奄奄一息的俄罗斯煤矿 - 珀德莫斯科夫那亚

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 23:30:03
虽然在历史上俄罗斯一直是世界上的产煤大国,但是近年来鉴于人们的环保意识日益加强,反对使用煤炭的呼声越来越高,俄罗斯的煤炭生产日益衰落。本集介绍的是俄罗斯中部地区目前唯一依然维持生产的的一个煤矿 - 珀德莫斯科夫那亚,位于图拉州格里斯托夫斯基村北边9公里的地方。目前只有80名工人分四班作业,该煤矿的盈利状况十分不佳。因此也没有更多的资金进行技术更新,更不用说安全设施的维护和加强了。照片所反映的情况着实令人担忧。

1. 该煤矿始建于1967年,这可能是莫斯科周边地区最大的煤矿之一,1974年该矿建成投产。

2. 目前有80名工人分四班作业维持生产,产煤量与以往相比小的可怜,在这样低的产量下煤矿的利润是无从谈起的。

3. 该煤矿的主要运输方式是900mm的窄轨电动机车,其中三列电动机车在地面矿场运行,七列在地下矿区运行。

4. 远处是矸石堆,使用一种十分有趣的方法堆起来的。一辆缆车运着矸石向矸石堆后的高塔驶去,缆车底部的活门开启后将矸石抛在矸石堆的顶部。另一个特点是该架空索道是单钢缆的。矸石堆的地面直径120米,堆高约为50米。
5. 从矸石堆顶部看煤矿的全貌
6. 通过这扇支离破碎的玻璃隔墙,人们一定会说:“煤炭工业已经死到临头了”。

7. 理论上讲一直有煤炭工业的发展计划,但至今一直是“只听楼梯响,未见人下来”。在90年代前这里曾经有1800名煤矿工人采煤。

8. 让我们来看一看该煤矿的总平面图采煤作业是在同一个60米深的平面上进行的,设有两个提升井(主井和副井)。主井负责提升煤和送风,附近主要用于矿工的上下井和设备的输送。该矿山有三个采区,北巷、南巷和东巷;南巷的一部分已经被水淹没,东巷有瓦斯。地下巷道的总长度为27公里左右。

9. 在煤矿的管理大楼里还有教室,以前,学生可以到这里进行教学实习。墙上的资料所描述的煤矿的组织结构以及矿山用品及装备。
10. Conveyor system plan. Tunneling machine is on the right. Air gate crosses it vertically on the left, and haulage gate goes along the air gate. Belt road is at the bottom of the plan where the belt conveyor is located. Boundary entry is located at the top horizontally. A little bit lower relay and switches for electric equipment handling is presented on the stand.
11. Demonstration model of tunneling machine 4PP-2. It is the only place where you can see it assembled because it is assembled from different pieces underground.
12. Before descending into the mine it is necessary to learn safety rules then dress in working cloth, get a helmet, lamp and self-rescue breathing apparatus.
13. Main clock. Formerly, a special computer system was installed here and every miner has his own token that he should be marked with these computers. Nowadays there machines are switched off.
14. On this photo you can see banking level where a cage for descending under the ground is located.
15. Warning signs are placed in front of the cage that light up one by one.
16. In the cage. Descending underground is rather fast.
17. Having descended underground one should “acclimate oneself” in a special room.
18. Everyone descending underground should check out and inform about his or her route. There are telephones along the tunnels and you should use them to inform the duty officer about your location.
19. One day the lightning was here but nowadays it is demounted. Different types of supports are installed in different mine parts depending on ground pressure. Here, you can see vaulted concrete supports with concrete-slab lagging.
20. Tapered support can be seen in the left tunnel. Overhead wire is also absent in this part of the mine.
21. Several parts of the mine are waterlogged. Both wooden and reinforced concrete sleepers are used on the haulage tracks several of which were not repaired from the opening of the mine.
22. Not-go cut-through is seen to the left. There is no admittance there because of gas pollution. Fire water supply pipe is seen on the ceiling.
23. One of the halting points with the telephone.
24. Vault draw happened in this part of the way because of the groundwater stream. Vaults were reinforced with additional supports to prevent collapsing.
25. Another cut-through where we turn left.
26. And here we turn right. During this tour we covered 4.35 miles underground.
27. Haulage track goes left. It is shut by the door to prevent ventilation loss. Fresh air is driven into the mine from the surface by huge air machines.
28. Trucks with pump sets can be seen in different parts. They are necessary in case groundwater stream course change and some parts of the tunnel begin to flood.
29. This is a face. A telephone can be seen on the left wall. In front of you is the so called power train that messes powered complex.
30. In the pit. Unmined coal can be seen to the left and tunnel machine supports to the right. These supports back up vaults of already passed part of the mine.
31. This photo was taken from under the supports. Hydraulic drives can be seen left and to the right is worm gear. This room is little more than 3 feet.
32. Then cut rock goes to conveyer.
33. A conveyer drive.
34. Pit contactors for electric motors handling can be seen to the left. Conveyer belt is on the rught.
35. Belt road output that leads to the haulage track is seen to the left. Here, rocks from the conveyer are loaded onto the cars. Lightning bulbs is still here.
36. Most roads have wooden tie bars which are always heated. Constantly charged trolleys can be seen under the ceiling. It means that being here without a helmet is forbidden as well as lifting hands.
37. Another face. Sure venting system was switched on before entering this part of the mine.
38. These are mine cars loaded with dismantled pipes of fire water supply in the air gate.
39. Electromotive ferries cars loaded with coal on a long haulage track to the main shaft where they are unloaded in a tippler. The tippler can hold two cars.
40. Underground roundhouse where repair and maintenance of electromotives are held. They are not shifted to the surface. The roundhouse is in the East wing. In the good times of the coal mine more than 45 electromotives worked underground.