
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/29 11:47:54
You wake in the wee hours because the cat's scratching at the door or you have to use the bathroom, then you toss and turn for three hours before dozing fitfully the rest of the night. 因为有只猫在抓门或者你忍不住要上厕所,你在凌晨醒来,然后在床上翻来覆去三个时间才在夜里余下的时间断断续续地睡去。2
Despite being up late the night before, you're wide awake at 6 a.m., feeling like something the aforementioned cat dragged in. 尽管前一天晚上熬夜到很晚,你还是在早晨6点就醒来了,感觉就像上面提到的小猫进来了似的。
You seem to get enough sleep, but you sleep poorly, wake up irritable, and feel tired all day. 你看起来得到了充足的睡眠,但你的睡眠很糟糕、猛然醒来、白天一整天都感觉很疲倦。
No matter how your sleep drama is playing out, chances are there's a physical problem -- or more than one -- at the root of it. The good news is, that also means there's likely a solution. Here, the top ten sleep problems and solutions that really work.不管你的睡眠戏剧是以何种形式表演出来的,都有一个或更多根本上的身体问题。好消息是这意味着有可能的解决方法。这里列举出前十名睡眠问题和有效的解决方案。
1. Middle-of-the-night waking1、半夜醒来
The bane of post-menopausal women, repeated waking in the middle of the night sabotages your sleep in two ways: It prevents you from achieving deep, restful REM sleep; and the lost hours of sleep cut into your beauty rest.卸妆后女性仍会爱到毒害,不断的在半夜醒来以两种方式妨害你的睡眠:它让你无法达到平静的快速眼运睡眠阶段;失去的睡眠时间打断了你的美容觉。
What to do: As soon as you notice this happening, take steps to prevent it from becoming habitual. (Naturally, worrying that you won't be able to fall back asleep makes it harder to sleep.)怎么做:一旦你意识到这种情况发生,采取方法阻止它变成惯常的行为。(当然,担心你不能安然入睡让你入睡更加困难。)
Keep the room dark when you wake up. Keep a small book light or mini flashlight next to your bed and use it to navigate your way to the bathroom, or put a dim night-light in the bathroom and leave the door cracked, so you can find your way there. Whatever you do, don't turn on the overhead light in the bathroom once you're there. 当你醒了要保持室内黑暗。在你的床边放一台读书灯或迷你手电筒,当你去洗手间的时候用它们照明,或者在洗手间安置一盏昏暗的夜明灯并把门打开,这样你就能找到去洗手间的方向。不管你怎么做,一旦你到了那,切忌打开浴室里的顶灯。
Don't turn on the TV or computer. Nope, not even for a few minutes -- the light from the screen "resets" your internal clock, stimulating your central nervous system and making it harder for you to fall back asleep. 不要打开电视或电脑。即便是几分钟都不可以--屏幕射出来的光线会重置你的生物钟,刺激你的中枢神经系统让你更难再次安然入睡。
Don't eat unless you're truly hungry. Getting your digestive system revved up can keep you awake, so avoid snacking unless a growling stomach is going to keep you awake. Better yet, learn the foods that help you sleep as well as the foods that interfere with sleeping. 除非你确实很饿,不要吃东西。让你的消化系统运转起来会让你保持清醒,所以除非咕噜咕噜的肚子让你无法入睡不要去吃点心。更好的方法是,了解什么是可以帮助你入睡的食物,以及什么食物会妨碍你睡眠。
Keep a pen and paper next to your bed. If you're often kept awake by racing thoughts and worries and you tend to make to-do lists in your head, keep a pen or pencil and a small pad of paper handy and write them down. As you put each item down on paper, imagine yourself setting aside that concern. (Again, use a book light; don't turn on the overhead or a bright bedside light to write.) 在床头放支笔和便签。如果你脑中充斥着各种想法和焦虑而无法入睡,你可能在你的脑中计划着一些要做的事情,在手边放一支钢笔或铅笔和一份便笺薄把他们写来来。当你把每一条都写下来了,想像着你把关心的事都放在一边。( 再一次,用一台读书灯;不要打开顶灯或旁边的光线很强的灯。)
Do a simple isolation and relaxation exercise. Relax methodically, starting with your feet: Tense the muscles as hard as you can, then relax each area completely. Do the same with your calves, thighs, buttocks, hands, arms, and on up. By the time you get to your neck and head, you should have banished much of the tension. 做简单的隔离和放松训练。系统地放松,从你的脚部开始:尽量拉紧你的肌肉,然后完全放松每一个部位。同样的方法,放松你的小腿、大腿、臀部、手、臂和其他上面的部位。当你放松到脖子和头部的时候,你应该已经消除了大部分的紧张不安。
