
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/27 05:37:47


算盘                         abacus

抽象数据类型                 abstract data type

抽象                         abstraction

抽象工具                     abstract tools


存取时间                     access time

(一个进程的)激活           activation(of a procedure)

活动服务器界面               Active Server Pages,ASP

角色 Actors

实参                         actual parameter


自适应词典编码               adaptive dictionary encoding

适配器模式                   adaptor pattern

(存储单元的)地址           address(of memory cell)

地址多项式                   address polynomial


管理员                       administrator

Adobe系统                   Adobe Systems

代理                         agent


代数编码理论                 Algebraic coding theory

算法                         algorithm

算法的发现                   discovery of

算法的有效性/正确性           complexity / efficiency of

算法的表示                   representation of

算法的检验                   verification of

算法分析                     algorithm analysis

ALVINN.(参见基于神经网络的自主式地面车辆)    Autonomous Land Vehicle in a Neural Net

多义文法                   ambiguous grammar


美国国家标准化学会           American National Standards Institute,ANSI

美国信息交换标准码          American Standard Code for Information Inerchange,ASCII

模拟(与数字)              Analog(vs. digital)

分析机                      Analytical Engine

与                          AND

匿名FTP                    anonymous FTP

反网络域名抢注消费者保护法案  the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act

防病毒软件                  antivirus software

APL                        A Programming Language的缩写,是用于远程终端的一种 程序语言

苹果计算机公司                Apple Computer,Inc.


应用层(因特网)            application layer

应用编程接口(API)         Application Programmer Interface

应用软件                    Application software

谓词的变元                  argument(of a predicate)


移位                        Arithmetic shift

数组                        Array

  异构数组                    heterogeneous

  同构数组                    homogeneous

人工智能                    Artificial intelligence

人工神经网络                Artificial neural network




汇编程序                    Assembler

汇编语言                    Assembly language

断言                        Assertion

赋值语句                    Assignment statement

关联                        Association

关联分析                    Association analysis

美国计算机协会(ACM)      Association for Computing Machinery

联想记忆                    Associative memory

Atanasoff-Berry machine( Atanasoff 和Clifford Berry完成的一台16位加法器)



阿思隆(处理器)            Athlon(cpu)

属性                        Attribute

审计软件                    Auditing Software

授权                        Authentication

基于神经网络的自主式地面车辆              Autonomous Land Vehicle in a Neural Net(ALVINN)

平均情况分析           Average-case analysis

公理                           Axiom

(神经的)轴突                   Axon



回溯法                     Backtracking

平衡树法                   Balanced tree

带宽                       Bandwidth

基本要素语言               Bare Bones language

   通用的                  Universality of

栈底                       Base(of stack)

递归的结束条件             Base case(recursion)

二进制                     Base Two. See Binary system

基本输入/输出系统          Basic Input/Output System

基本路径测试               Basis path testing

批处理                     Batch processing

贝多芬第五交响曲           Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony

基于行为的智能             Behavior-based intelligence

贝尔实验室                 Bell Laboratories

基准测试                   Benchmark

Beta测试                   Beta testing

Beta版                     Beta version



最优情况分析               Best-case analysis

大写O标记                 Big O notation

大Θ标记                   Big theta notation

二进制文件                  Binary file(FTP)

二进制记数法(参见二进制系统)Binary notation. See Binary system

二分查找算法               Binary search algorithm

   有效性                    complexity of

二进制系统                 Binary system

二叉树                     Binary tree

生物信息学                 Bioinformatics

BIOS(参见 基本输入/输出系统)

位                          Bit

位图                        Bit map

每秒比特数                  Bits per second(bps)

黑盒测试                    Black-box testing

(循环)体                  Body(of a loop)

乔治.布尔                    Boole,George

布尔数据类型                Boolean data type

布尔运算                    Boolean operations

引导                        Booting

引导程序                    Bootstrap

Bourne shell(UNIX shell)

栈底                                      Bottom(of stack)

自上而下的方法                            Bottom-up methodology

边界值分析                                Boundary value analysis


分枝                                      Branch(tree)

广度优先搜索                              Breadth-first search

网桥                                      Bridge

宽带                                      Broadband

浏览器                                    Browser

冒泡排序算法                              Bubble sort algorithm

存储桶(散列)                            Bucket(hashing)

