Thinking on the final game of 2010 NBA

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/01 07:27:04

1. Celtics VS Lakers, no losers, both two teams are the winner.

2. Never give up. Lakers team do not play a wonderful game, but they do not give up when they are behind of the Celtics in most time in the final match.

3. Union is strength. Celtics and Lakers do thier best, they try thier all out for the champion.

4. Team spirit is the most important, team's strength more great than single super star's power. Though Koby take the lower field goal percentage, their teammate give him enough supports. They get the final victory after Koby was not too eager for personal data.

5. NBA's commercial model is the best business example.

6. Nothing match can let me so excited but the final NBA playoff. This is just why NBA is so acctractive.

7. It is very weird and wunderbar, I felt extremely nervous at the fourth period, my heart beat with high speed, their spirit affect me, the atmosphere is so tense and wonderful.

8. Garsol's roar, ture man's presentation. That close-up of Garsol's roar impressed on my brain deeply, it will be kept forever, that is the professional spirit, that is the awesome passion.

9. We can not know the result until the final second, that is the most wonderful final game in NBA history.