2、If you often wake up with a dull headache or sore jaw, you may be grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw while you sleep, a problem called bruxism. While less talked-about than many other conditions, bruxism is actually one of the most common sleep disorders.2、如果你经常醒来的时候有轻微的头痛或下巴肿痛,你可能是在睡觉的时候磨牙或者紧闭牙关,被称为夜间磨牙症。与其他情况相比尽管不是热门话题,夜间磨牙症事实上是最为常见的一种睡眠障碍。
What to do: See your dentist for an exam. Bite problems are often a cause of bruxism, and it's a good idea to check for damage to your teeth. It's likely she'll suggest lifestyle changes, such as cutting out alcohol before bed. If you chew gum, stop -- the habitual chewing action can make it more likely you'll grind your teeth at night. Wearing a dental guard or splint at night is usually the next step for bruxism. Your dentist will fit you with a device that prevents your jaw from clenching. Other treatments include Botox injections to the jaw muscle, and a biofeedback device called Grindcare.怎么做:去看牙医做个检查。咀嚼问题常常是夜间磨牙症的一个原因,检查有没有牙齿损伤是个不错的方法。他可能会建议你改变生活方式,比如睡前不要饮酒。如果你嚼口香糖——停下来——习惯性的咀嚼动作会让你更可能在夜间磨牙。佩戴护齿牙夹板是治疗夜间磨牙症的第二步。你的牙医会用一个设备来阻止你紧闭牙关。其他治疗方法包括在下巴有肌肉中注射肉毒杆菌和Grindcare生物反馈器。
3、The natural internal clock that controls our 24-hour cycle of sleep and waking, circadian rhythms are easily upset by changes in schedule, and they're greatly affected by light and darkness. Jet lag is the best known circadian rhythm disorder, but this sensitive inner clock can also be disrupted by changes in routine resulting in an erratic sleep schedule.3、控制我们24小时睡眠和清醒生理周期的自然生物钟,生理的节奏很容易会被改变的时间表扰乱,他们深受光线和黑暗的影响。时差是我们最为熟悉的生理节奏失调现象,但敏感的生物钟还会因我们睡眠时间不稳定而陷于混乱。
What to do: If you suspect you have a circadian rhythm disorder, take steps to get your body onto a regular sleep schedule. Choose a bedtime and wake-up time that work for you, and follow the same routine each day, even on weekends. This can be tough for those who have to get up early during the week but like to stay up later on weekends, but do your best to craft a compromise between your work week and weekend habits. The important thing is to avoid the trap of sleeping from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. during the week, then suddenly shifting to late nights and late mornings on the weekends. This will inevitably leave you with insomnia on Sunday night, which in turn sets you up to start the week exhausted on Monday morning.如何做:如果你推测你有生理节奏失调症状,采取有规律的睡眠时间的措施。选择一个对你有用的睡眠时间和起床时间,每天按照这个时间做,即便是在周末。这对那些工作日起来很早但周末熬夜到很晚的人有些艰难,但尽你最大努力在工作日和周末之间规划出一个折中方案。重要的是要避免陷入工作日时晚上10点睡觉早晨6点起床,然后周末的时候熬夜到很晚,早晨又睡到很晚的困境中去。这必然会让你在周日夜里失眠,进一步让你在周一早晨感到很疲倦。
The other technique experts advise is to stimulate your circadian rhythms with bright light and exercise during the day. Go outside for a stint of bright sunlight in the afternoon, and get some aerobic exercise each day. Helping your body feel more "awake" during the day resets your circadian clock so that your body is ready for sleep at bedtime.其他技术专家建议采用强光来刺激生物节奏和白天锻炼的方法。每天,到外面沐浴午后一星半点的阳光,度做些有氧运动。让你的身体在白天的时候更清醒,这样会重置你的生物钟,到睡觉时你也就容易入睡了。
