Nature Immunol:免疫学里的阳光效应

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太阳可以暖和皮肤,可能也可以让人类免受疾病困扰,来自斯坦福大学的Hekla  Sigmundsdottir、Junliang  Pan和他们的同事称。此项研究成果发表在近日的《Nature  Immunol.》杂志上,感兴趣的读者可以参看英文原文。

   研究小组让树突细胞——一类免疫细胞——暴露在维生素D之下(维生素D是皮肤在阳光下可以自发合成的)。维生素可以刺激树突细胞,同时还可以刺激T细胞(另外一类免疫细胞),刺激它们将维生素D转化为化学上的活化状态。这种活化态的维生素D诱导T细胞在细胞表面表达一些特殊的“归巢分子”(homing  molecule),并在这些分子的引导下,T细胞聚集到皮肤组织。



   美国加州斯坦福大学的Eugene  Butcher及其同事们发现了人类皮肤中一个有趣的免疫过程。皮肤中被称为树突状细胞的免疫细胞能够将维生素D3(在皮肤暴露于阳光时产生)转化为其活性形式。Butcher的研究小组发现:这种活跃的维生素D3会使得T细胞迁移到皮肤的最表层。T细胞是能够杀死损坏细胞和感染细胞的免疫细胞,它们也会控制其他的免疫细胞。

    研究人员表示:该发现解释了一旦皮肤遭受了某种太阳激发  DNA  损伤,T细胞如何获知并到达皮肤表层的原因。

    参与研究的Hekla  Sigmundsdottir表示:只要不过量,阳光对人类健康有益。她指出牛皮癣有时可以通过使用维生素D3软膏治愈,据她推测可能就是通过将T细胞吸引到了皮肤表层而起到了作用。




DCs metabolize sunlight-induced vitamin D3 to 'program' T cell attraction to the epidermal chemokine CCL27

HeklaSigmundsdottir1, 2, 4, Junliang Pan1, 2, 4, Gudrun F Debes1, 2, CarstenAlt1, 2, Aida Habtezion1, 2, Dulce Soler3 & Eugene C Butcher1, 2

1  Laboratory of Immunology and Vascular Biology,Department of Pathology, Stanford University School of Medicine,Stanford, California 94305, USA.

2  The Center for Molecular Biology and Medicine,Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System, Palo Alto, California94304, USA.

3  Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA.

4  These authors contributed equally to this work.

Correspondence should be addressed to Eugene C Butcher

Duringadaptive immune responses, dendritic cells activate T cells and endowthem with specific homing properties. Mechanisms that 'imprint' specifictropisms, however, are not well defined. We show here that 1,25(OH)2D3,the active form of vitamin D3, signaled T cells to express CC chemokinereceptor 10, which enabled them to migrate to the skin-specificchemokine CCL27 secreted by keratinocytes of the epidermis. In contrast,1,25(OH)2D3 suppressed the gut-homing receptors 47and CCR9. Vitamin D3, the inactive prohormone naturally generated inthe skin by exposure to the sun, was processed by dendritic cells and Tcells to the active metabolite, providing a mechanism for the localregulation of T cell 'epidermotropism'. Our findings support a model inwhich dendritic cells process and 'interpret' locally producedmetabolites to 'program' T cell homing and microenvironmentalpositioning.
