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全心全意为人民服务 serve the people wholeheartedly
区别对待,有保有压 the principle of taking different approaches to different situations and encouraging the growth of some sectors while discouraging the expansion of others
取缔非法收入 ban unlawful incomes; ban illegal earnings
缺斤少两 give less quantity to consumers
鹊桥会 match-making party
确认书 confirmation note
确立国家创新体制 form a national innovation system
去蒋化 De-Chiang Kai-shek
裙带风 nepotism; petticoat influence
裙带关系 networking through petticoat influence
裙带经济 crony economy
群发短信 mass texting (An agreement among the country's three main mobile network operators last June stipulates that if the number of mass texting from a phone number reaches 200 within an hour or 1,000 within a day, the phone's message service will be suspended for a week. 国内三大电信运营商去年六月做出统一规定,同一手机号码一小时内群发短信数超过200条,一天内超过1000条,该号码的短信功能将被暂停一周。)
群体无聊 group boredom (Indeed, "group boredom" turned into a catchphrase on the Internet. It reflected in a way the cyber culture in which young people kill their time in virtual world after being bored by other traditional entertainments. “群体无聊”在网上成了一个流行标语。它以某种方式反映了时下的网络文化,年轻人对传统的娱乐方式感到厌倦,进而在虚拟世界里消磨时间。)
群言堂 allow everybody to air his view; let everyone have his say; speak one's mind freely
群众路线 mass line
群众体育 amateur sports
群体性事件 mass incident (A senior leader Monday urged local government to take pro-active measures to address people's issues in case individual conflicts turn should into mass incidents. 一位高级官员24日督促说,地方政府应采取积极措施解决人民困难,防止个人矛盾转化为群体性事件。)
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