4、waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom is such a common problem it has a name: nocturia. As we get older, our bodies' ability to hold fluids for long periods decreases, thanks to a decline in antidiuretic hormones. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 65 percent of older adults have sleep deprivation resulting from waking up frequently to use the bathroom.4、半夜醒来上厕所是非常普遍的一个问题,它有一个名字叫夜尿症。当我们老了,因为抗利尿激素的减少我们的身体长时间控制尿液的能力会下降。根据睡眠基金会的数据,65%的老年人因为夜间频繁如厕而睡眠不足。
What to do: The best way to approach this issue is to try not to wake up in the first place. To do that, look at how often you're waking up and what's contributing to that. Men: Get your prostate checked, since inflammation of the prostate, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPN), and prostate tumors can all cause this symptom. In women, frequent urination can go hand in hand with urinary issues such as incontinence, an overactive bladder, urinary tract infections, or cystitis. So see your doctor to be checked for these problems. Urinary tract problems, such as an overactive bladder, can be helped with Kegel exercises. Both men and women can learn these exercises to strengthen the muscles at the neck of the bladder.怎么做:最好的解决这个问题的方法是首先尽量不要起床。要做到这一点,考虑你多久起床一次和造成这一现象的原因。男性:检查前列腺,因为前列腺炎症(良性前列腺增生症)和前列腺肿瘤都会造成这一症状。女性:频尿可能跟一系列泌尿症状如失禁、膀胱过动症、尿道发炎或膀胱炎有关。所以看医生去检查这些问题。尿路病症比如膀胱过动症可以通过凯格尔健肌运动得到改善。男性和女性都可以学习这些锻炼来加强膀胱颈部的肌肉。
It's also possible, though, that normal aging is decreasing your body's ability to retain fluids. Here are the strategies experts suggest to relieve pressure on the bladder:然而,正常的老龄化让你的身体保留尿液的功能减小也是有可能的。以下是专家们建议用来减轻膀胱压力的策略:
Don't drink liquids for three hours before bedtime. 睡眠前三个小时不要饮用液体。
Cut down consumption of coffee and tea, which irritate the bladder. 减少饮用咖啡和茶,它们会刺激膀胱。
Don't eat foods with high liquid content, such as soup or fruit, for dinner or after dinner. 不要食用含水量多的食物,吃饭的时候不要喝汤或饭后不要吃水果。
5、Not all snoring is sleep apnea, though heavy snoring is a sign that you should have a sleep test for obstructive sleep apnea. It can also be, well, just snoring. But snoring itself can interrupt sleep enough to prevent you from getting enough restorative rest.5、并不是所有的打鼾都是睡眠呼吸中止症,尽管如雷的鼾声说明你需要做阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症的测试。也可能就仅仅是打鼾而已。但是打鼾本身会严重妨碍睡眠,阻止你获得足够的有效的休息。
What to do: The medical procedures used to treat snoring are fairly invasive, so try lifestyle changes first. Changes you can make to prevent snoring include:如何做:治疗打鼾的医疗过程相当有侵害性的,所以先试着改变生活方式。防止你打鼾的改变包括以下:
Lose weight. Even taking off ten pounds can eradicate snoring, experts say. 减肥。专家说:即使减轻10磅也会消灭打鼾症状。
Change your sleep position. Use pillows to prop yourself on your side, or attach a tennis ball with a rubber band to the back of a T-shirt to keep from turning over on your back. 改变睡眠姿势。用枕头支撑着保持侧身躺,或者用橡皮筋在你体恤衫的后面系一个网球来防止你仰面躺着。
Avoid alcohol. The deeper initial sleep and dehydration activate snoring. 避免饮酒。深度的睡眠初级状态和脱水会触发打鼾。
Don't use sleeping pills or sedatives. They relax the muscles of the throat, increasing snoring. 不要服用安眠药或镇静剂。他们会放松喉部肌肉,加重打鼾症状。
If these aren't enough, the doctor may recommend a dental appliance (one brand is Silent Nite Snore Guard); radiofrequency ablation of the soft palate, which clears tissue out of the way; or laser-assisted uvuloplasty, a surgical procedure that removes the uvula and surrounding tissue behind the palate, opening the airways.如果这些还不够的话,医生会推荐一种牙科用具(其中的一个牌子是安静夜间打鼾卫士);射频消融柔软的上颚,清除挡住道路的组织;或者采用激光辅助术——一种移除小舌和上颚后部周围组织的外科手术来打开气道。
