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您当前位置:情景会话首页 >休闲娱乐> 《红楼梦》英译者霍克斯去世 我也想创作情景会话


情景会话手机版 作者:freedom_love     所属分类:休闲娱乐     语音:英音     难度: 英  |   中   |   全  |   隐藏原文 |    Ann: Sad news. I just heard that a famous person passed away? 悲伤的新闻,我刚刚听说一个名人去世了。  Lily: Who? 谁啊?  Ann: David Hawkes, who translated the famous Chinese classical novel, A Dream of Red Mansions, passed away some days ago. 翻译中国著名古典小说《红楼梦》的大卫霍克斯几天前去世了。  Lily: I am sorry to hear that, he was so talented. 听到这个消息,我感到很遗憾,他是那么的有才学。  Ann: Yes, he spent 10 years on this monumental task. 是的,他花了十年的时间在这项巨大的工程上。  Lily: It’s a long time. But, as we all know, the culture of China and Britain are totally different, how could he overcome the difficulty of different culture? 这可是很长的时间啊,但是,正如我们都知道的,中国与英国的文化是完全不同的,他是怎么克服不同文化这个困难的。  Ann: He once studied in China. He came to China at 1948, and studied the old Chinese at Peking University. 他曾经留学中国,他是1948年来的中国,在北大学习中国的古文。  Lily: Why did he love A Dream of Red Mansions so much? 为什么他会如此的喜欢《红楼梦》。  Ann: He first time read it by borrowing it from his Chinese classmate at Oxford. And he was so enchanted by it. In order to translate the book, he even resigned from his chair at Oxford. 他第一次读这本书是从他的在牛津的中国同学那边借来的,从此他就像着迷于它,为了翻译这本书,他甚至辞掉了他在牛津的工作。  Lily: He is a bridge of the cultural exchange of China and Britain. 他是中国和英国文化交流的桥梁啊。  浏览:3156  收藏:16 顶:5  添加时间:2009-09-28 11:08  我要报错  同类对话推荐 更多>> 在酒吧(07.23) 推荐酒吧(07.06) 富二代与星二代(09.15) 你懂不懂什么叫先来后到?排队去!(12.02) 这事一点儿办法都没有(01.10) 收获的代价(08.25)