缓冲区                                    Buffer

总线                                      Bus

总线型网络拓扑结构                        Bus network topology

奥古斯塔•艾达•拜伦                        Byron,Augusta Ada

字节                                      Byte

字节码                                    Bytecode





高速缓冲存储器                                               Cache memory

调用(进程)                                                 Call(procedure)

Camel样式                                                   Camel casing

卡内基-梅隆大学 Carnegie-Mellon University


回车                                           Carriage return

带有冲突检测的载波侦听多路访问              Carrier Sense,Multiple Access with Collision Detection(CSMA/CD)

串联回滚                                        Cascading rollback


Case控制结构                                    Case control structure

CASE工具                                       CASE tools



存储单元                                         Cell(memory)

赛扬(处理器)                                   Celeron(cpu)

中央处理器                                       Central processing unit(CPU)

欧洲粒子物理研究所                               CERN


证书                                             Certificate

证书颁发机构                                     Certificate authority


性格伦理                                         Character-based ethics

字符型数据                                       Character data type

检验字节                                         Check byte

校验和                                           Check sum

孩子(树中)                                     Children(in a tree)

芯片                                             Chip

色度                                             Chrominance


丘奇-图灵论题                                    Church-Turing thesis

循环序列                                         Circular queue

循环移位                                         Circular shift


类                                               Class

类型描述                                         Class description

类图                                             Class diagram

类型识别                                         Class discrimination

.NET框架类库                             Class library(.NET Framework)

职责协作卡片(CRC卡)                    Class-responsibility-collaboration(CRC)cards

子句形式                                 Clause form

客户机                                   Client

客户机/服务器模式                         Client/Server model

客户端                                    Client-side

时钟                                      Clock

封闭网络                                  Closed network

封闭世界假设                              Closed-world assumption

云(因特网)                              Cloud(Internet)

Clowes,M. B.(人名)

聚类分析                                  Cluster analysis

群集(散列)                              Clustering(hashing)

COBOL(面向商业的通用语言,Common Business—Oriented Language)

代码生成器                                Code generator

代码生成                                  Code generation

代码优化                                  Code optimization

强制数据类型转换                          Coercion

内聚(模块)                              Cohesion(intramodule)

协作图                                    Collaboration diagram

碰撞(散列)                              Collision(hashing)

Colossus(在汤米.弗劳尔(Tommy Flowers)的指导下建造于英国“巨人” 机器)

列主序                                    Column major order

注释                                      Comments

提交点                                    Commit point

提交/回滚协议                              Commit/rollback protocol


公共网关接口                                Common gateway interface(CGI)

通信辅助强制法案         Communication Assistance for Law Enforcement Act(CALEA)

光盘                                        Compact disk(CD)

数字音频光盘                                Compact disk-digital audio(CD-DA)

编译器                                      Compiler

补码                                        Complement

复杂指令集计算机                            Complex instruction set computer(CISC)

复杂性/有效性                                Complexity/Efficiency

   二分查找算法                                 of binary search

   插入排序算法                                 of insertion sort

   归并排序算法                                 of merge sort

   顺序查找算法                                 of sequential search

组件(数组的)                                  Component(of an array)

组件(软件的)                                  Component(of software)

组件构架                                        Component architecture

组件装配员                                      Component assembler


可计算函数                                      Computable function

计算机辅助设计                                  Computer-aided design(CAD)

计算机辅助软件工程                       Computer-aided software engineering(CASE)

计算机应急响应小组                      Computer Emergency Response Team(CERT)

计算机欺诈和滥用法                               Computer Fraud Abuse Act

计算机科学(定义)                               Computer Science(definition)

计算机与社会                                     Computer Society

串联                                             Concatenation

并发处理                                         Concurrent processing

条件转移                                         Conditional jump

无连接协议                                       Connectionless protocol

结果伦理                                         Consequence-based ethics

常量                                             Constant

构造函数                                         Constructor

上下文切换                                       Context switch

上下文分析                                       Contextual analysis

邻接表(参见列表)                                   Contiguous list. See List

合同伦理                                         Contract-based ethics

控制耦合                                         Control coupling

控制器                                           Controller

重复迭代结构控制 Control of repetitive structures iteration(looping)