6、If your snoring is loud and uneven, erupts in snorts, or you sound like you're catching your breath or there are gaps in your breathing, these are signs of obstructive sleep apnea, the most severe type of sleep-disordered breathing. People with sleep apnea stop breathing repeatedly during their sleep because of a blockage in the mouth or throat, most commonly the soft tissues in the back of the throat, which collapse and close off.6、如果你鼾声如雷且不均匀,鼾声突然爆发,或者你听起来像是在喘气或在呼吸之间有间隙,这些都是阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症的标志,这种症状是最严重的睡眠呼吸障碍。因为口中或喉部堵塞,患有阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症的人在睡眠中会反复地停止呼吸,通常的情况是喉部后面的软组织折叠或关闭了。
What to do: This condition requires evaluation by an otolaryngologist, who can look at your nose, mouth, and throat to see what's interrupting your breathing and how to repair that process. You'll also need a sleep test in which your oxygen levels are measured. Often, the first treatment doctors will recommend is a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) device, a specially designed nasal mask that blows air directly into your airways. Studies have shown CPAP masks to be extremely effective in treating sleep apnea. However, many people don't like wearing them -- and, of course, it doesn't work if you don't wear it.怎么做:这种状况需要耳鼻喉科专家的评估,他们会检查你的鼻子、口腔和喉咙来观察什么妨碍了你的呼吸,以及如何修复这一过程。你还需要做一项睡眠测试,在检验中需要测量你的氧气含量水平。通常,医生们会推荐的第一个治疗方案是持续气道正压通气设备,它是用来一个特别设计的直接向气道吹气的鼻罩。研究已经表明持续气道正压通气鼻罩治疗阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症是十分有效的。然而,许多人不喜欢佩带他们——当然,如果你不佩带他们,它就不会起作用了。
If sleeping with a mask on doesn't work for you, other options are surgery; oral appliances; and newer, minimally invasive outpatient surgical treatments. These include the Pillar procedure, which involves using permanent stitches to firm up the soft palate; coblation, which uses radiofrequency to shrink nasal tissues; and even use of a carbon dioxide laser to shrink the tonsils.如果佩带鼻罩对你不起作用,其他的选择还有手术;齿科矫正装置;更新的轻微侵入性的门诊外科手术。这些包括支柱程序,即用永远的缝线把软腭固定住;消融术——用射频技术使鼻内组织缩小;甚至可以用二氧化碳激光器来收缩扁桃体。
Sort of a milder cousin of sleep apnea, UARS occurs when some type of resistance slows or blocks air in the nasal passages. The most common causes are mild nasal congestion or a tongue position during sleep that blocks breathing. Because the resistance makes it harder work simply to breathe, your body is half-waking up over and over again during the night, so you don't feel refreshed in the morning.跟阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症类似的一种更温和的症状是呼吸道阻力综合症,当一些类型的阻力减慢或堵塞鼻腔通道的空气传送时就会发生这种症状。最为常见的病因是轻微的鼻壅塞或者是睡眠中舌头的位置也会堵塞呼吸。因为阻力会让简单的呼吸变得艰难,夜间的时候你的身体反复地处于半睡半醒状态,所以早晨的时候你就会感觉没有精神。
7、If you have a narrow face, small jaw, thin neck, or you wore braces as a child for overcrowded teeth, you're more likely to have UARS. If you've found over the years that you simply can't sleep on your back without waking up, it's likely that the reason is UARS.7、如果你面庞窄,下巴小,脖子细,或者小的时候因为牙齿太挤就戴了牙套,你就更可能患呼吸道阻力综合症。如果多年来你发现你躺着的话就是睡不着,那原因可能就是呼吸道阻力综合症。
What to do: Many people benefit from breathing strips, such as Breathe Right strips, or the nasal dilator Nozovent. Other self-care steps to try include irrigating the nasal passages with a saline nasal spray and taking a nonsedating allergy medication such as Claritin if you suspect congestion from allergies.如何做:许多人都从呼吸贴中受益,比如:呼吸辅助贴或者鼻扩张器Nozovent. 其他可以尝试的自助措施包括用含盐的喷鼻剂冲洗鼻腔通道或服用不具有镇静作用的过敏药,比如克敏能,如果你推测你的鼻塞是由过敏症引起的。
