tale of money, love and revolutionary politics.
40. The Wind in the Willows《柳林风声》 Kenneth Grahame 【在线阅读】
This children's classic was inspired by bedtime stories for Grahame's son.
41. In Search of Lost Time《追忆似水年华》 Marcel Proust 【PDF+EXE格式下载】
An unforgettable portrait of Paris in the belle epoque. Probably the longest novel on this list.
42. The Rainbow《虹》 D. H. Lawrence 【PDF格式下载】
Novels seized by the police, like this one, have a special afterlife.
43. The Good Soldier《好兵》 Ford Madox Ford 【PDF格式下载】
This account of the adulterous lives of two Edwardian couples is a classic of unreliable narration.
44. The Thirty-Nine Steps《三十九级台阶》 John Buchan 【PDF格式下载】
A classic adventure story for boys, jammed with action, violence and suspense.
45. Ulysses《尤利西斯》 James Joyce 【PDF格式下载】
Also pursued by the British police, this is a novel more discussed than read.
46. Mrs Dalloway《达洛维夫人》 Virginia Woolf 【PDF格式下载】
Secures Woolf's position as one of the great twentieth-century English novelists.
47. A Passage to India《印度之行》 E. M. Forster 【PDF格式下载】
The great novel of the British Raj, it remains a brilliant study of empire.
48. The Great Gatsby《了不起的盖茨比》 F. Scott Fitzgerald 【PDF格式下载】
The quintessential Jazz Age novel.
49. The Trial《审判》 Franz Kafka 【PDF+EXE格式下载】
The enigmatic story of Joseph K.
50. Men Without Women《没有女人的男人》 Ernest Hemingway 【PDF格式下载】
He is remembered for his novels, but it was the short stories that first attracted notice.
51. Journey to the End of the Night《暗夜旅程》 Louis-Ferdinand Celine 【PDF格式下载】
The experiences of an unattractive slum doctor during the Great War: a masterpiece of linguistic innovation.
52. As I Lay Dying《我弥留之际》 William Faulkner 【PDF格式下载】
A strange black comedy by an American master.
53. Brave New World Revisited 《重访美丽新世界》Aldous Huxley 【PDF格式下载】
Dystopian fantasy about the world of the seventh century AF (after Ford).
54. Scoop《独家新闻》 Evelyn Waugh【PDF格式下载】
The supreme Fleet Street novel.
55. USA《美国三部曲》 John Dos Passos 《PDF格式下载》
An extraordinary trilogy that uses a variety of narrative devices to express the story of America.
56. The Big Sleep《夜长梦多》 Raymond Chandler 【PDF格式下载】
Introducing Philip Marlowe: cool, sharp, handsome - and bitterly alone.
57. The Pursuit Of Love Nancy Mitford
An exquisite comedy of manners with countless fans.
58. The Plague《瘟疫》 Albert Camus 【PDF格式下载】
A mysterious plague sweeps through the Algerian town of Oran.
59. Nineteen Eighty-Four《1984》 George Orwell 【PDF+EXE格式下载】
This tale of one man's struggle against totalitarianism has been appropriated the world over.
60. Malone Dies《马龙之死》 Samuel Beckett 【PDF格式下载】
Part of a trilogy of astonishing monologues in the black comic voice of the author of Waiting for Godot.
61. Catcher in the Rye《麦田里的守望者》 J.D. Salinger 【PDF格式下载】
A week in the life of Holden Caulfield. A cult novel that still mesmerises.
62. Wise Blood Flannery O'Connor
A disturbing novel of religious extremism set in the Deep South.
63. Charlotte's Web《夏洛特的网》 E. B. White 【DOC格式下载】
How Wilbur the pig was saved by the literary genius of a friendly spider.
64. The Lord Of The Rings《魔戒|指环王全集》 J. R. R. Tolkien 【EXE格式全套下载】
Enough said!
65. Lucky Jim《幸运的吉姆》 Kingsley Amis 【PDF格式下载】
An astonishing debut: the painfully funny English novel of the Fifties.
66. Lord of the Flies《蝇王》 William Golding 【PDF格式下载】
Schoolboys become savages: a bleak vision of human nature.
67. The Quiet American《沉静的美国人》 Graham Greene 【PDF格式下载】
Prophetic novel set in 1950s Vietnam.
68 On the Road《在路上》 Jack Kerouac 【PDF格式下载】
The Beat Generation bible.
69. Lolita《洛丽塔》 Vladimir Nabokov 【PDF格式下载】
Humbert Humbert's obsession with Lolita is a tour de force of style and narrative.
70. The Tin Drum《铁皮鼓》 Gunter Grass 【PDF+EXE格式下载】
Hugely influential, Rabelaisian novel of Hitler's Germany.