递归                                         recursion

控制语句                                         Control statements

控制部件                                         Control unit

小甜饼                                           Cookies

版权、著作权                                     Copyright law

磁芯                                             Core

磁芯大战                                         Core wars

国家地区码顶级域名                               Country-code TLD

耦合(模块内部)                                             Coupling(intermodule)



临界区                                                     Critical region

跨平台软件                                                 Cross-platform software

C外壳                                                     C shell


网络域名抢注                                                Cybersquatting

循环冗余校验和校验                                       Cyclic redundancy checks

柱面                                            Cylinder


达特默斯学院                                     Dartmouth college


数据库                                           Database

数据库管理系统                                 Database management system(DBMS)

数据库模型                                     Database model

数据压缩                                       Data compression

数据耦合                                       Data coupling

多维数据集                                     Data cubes

数据字典                                       Data dictionary

数据流程图                                     Dataflow diagram

数据独立性                                     Data independence

数据挖掘                                       Data mining

数据结构                                       Data structure

   静态和动态                                     Dynamic vs. static

数据类型                                       Data type

  布尔型                                          Boolean

  字符型                                          Character

  浮点型                                          Float

  整型                                            Integer

  实型                                            Real

数据仓库                                        Data warehouse

死锁                                            Deadlock

避免死锁                                        Deadlock avoidance

死锁检测/改正                                   Deadlock detection/correction

调试                                            Debugging

陈述性知识                                      Declarative knowledge

声明型范型                                      Declarative paradigm

声明语句                                        Declarative statements

装饰者模式                                      Decorator pattern

解密密钥                                           Decryption keys

缺陷测试                                       Defect testing

美国国防部高级研究计划局         Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency(DARPA)

结束条件(递归)                               Degenerative case(recursion)

树突                                           Dendrite

拒绝服务                                       Denial of service

深度(树)                                     Depth(of a tree)

深度优先搜索                                   Depth-first search

设计模式                                       Design pattern

设备驱动程序                                   Device driver


字典编码                                       Dictionary encoding

差分机                                         Difference engine

差分编码                                       Differential encoding

数字(和模拟)        Digital(vs. analog)

数码照相机                             Digital camera

数字签名                                Digital signature

数字用户线路                     Digital subscriber line(DSL)

数字化视频光盘                       Digital versatile disk(DVD)

数字变焦                             Digital zoom

Dijkstra,E. W.

哲学家进餐                             Dining philosophers

直接寻址                               Direct addressing

有向图                                      Directed graph

直接内存存取                       Direct memory access(DMA)

目录                       Directory

目录路径                              Directory path


离散余弦变换                            Discrete cosine transform

磁盘                                    Diskette

磁盘存储器(磁带)                    Disk storage(magnetic)

调遣程序                           Dispatcher

分布式数据库                      Distributed database

分布式系统                       Distributed system




文档                                          Documentation

  注释说明                                      by comment statements

域                                            Domain

域名                                          Domain name

域名系统                                      Domain name system

点分十进制记法                                Dotted decimal notation


Dual-core cpu

职责伦理                                      Duty-based ethics


动态存储器                         Dynamic memory


Eckert, J. Presper

轮廓增强                             Edge enhancement

托马斯.爱迪生                        Edison, Thomas

编辑                         Editor


有效输入(处理单元)                  Effective input (of a processing unit)

8块拼图游戏                          Eight-puzzle

电子通信隐私法案             Electronic Communication Privacy Act (ECPA)

电子邮件                     Email

封装                         Encapsulation

加密密钥                     Encryption keys

文件结束                                End-of-file (EOF)

电子数字积分计算机               ENIAC

企业JavaBeans                    Enterprise JavaBeans

实体-关系图                            Entity-relationship diagram



纠错编码                        Error-correcting code

以太网                           Ethernet

伦理                             Ethics

欧几里得                        Euclid

欧几里得算法                    Euclidean algorithm

欧几里得几何                    Euclidean geometry

偶校验                          Even parity

事件驱动软件                      Event-driven software

进化规划                         Evolutionary programming

进化式原型法                           Evolutionary prototyping

进化机器人学                     Evolutionary robotics


余码记数法                 Excess notation

排它锁                         Exclusive lock

异或                      Exclusive or (XOR)