Ask your doctor for a referral to an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist, who can evaluate whether you're a candidate for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), a specially designed nasal mask that prevents your nasal passages from collapsing and delivers air directly into your airway. If tongue position during sleep is causing your UARS, the doctor may recommend a dental device that pushes the jaw and tongue forward and prevents the tongue from blocking the opening to the throat.让你的医生询问一个耳鼻喉科专家,让他来评估你是否可以做持续气道正压勇气的应试者,这是个专家设计的鼻罩用来阻止你的鼻腔通道塌下来并直接把空气送入你的气道。如果睡眠时你舌头的位置是患呼吸道阻力综合症的原因,医生可能会推荐一种牙齿装置向前推着下颚和舌头,并防止舌头阻塞喉部的通路。
8、A nocturnal movement disorder, restless leg syndrome can feel like itchiness, tingling, or prickling that makes you feel like you have to move your legs. Your legs may also move without your control while you sleep. You may or may not be aware of waking during the night, but restless leg syndrome causes sleep problems by preventing deep, restful sleep.8、夜行运动性障碍,不宁腿综合症会引起发痒感觉、麻刺感或刺痛感,让你感觉你必须抖动你的腿。你的腿可能在你睡着的时候不受你控制的抖动。在白天醒来的时候你可能会意识到,也可能意识不到这种现象,但是通过妨碍你进入深层的安稳的睡眠,不宁腿综合症会引发睡眠问题。
What to do: Ask your doctor if your restless leg syndrome might be caused by another health condition or by a medication you're taking. Diabetes, arthritis, peripheral neuropathy, anemia, vitamin B deficiency, thyroid disease, and kidney problems can all contribute to restless leg syndrome. Medications that can cause restless leg syndrome as a side effect include antidepressants, antihistamines, and lithium. Treating the underlying condition or changing medications may banish the symptoms. Restless leg syndrome has been linked to deficiencies in iron and B vitamins, particularly folate, so talk to your doctor about boosting your intake of these nutrients.怎么做:询问你的医生你的不宁腿综合症是否是其他健康问题或者是你正在服用的药物引起的。糖尿病、关节炎、周围神经病变、贫血、维生素B不足、甲状腺疾病和肾脏问题都会引发不宁腿综合症。而服用抗抑郁药、抗组胺剂、锂等药物都能引发不宁腿综合症的副作用。不宁腿综合症一直与铁和维生素B不足、特别是叶酸的不足联系在一起,所以与医生谈论提高这些营养的摄入。
Treatment for restless leg syndrome usually involves taking one of several drugs developed for Parkinson's, such as pramipexole, ropinirole, L-dopa/carbidopa, bromocriptine, and pergolide, all of which have been shown to reduce or eliminate the muscle jerks. Some doctors prescribe Clonazepam, a benzodiazepine, to help people sleep more deeply.不宁腿综合症的治疗通常都包括服用几种用来治疗帕金森氏病患的药物,比如:普拉克索、罗匹尼罗、左旋多巴/卡比多巴、溴麦角环肽和培高利特,所有的这些药物都表明可以减轻或消除肌肉抽搐。一些医生开出氯硝安定(一种苯二氮)来帮助人们睡得更深。
9、As suggested by its name, PLMD is an involuntary movement disorder. (An older name, nocturnal myoclonus, is rarely used anymore.) People with this problem experience sudden, involuntary leg movements during the night, such as kicking or jerking. The difference between this and restless leg syndrome is that, unless the kicking wakes you up, you don't know you're doing it. You don't experience the tingling and discomfort that leads you to consciously move your legs, as with restless leg syndrome. At least 80 percent of people with restless leg syndrome have PLMD, but the reverse isn't true.9、就像他的名字所暗示的,周期性肢体运动障碍是一种无意识的运动失调。(它的旧名字夜间肌肉抽动已经很少使用了。)有这一问题的人在夜间会经历突然无意识的腿部运动,比如踢或痉挛。它和不宁腿综合症的区别是,除非踢的动作让你醒来,你不会知道你这么做了。你不会像不宁腿综合症患者那样,经历麻刺等不舒服的感觉,让你有意识的移动双腿。至少80%的患有不宁腿综合症的人患有周期性肢体运动障碍,但反过来就不正确了。
