译言网 | 地壳构造板块的新景像:地球地幔流,板块移动,以及断层区域的计算机模型

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/30 14:01:59



于2010-09-03 14:36:01翻译 | 已有171人浏览


Tags:地壳构造 | 计算机仿真 | 地球模型

ScienceDaily(Aug. 30, 2010) — Computational scientistsand geophysicists at theUniversity of Texas at Austin and the CaliforniaInstitute of Technology(Caltech) have developed new computer algorithms thatfor the first timeallow for the simultaneous modeling of Earth's mantle flow,large-scaletectonic plate motions, and the behavior of individual fault zones,toproduce an unprecedented view of plate tectonics and the forces thatdriveit.


科学日报(2010年8月30日) — 位于奥斯汀的德克萨斯州立大学与加利福尼亚理工学院的计算机科学家同地球物理学家为首次建立兼顾地幔流动,大尺寸地壳板块运动,以及独立断层活动的实时模型,开发出新的计算机算法,用以制造一个史无前例的显示板块构造以及驾驭它的力的图像。

Apaper describing the whole-earth model and itsunderlying algorithmswill be published in the August 27 issue of the journalScience and alsofeatured on the cover.


Thework "illustrates the interplay between makingimportant advances inscience and pushing the envelope of computationalscience," says MichaelGurnis, the John E. and Hazel S. Smits Professor ofGeophysics, directorof the Caltech Seismological Laboratory, and a coauthor ofthe Sciencepaper.


Tocreate the new model, computational scientists atTexas's Institute forComputational Engineering and Sciences (ICES) -- a teamthat includedOmar Ghattas, the John A. and Katherine G. Jackson Chair inComputationalGeosciences and professor of geological sciences and mechanicalengineering,and research associates Georg Stadler and Carsten Burstedde-- pushed theenvelope of a computational technique known as AdaptiveMesh Refinement (AMR).

为建立这个新模型,德克萨斯计算机工程与科学学院(ICES)的计算机科学家们 —— 一个包括奥马尔·伽特斯,计算机地球科学系主任,地质学和机械工程学教授约翰·A同凯瑟琳·G·杰克森,以及研究合伙人格奥尔格·斯泰德勒和卡斯滕·布斯特德 —— 增强被称为自适应精细网格的计算机技术系统的运行能力

Partialdifferential equations such as those describingmantle flow are solvedby subdividing the region of interest (such as themantle) into acomputational grid. Ordinarily, the resolution is kept thesamethroughout the grid. However, many problems feature small-scaledynamics thatare found only in limited regions. "AMR methods adaptivelycreate finer resolutiononly where it's needed," explains Ghattas. "Thisleads to hugereductions in the number of grid points, making possiblesimulations that werepreviously out of reach."


"Thecomplexity of managing adaptivity amongthousands of processors,however, has meant that current AMR algorithms havenot scaled well onmodern petascale supercomputers," he adds. Petascalecomputers arecapable of one million billion operations per second. To overcomethislong-standing problem, the group developed new algorithms that,Bursteddesays, "allows for adaptivity in a way that scales to thehundreds ofthousands of processor cores of the largest supercomputersavailabletoday."


Withthe new algorithms, the scientists were able tosimulate global mantleflow and how it manifests as plate tectonics and themotion of individualfaults. According to Stadler, the AMR algorithms reducedthe size of thesimulations by a factor of 5,000, permitting them to fit onfewer than10,000 processors and run overnight on the Ranger supercomputer attheNational Science Foundation (NSF)-supported Texas Advanced ComputingCenter.


Akey to the model was the incorporation of data on amultitude of scales."Many natural processes display a multitude ofphenomena on a wide rangeof scales, from small to large," Gurnisexplains. For example, at thelargest scale -- that of the whole earth -- themovement of the surfacetectonic plates is a manifestation of a giant heatengine, driven by theconvection of the mantle below. The boundaries betweenthe plates,however, are composed of many hundreds to thousands of individualfaults,which together constitute active fault zones. "The individualfaultzones play a critical role in how the whole planet works," he says,"andif you can't simulate the fault zones, you can't simulate platemovement"-- and, in turn, you can't simulate the dynamics of the wholeplanet.


Inthe new model, the researchers were able to resolvethe largest faultzones, creating a mesh with a resolution of about onekilometer near theplate boundaries. Included in the simulation wereseismological data aswell as data pertaining to the temperature of the rocks,their density,and their viscosity -- or how strong or weak the rocks are,which affectshow easily they deform. That deformation is nonlinear -- withsimplechanges producing unexpected and complex effects.


"Normally,when you hit a baseball with a bat, theproperties of the bat don'tchange -- it won't turn to Silly Putty. In theearth, the properties dochange, which creates an exciting computationalproblem," says Gurnis."If the system is too nonlinear, the earthbecomes too mushy; if it's notnonlinear enough, plates won't move. We need tohit the 'sweet spot.'"


Aftercrunching through the data for 100,000 hours ofprocessing time per run,the model returned an estimate of the motion of bothlarge tectonicplates and smaller microplates -- including their speed anddirection.The results were remarkably close to observed plate movements.


Infact, the investigators discovered that anomalousrapid motion ofmicroplates emerged from the global simulations. "In thewesternPacific," Gurnis says, "we have some of the most rapidtectonic motionsseen anywhere on Earth, in a process called 'trench rollback.'For thefirst time, we found that these small-scale tectonic motions emergedfromthe global models, opening a new frontier in geophysics."


Onesurprising result from the model relates to theenergy released fromplates in earthquake zones. "It had been thought thatthe majority ofenergy associated with plate tectonics is released when platesbend, butit turns out that's much less important than previouslythought," Gurnissays. "Instead, we found that much of the energydissipation occurs inthe earth's deep interior. We never saw this when welooked on smallerscales."