专家系统            Expert system

显式耦合            Explicit coupling

指数域               Exponent field

指数时间             Exponential time

可扩展标记语言                       Extensible Markup Language (XML)

极限编程                    Extreme programming


阶乘                               Factorial

斐波纳契数列                       Fibonacci sequence

字段(记录)                       Field (in a record)


文件                             File

文件描述符                          File descriptor

文件管理系统                        File manager

文件服务器                         File server

文件传输协议                     File transfer protocol (FTP)

防火墙                  Firewall

火线               FireWire

第一代程序语言         First-generation language

先进先出                First in, first out (FIFO)

一阶谓词逻辑            First-order predicate logic

固定格式语言                  Fixed-format language


闪存驱动器                       Flash drive

闪存                       Flash memory

平面文件                       Flat file

触发器                      Flip-flop

浮点记数法                                            Floating-point notation

   规范化形式                                           normalized form

软盘                            Floppy disk

流程图                            Flowchart

汤米.弗劳尔                      Flowers, Tommy

文件夹                        Folder

创建子进程                    Forking

形式语言                          Formal language

形参                            Formal parameter

格式化(磁盘)                   Formatting (a disk)



框架问题                         Frame problem

结构(.NET)                          Framework (.Net)

自由格式语言                           Free-format language

频率相关编码                           Frequency-dependent encoding

频率模糊                               Frequency masking


FTP安全版本                                     FTPS

FTP服务器                                       FTP server

FTP站点                 FTP site

完整树                   Full tree

函数                                                Function

  抽象                                                abstract

  计算                                                computation of

  程序单元                                            program unit

功能内聚                                    Functional cohesion

函数型范型                                  Functional paradigm


G5(处理器)                                 G5 (cpu)

Gandhi, Mahatma(人名)

垃圾回收                            Garbage collection

门                                     Gate

网关                              Gateway



General Motors

通用寄存器                             General-purpose register

代(关于程序设计语言)            Generations (of programming languages)

遗传算法                          Genetic algorithms

约吉位                            Gibi

GIF(Graphic Interchange Format的缩写)

千兆比特/秒                     Giga-bps

吉字节                         Gigabyte

千兆赫                         Gigahertz

白盒测试                       Glass-box testing

全局数据                    Global data

全局变量                 Global variable

基于目标的行为            Goal directed behavior

Godel, Kurt

歌德尔不完全性定理                       Godel’s incompleteness theorem

Goto语句                               Goto statement

语法                                    Grammar

图                                          Graph

图形用户接口                            Graphical user interface (GUI)

图论                                    Graph theory

最大公因子                              Greatest common divisor



停机问题                            Halting problem

Hamming, R. W.

汉明距离                      Hamming distance

握手                          Handshaking

硬盘                          Hard disk

硬件                          Hardware

哈佛大学                      Harvard University

散列函数                      Hash function

散列文件                      Hash file

散列表                        Hash table

散列                          Hashing

头(列表)                       Head (of a list)

磁头划道                      Head crash

头指针                           Head pointer

堆排序算法                       Heap sort algorithm


帮助包                       Help packages

赫兹                         Hertz (Hz)

异构树组                       Heterogeneous array

启发式                              Heuristic

十六进制记数法                         Hexadecimal notation

高位端                                High-order end

登山系统                                 Hill climbing

赫尔曼.何勒里斯                                Hollerith, Herman

主页                                           Home page

同构数组                                       Homogeneous array


跳数值                          Hop count

霍普菲尔德网络                      Hopfield networks

Hopper, Grace

主机                                   Host

主机地址                                  Host address

热区                                         Hot spot



HTTP的安全版本                     HTTPS

集线器                     Hub

霍夫曼代码                      Huffman code

Huffman, David A.