What to do: See a doctor, who will likely first check you for underlying conditions related to PLMD. Diabetes, thyroid disorders, anemia, and a number of other conditions can cause PLMD. If you do have another condition, the doctor will treat it and see if the PLMD goes away. The next step is to control the involuntary movements with medication. Drugs that suppress muscle contractions work well for preventing PLMD. The doctor may also prescribe medication to help you sleep more deeply, with the idea of preventing the involuntary movements from keeping you in light sleep.怎么做:看医生,他会首先检查潜在的与周期性肢体运动障碍相关的情况,糖尿病、甲状腺机能障碍、贫血和一些其他疾病会导致周期性肢体运动障碍。如果你确实有其他疾病,医生将会治疗它并观察周期性肢体运动障碍是否会消失。下一步就是用药物来控制无意识的运动。抑制肌肉收缩的药物可以有效的阻止周期性肢体运动障碍。医生可能还会给你开那种能帮你睡得更深的药,思想来源于防止无意识运动,从而让你不再处于轻度睡眠状态。
10、A catch-all term for the inability to fall or stay asleep, insomnia is -- as sufferers know -- a very serious problem. It's insomnia whenever something, whether it's physical pain, anxiety, or an underlying condition, prevents you from falling asleep within a reasonable amount of time or staying asleep long enough to achieve a good night's sleep.10、对不能进入或保持睡眠状态的一个笼统的称谓是失眠——就像患者们知道的——是一个严重的问题。不管是身体的疼痛、焦虑或者潜在的情况使你在适当的时间内不能入睡或不能保持睡眠状态足够长的时间进而进入安稳的睡眠状态,这就是失眠。
What to do: Talk to experts about insomnia, and you'll be told to practice good "sleep hygiene." What this means is that you need to take your insomnia seriously and look at your sleep habits and physical surroundings to see what might be preventing you from sleeping well. Start with your evening habits: What do you do in the hours before bed? Eliminate late-night eating, drinking, and computer use and your chances of falling asleep quickly and sleeping soundly are much greater. Use the last hour before bed to do things that relax you, like taking a warm bath, meditating, or reading.怎么做:跟专家谈你的失眠,他会告诉你保持良好的睡眠卫生。这意味着你需要认真的对待你的失眠问题,并检查你的睡眠习惯和外在的环境来确定可能妨碍你睡眠良好的因素。先从睡眠习惯开始:上床前的几个时间内你在做什么?深夜不要吃东西、不要喝东西、不玩电脑,这样你快速进入和保持舒适的睡眠状态的机率就会更大。在上床前的一小时里做些可以让你放松的事情,比如洗个温水浴、冥想或者读书。
Next take a look at your bedroom. Is it completely dark? If not, find the light sources and eliminate them. This might mean taking big steps, like hanging light-blocking shades, or small steps, like putting duct tape over the tiny lights in smoke alarms.接着检查你的卧室:它是不是彻底的黑暗?如果不是,找出光源并移除它。这也许意味着你要采取大的措施,像挂一个遮光的灯罩,或者小的步骤,比如用布基胶带遮住烟雾报警器发出的微光。
Now consider noise. If a ticking clock disturbs you, buy one that doesn't tick, or use your phone. Turn clock radios and MP3 players to the wall and cover lighted screens. Lay in supplies of earplugs, eye masks, and anything else that helps screen out light as well as sound. Some people find a fan or white-noise machine is soothing and blocks out street noise. If you don't like wearing earplugs or an eye mask when you fall asleep, keep them on your bedside table in case you wake up later. Many people find they're more sensitive to light and sound in the middle of the night.现在考虑噪音:如果钟表的滴答声让你无法入睡,那就买一个不发声的,或者用你的手机来代替钟表。关闭墙上的收音机和MP3闹钟并遮住荧光屏。戴上耳栓、眼罩或者其他任何可以阻挡光线和隔绝声音的装置。如果你睡觉的时候不喜欢戴耳栓或眼罩,把他们放在你的床头桌上,以防你晚些时候醒来要用。许多人发现他们在半夜的时候对光线和声音更加敏感。
Experts also recommend using your bedroom only for sleeping and sex. If you've got papers strewn around or you bring your laptop to bed, you bring that stress with you when you go to sleep.专家们还建议只有当你睡觉和XX的时候才使用卧室。如果你的卧室里到处都是文件或者你把手提电脑带到了床上,那你就等于是带着那份压力入睡的。