===〈DOTA主题曲〉Vi sitter i Ventrilo och spelar D...

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 13:10:50

Vi sitter i Ventrilo och spelar DotA


  非常适合在玩Dota的时候聆听, 保你一路杀敌, 畅通无阻

大婶:你整天就知道坐着用ventrilio(类似于Team speaker的软件)玩Dota

瑞典歌手Basshunter,原名Jonas Erik Altberg,1984年出生与瑞典的哈尔姆斯塔德.今年年初,Basshunter 因“Boten Anna”这首为电子竞技游戏而作的歌曲而出名,整个欧洲的音乐迷都在为这首歌曲而疯狂,这就使得这首歌在电子竞技比较发达的瑞典和荷兰都打进了前三名的排行榜。另外一首走红的歌曲是“Vi sitter I Ventrilo och spelar DotA”意思为我们坐在Ventrilo里打DOTA,(说到DOTA解释下:即”Dota all-star“是目前魔兽RPG中很出名的一张团队作战地图)这首歌MTV的画面是Basshunter和他的队友带着Siberia牌头式通话器一起打DotA,同时这首歌中也收入了许多DotA中有趣的声音;这个MTV中的部分片段曾在瑞典2006年的DreamHack LAN赛事和Malmo的GamersParadise赛事中播放。

That's the only thing you do all day long,
you sit on that ventrilo and play dota.

We're sitting here in ventrilo
playing some dota.
I hear you,man.
We're sitting here in ventrilo
playing some dota.
I feel you,man.
We're sitting here in ventrilo
playing some dota.
We push on and we're owning,
with the opponents we're toying.
We're sitting here in ventrilo
playing some dota.
Running around creeping,
the opponents we're sleeping.
Let's get it on!
We're sitting here in ventrilo
playing some dota.
We push on and we're owning,
with the opponents we're toying.
We're sitting here in ventrilo
playing some dota.
Running around creeping,
the opponents we're sleeping.
playing some dota.
We push on and we're owning,
with the opponents we're toying.
We're sitting here in ventrilo
playing some dota.
Running around creeping,
the opponents we're sleeping.

Have one on the house.
We're sitting here in ventrilo
playing some dota.
I hear you,man.
We're sitting here in ventrilo
playing some dota.
I hear you,man.
We're sitting here in ventrilo
playing some dota.
That's more like it.
We're sitting here in ventrilo
playing some dota.
Excellent choice.
We're sitting here in ventrilo
playing some dota.
We push on and we're owning,
with the opponents we're toying.
We're sitting here in ventrilo
playing some dota.
Running around creeping,
the opponents we're sleeping.
Let's get it on!
We're sitting here in ventrilo
playing some dota.
We push on and we're owning,
with the opponents we're toying.
We're sitting here in ventrilo
playing some dota.
Running around creeping,
the opponents we're sleeping.
We're sitting here in ventrilo
playing some dota.
We push on and we're owning,
with the opponents we're toying.
We're sitting here in ventrilo
playing some dota.
Running around creeping,
the opponents we're sleeping.
Don't worry,
be happy!