超链接                               Hyperlink

超媒体                                Hypermedia

超文本                                  Hypertext

超文本传输协议                          Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

超文本标记语言                  Hypertext Markup Language



ICANN(参见Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers)

电气和电子工程师学会美国计算机协会       IEEE Computer Society

IEEE 802标准                             IEEE 802 standard

标识符                                    Identifiers

If语句                      if statement

第I帧                      I-frame

图像分析                    Image analysis

图像处理                   Image processing


Imitation (learning by)

立即寻址                     Immediate addressing

命令型范型                     Imperative paradigm

命令语句                       Imperative statements

显式耦合                       Implicit coupling

不一致(声明)                 Inconsistent (statements)

错误决算问题                           Incorrect summary problem

增量模型                               Incremental model

孵化期(解决问题)             Incubation period (problem solving)

索引文件                      Indexed file

索引                Indices

间接寻址                            Indirect addressing

推理法则                           Inference rule

信息提取                           Information extraction

信息检索                            Information retrieval

继承                             Inheritance

输入/输出                         Input/output (I/O)

输入/输出指令(机器层)              Input/output instructions (machine level)

iRobot Roomba真空吸尘器              IRobot Roomba vacuum cleaner

插入排序算法                        Insertion sort algorithm

复杂度                            complexity of

实例(类)                           Instance (of a class)

实例(数据类型)                     Instance (of a data type)

变量实例                             Instance variable

美国电气及电子工程师协会          Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

无线电工程师协会                  Institute of Radio Engineers

指令指针                              Instruction pointer

指令寄存器                            Instruction register

整型数据                              Integer data type

英特尔        Intel

交互式处理 Interactive processing

(联合国)国际法院                              International Court of Justice

国际标准化组织                International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

互联网  Internet

因特网  Internet (the)

下一代互联网Internet 2

因特网赋名和编号公司Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Interent邮件访问协议                             Internet mail access protocol

网际协议 Internet protocol (IP)

因特网服务提供商 Internet service provider

解释器 Interpreter

进程间通信 Interprocess communication

中断 Interrupt

中断屏蔽指令 Interrupt disable instruction

中断允许指令Interrupt enable instruction

中断处理 Interrupt handler

I/O. (参见Input/Output)

输入/输出边界  I/O bound

爱荷华州大学Iowa State College (University)

IP 参见Internet Protocol)See Internet Protocol

IP 地址  IP address

版本为4的IP  IPv4

版本为6的IP  IPv6

IQ 测试  IQ test

ISO 参见International Organization for Standardization)

ISP (参见Internet service provider)

迭代结构  Iterative structures

人名 Iverson, Kenneth E.


约瑟夫.雅卡尔 Jacquard, Joseph

人名 Jacquard loom

Java语言 Java


JavaScript 语言   JavaScript

Java 服务器页面  JavaServer Pages

作业控制语言 JCL (job control language)

作业 Job

作业队列 Job queue

Jobs, Steve

连接运算(数据库运算) JOIN (database operation)

联合图像专家组 Joint Photographic Experts Group

联合图像专家组 JPEG

JSP (参见JavaServer Pages)


KB. 参见Kilobyte

Kbps. 参见Kilo-bps

内核 Kernel

Key (cryptography)

关键字段 Key field

关键字 Key words

约千位  Kibi


清除(一个进程) Kill (a process)

千比特 Kilo-bps (Kbps)

千字节 Kilobyte

背包问题 Knapsack problem

Korn 外壳Korn shell


LAN 参见Local area network

语言扩展                                    Language extensions

后进先出 Last in, first out (LIFO)

等待时间 Latency time

叶结点 Leaf node

最低有效位 Least significant bit

左孩子指针 Left child pointer

人名 Lempel, Abraham

LZW编码 Lempel-Ziv-Welsh encoding

人名 Leonardo da Vinci

词法分析Lexical analysis

词法分析器 Lexical analyzer

基于2为底的对数 Lg (logarithm base two)

Liebniz, Gottfried Wilhelm

LIFO. 参见Last in, first out

线性代数 Linear algebra

线性输入 Line feed

语言学 Linguistics

链路层 Link layer (Internet)

Linux 操作系统Linux


表 List



字面量 Literal

负载平衡 Load balancing

负载因子(哈希文件)Load factor (hash file)

局域网 Local area network (LAN)

本地变量 Local variables

锁定协议 Locking protocol

基于2为底的对数 Logarithm (base 2)