71. Things Fall Apart《生命中不可曾受之轻》 Chinua Achebe 【小说在线阅读】 【PDF格式下载】
Nigeria at the beginning of colonialism. A classic of African literature.
72. The Prime of Miss Jean《春风不化雨》 Brodie Muriel Spark 【PDF格式下载】
A writer who made her debut in The Observer - and her prose is like cut glass.
73. To Kill A Mockingbird《杀死一只知更鸟》 Harper Lee 【PDF格式下载】
Scout, a six-year-old girl, narrates an enthralling story of racial prejudice in the Deep South.
74. Catch-22《第二十二条军规》 Joseph Heller 【PDF+EXE格式下载】
'[He] would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn't, but if he was sane he had to fly them. If he flew them he was crazy and didn't have to; if he didn't want to he was sane and had to.'
75. Herzog Saul Bellow
Adultery and nervous breakdown in Chicago.
76. One Hundred Years of Solitude【百年孤独】 Gabriel Garcia Marquez 【PDF+EXE格式下载】
A postmodern masterpiece.
77. Mrs Palfrey at the Claremont Elizabeth Taylor
A haunting, understated study of old age.
78. Tinker Tailor Soldier《锅匠,裁缝,士兵,间谍》 Spy John Le Carre 【LIT格式下载】
A thrilling elegy for post-imperial Britain.
79. Song of Solomon Toni Morrison
The definitive novelist of the African-American experience.
80. The Bottle Factory Outing Beryl Bainbridge
Macabre comedy of provincial life.
81. The Executioner's Song《刽子手之歌》 Norman Mailer 【PDF格式下载】
This quasi-documentary account of the life and death of Gary Gilmore is possibly his masterpiece.
82. If on a Winter's Night a Traveller Italo Calvino
A strange, compelling story about the pleasures of reading.
83. A Bend in the River《河湾》 V. S. Naipaul 【PDF格式下载】
The finest living writer of English prose. This is his masterpiece: edgily reminiscent of Heart of Darkness.
84. Waiting for the Barbarians J.M. Coetzee
Bleak but haunting allegory of apartheid by the Nobel prizewinner.
85. Housekeeping《管家》 Marilynne Robinson 【PDF格式下载】
Haunting, poetic story, drowned in water and light, about three generations of women.
86. Lanark: A Life in Four Books《兰纳克:生活四部书》 Alasdair Gray 【PDF格式下载】
Seething vision of Glasgow. A Scottish classic.
87. The New York Trilogy《纽约三部曲》 Paul Auster 【PDF格式下载】
Dazzling metaphysical thriller set in the Manhattan of the 1970s.
88. The BFG Roald Dahl
A bestseller by the most popular postwar writer for children of all ages.
89. The Periodic Table Primo Levi
A prose poem about the delights of chemistry.
90. Money《钱》 Martin Amis 【PDF格式下载】
The novel that bags Amis's place on any list.
91. An Artist of the Floating World《浮世画家》 Kazuo Ishiguro 【PDF格式下载】
A collaborator from prewar Japan reluctantly discloses his betrayal of friends and family.
92. Oscar And Lucinda《奥斯卡与露辛达》 Peter Carey 【PDF格式下载】
A great contemporary love story set in nineteenth-century Australia by double Booker prizewinner.
93. The Book of Laughter and Forgetting Milan Kundera
Inspired by the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, this is a magical fusion of history, autobiography and ideas.
94. Haroun and the Sea of Stories Salman Rushdie
In this entrancing story Rushdie plays with the idea of narrative itself.
95. La Confidential《洛城机密》 James Ellroy 【PDF格式下载】
Three LAPD detectives are brought face to face with the secrets of their corrupt and violent careers.
96. Wise Children Angela Carter
A theatrical extravaganza by a brilliant exponent of magic realism.
97. Atonement《赎罪》 Ian McEwan 【PDF+HTML格式下载】
Acclaimed short-story writer achieves a contemporary classic of mesmerising narrative conviction.
98. Northern Lights《黑暗元素三部曲》 Philip Pullman 【1黄金罗盘PDF】【2奥秘匕首PDF】【3琥珀望远镜PDF】
「黑暗元素三部曲」,本书原书名为「Northern Lights」,意为「北方之光」,或指北极光。
Lyra's quest weaves fantasy, horror and the play of ideas into a truly great contemporary children's book.
99. American Pastoral《美国牧歌》 Philip Roth 【DOC格式下载】
For years, Roth was famous for Portnoy's Complaint . Recently, he has enjoyed an extraordinary revival.
100. Austerlitz W. G. Sebald
Posthumously published volume in a sequence of dream-like fictions spun from memory, photographs and the German past.