逻辑内聚 Logical cohesion

逻辑推理 Logical deduction

逻辑记录 Logical record

逻辑移位 Logical shift

逻辑程序设计 Logic programming

注册 Login

长除法 Long division algorithm

先行进位加法器                           Lookahead carry adder

外观 Look and feel

循环 Loop

循环变量 Loop invariant

循环结构 Loop structures. See Iteratice structure

指环王 Lord of the Rings

无损压缩 Lossless compression

无损解压 Lossless decomposition

有损压缩 Lossy compression

更新丢失问题 Lost update problem

Lotus开发公司 Lotus Development Corporation

Lotus 1-2-3 软件 Lotus 1-2-3

Loveless, Ada

低位端 Low-order end

亮度 Luminance


机器周期 Machine cycle

机器无关 Machine independence

机器指令Machine instructions




  停止 HALT

  中断屏蔽 Interrupt disable

  中断允许 Interrupt enable

  输入/输出 I/O

  转移 JUMP

  加载 LOAD

  或 OR


  移位 SHIFT

  存储 STORE


  异或XOR (exclusive or)

机器语言 Machine language

苹果公司开发的一种操作系统 Mac OS

公司名 Macromedia

磁盘 Magnetic disk

磁带 Magnetic tape

邮件服务器 Mail server

主存 Main memory

恶意软件 Malware

MAN. 参见Metropolitan area network

曼切斯特编码 Manchester encoding

尾数域 Mantissa field

多对多关系 Many-to-many relationship

马克一号 Mark I

标记语言 Markup language

掩码 Mask

屏蔽 Masking

大容量存储 Mass storage

主文件 Master file

矩阵理论 Matrix theory

人名 Mauchly, John

MB. 参见Megabyte

Mbps. 参见Mega-bps

人名McCarthy, John

MD5(信息-摘要算法,message-digest algorithm 5的缩写)

约兆位(megabinary)的缩写  Mebi

约兆位 Mebibyte

一百万比特/秒 Mega-bps (Mbps)

兆字节 Megabyte

兆赫 Megahertz

成员函数 Member function

内存泄露 Memory leak

内存管理 Memory manager

存储器映射输入/输出 Memory mapped I/O

合并算法 Merge algorithm

合并排序算法 Merge sort algorithm

  复杂度Complexity of

元推理 Meta-reasoning

方法 Method

度量学 Metric

城域网 Metropolitan area network (MAN)

微秒 Microsecond

微软公司 Microsoft Corporation

MIDI. 参见Musical Instrument Digital Interface

Miller, George A.

毫秒 Millisecond

多指令流多数据流 MIMD

调制解调器 Modem

取模 Mod

模块化表示法                          Modular notation


模块 Module

Mondrian, Piet

监控程序 Monitor

莫尔电子工程学院                      Moore School of Engineering

马赛克软件公司 Mosaic Software

最高有效位 Most significant bit

主板 Motherboard

运动图像专家组               Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG)

摩托罗拉公司                      Motorola

鼠标                                   Mouse

MPEG layer3的缩写                     MP3

MPEG. 参见Motion Picture Experts Group

微软DOS操作系统            MS-DOS

多路技术                  Multiplexing

多任务                  Multitasking

乐器数字化接口                  Musical Instruments Digital Interface (MIDI)

互斥                                    Mutual exclusion

一种关系数据库系统 MySQL


名字服务器                    Name server

与非                          NAND

毫微秒                         Nanosecond

(美国)国家航空和宇宙航行局火星探路者 NASA Mars rover

自然语言 Natual language

自然语言处理 Natural language processing

.NET框架                        NET (.NET Framework)

网景通信公司 Netscape Communications, Inc.

网络 Network

网络拓扑结构            Network topologies

网络标识符            Network identifier

网络层                Network layer (Internet)

网络虚拟终端               Network Virtual Terminal (NVT)

神经元              Neuron

神经网络             Neural network (biological)

艾萨克 牛顿                 Newton, Isaac

空指针                   NIL pointer

结点                   Node

不确定性算法                  Nondeterministic algorithm

非确定性多项式问题                      Nondeterministic polynomial (NP) problems

保密协议                               Nondisclosure agreement

无损分解                     Nonloss decomposition

非终结符                 Nonterminal

或非           NOR

规范化形式            Normalized form

非                  NOT

美国Novell公司         Novell, Inc.

NP problems.                      参见Nondeterministic polynomial problems

NP完全问题                      NP-complete problem

空指针                  NULL pointer

数值分析                   Numerical analysis


对象                                       Object

面向对象数据库                      Object-oriented database

面向对象范型                          Object-oriented paradigm

面向对象程序设计                          Object-oriented programming

目标程序                                Object program

奇校验                                     Odd parity

脱机                                   Off-line

一对多关系                             One-to-many relationship

一对一关系                    One-to-one relationship

联机                                                      On-line

OOP 参见Object-oriented programming

操作码                                  Op-code

开放式网络                          Open network

开放源码开发                        Open-source development

打开(文件操作)                        Open (file operation)

开放系统互联                       Open System Interconnect (OSI)

操作数                    Operand

操作系统                     Operating system

运算符优先级                             Operator precedence

光学变焦                     Optical zoom

或                               OR

Orwell, George (Eric Blair)

OSI 参见Open System Interconnect

开放系统互联参考模型                  OSI reference model

孤立点分析              Outlier analysis

溢出错误                              Overflow error

重载                       Overloading


P 参见Polynomial problems

P2P 参见Peer-to-peer model

分组                                                     Packet

页面(内存)                               Page (memory)

页面调度                                         Paging

并行算法                          Parallel algorithm

并行通信                       Parallel communication

并行处理                      Parallel processing

参数                     Parameter

按引用传递              passed by reference

按值传递                passed by value

按值——结果传递        passed by value-result

父结点                  Parent node

帕累托原理                    Pareto principle

Pareto, Vilfredo(人名)

奇偶校验位                           Parity bit

语法分析器                                         Parser

语法分析树                      Parse tree

分解                    Parsing

布莱斯.帕斯卡      Pascal, Blaise(人名)

Pascal样式                   Pascal casing

密码 Password

专利法 Patent law

PC 参见Personal computer

点对点模式                                     Peer-to peer model

奔腾(CPU)                         Pentium (cpu)

面向性能的的研究                     Performance oriented research

一致性(对象)                       Persisent (object)

个人计算机                            Personal computer (PC)

个人数字助理                         Personal digital assistant (PDA)

PGP 参见Pretty good privacy

电子黑饵                           Phishing

个人主页超文本处理器                  PHP Hypertext Processor

物理记录                                Physical record

流水线技术                  Pipelining

像素                             Pixel

有计划的淘汰              Planned obsolescence

柏拉图                     Plato


指针                   Pointer

Polya, G.(人名)

多态                      Polymorphism

多项式问题              Polynomial problems

弹出(栈操作)            Pop(stack operation)

POP3参见Post Office Protocol-version

端口(输入/输出)                Port (I/O)

端口号                 Port number

埃米尔•波斯特          Post, Emil

邮局协议3 Post Office Protocol-version 3 (POP3)


测试循环                                        Posttest loop


优先级(运算符)                                  Precedence (of operators)

预设条件(正确性证明)                            Preconditions (proof of correctness)

谓词                                              Predicate

前测试循环                                                 Pretest loop

Pretty good privacy(基于RSA公匙加密体系的邮件加密软件,PGP)

质数                            Prime number

原语                            Primitive

基本数据类型                                 Primitive data type

打印服务器                             Print server

隐私法案                    Privacy Act of

私钥                                Private key

特权指令                         Privileged instructions

特权级                  Privilege levels

问题求解                      Problem solving

过程性知识                   Procedural knowledge

过程型范型                  Procedural paradigm

过程                     Procedure

过程调用                Procedure call

过程头                 Procedure’s header

进程             Process

处理单元                  Processing unit (neural net)

进程状态                      Process state

进程切换            Process switch

进程表               Process table

产生式系统                          Production system

  控制系统                            control system

  目标状态                            goal state

  产生式                              production

  开始状态                            start state

  状态图                              state graph

程序                             Program

程序员                   Programmer

程序计数器                   Program counter

编程语言                     Programming language

程序设计范型                  Programming paradigms

投影(数据库操作)                 PROJECT(database operation)


反证法                             Proof by contradiction

正确性证明                        Proof of correctness

专用网络                         Proprietary network

协议                                 Protocol

原型                              Prototype

代理服务器                      Proxy server

伪代码                     Pseudocode

公钥                    Public key

公钥加密                 Public-key encryption

压栈(栈操作)             Push (stack operation)


队列                                    Queue

快速排序算法                   Quick sort algorithm


Radio Shack(一种计算机)

小数点                       Radix point

RAM 参见Random access memory

随机存储器                        Random access memory (RAM)

快速原型法                 Rapid prototyping

Ravel, Maurice(人名)

响应式机器人                         Reactive robot

只读存储器                     Read-only memory (ROM)

读操作                 Read operation

就绪(进程)               Ready (process)

实数数据类型                   Real data type

实时处理                    Real-time processing

现实世界知识            Real-world knowledge

递归                   Recursion

递归函数理论               Recursive function theory

递归结构                  Recursive structures

精简指令集计算机                  Reduced instruvtion set computer (RISC)

引用                 Reference

反射作用               Reflex action

再生电路                     Refresh circuit

区域发现                 Region finding

寄存器             Register

注册服务商                       Registrar

强化学习                 Reinforcement (learing by)

关系(数据库)                 Relation (database)

关系数据库模型                         Relational database model

相对编址                                       Relative addressing

相对编码                           Relative encoding

可靠的协议                           Reliable protocol

repeat循环结构                  Repeat control structure

中继器                     Repeater

需求(软件)                Requirements (of software)

保留字                       Reserved words

消解                          Resolution

消解式                      Resolvent

履责技术                       Responsible technology

右孩子指针                Right-child pointer

环形拓扑               Ring topology

行波加法器               Ripple adder

RISC 参见Reduced instruction set computer

风险论坛                   Risks forum

Ritchie, Dennis(人名)

Rivest, Ron(人名)

RMI 参见Remote method invocation

一个机器人足球队的国际性比赛                        Robocup

机器人学                                  Robotics

Rogerian论点                    Rogerian thesis

回滚                     Roll back

ROM参见Read-only memory

根结点                    Root node

根指针                      Root pointer

旋转                             Rotation

旋转延迟                       Rotation delay

舍入误差                         Round-off error

路由器                          Router

行主序                Row major order

RSA算法                 RSA algorithm

行程长度编码              Run-length encoding


可缩放字体                     Scalable fonts

比例缩放                      Scaling

调度程序                  Scheduler

模式                            Schema

作用域(某一变量)                     Scope (of a variable)

SDRAM. 参见Synchronous DRAM

搜索引擎                                Search engine

搜索树                         Search tree

第二代语言                          Second-generation language

扇区                  Sector

安全壳                 Secure shell (SSH)

安全套接字层                Secure sockets layer (SSL)

安全                      Security

寻道时间                        Seek time

选取(数据库操作)                  SELECT (database operation)

选择排序算法                   Selection sort algorithm

选择服务                           Selective Service

自引用                      Self-reference

自终止的程序                          Self-terminating program

语义分析                          Semantic analysis

语义网                           Semantic net

语义学                      Semantics

语义网络                         Semantic Web

信号量                        Semaphore


哨兵                       Sentinel

顺序文件                  Sequential file

序列模式分析              Sequential pattern analysis

顺序查找算法                Sequential search algorithm

  复杂度                      complexity of

串行通信                             Serial communication

服务器                    Server

服务器端                    Server-side

小服务程序                Servlet

集合理论                   Set theory

SGML 参见Standard Generalized Markup Language

Shamir, Adi(人名)

共享锁                    Shared lock

外壳                       Shell

兄弟结点(树)                   Siblings (in a tree)

符号位                      Sign bit

单指令流多数据流                        SIMD

面向模拟的研究                  Simulation oriented research

单指令流单数据流                      SISD

Sloan, Alfred(人名)

滤波                            Smoothing

嗅探软件                        Sniffing software

社会保障局                       Social Security Administration

软件                       Software

软件分析员                     Software analyst

软件工程                Software engineering

软件生命周期                   Software life cycle

软件需求文档                         Software requirements document

软件检验                             Software verification

源版本                                  Source (version of web page)

源程序                                Source program

空间复杂性                             Space complexity

兜售信息(垃圾邮件)                      Spam

垃圾邮件过滤器                             Spam filters

专用寄存器                      Special-purpose register

规格说明(软件)                   Specifications (of software)

欺骗                   Spoofing

假脱机                        Spooling

电子制表软件系统                   Spreadsheet systems

间谍软件                           Spyware

SQL 参见Structured Query Language

SSH 参见Secure shell

SSL 参见 Secure sockets layer

栈               Stack

栈指针                 Stack pointer

标准通用标记语言          Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)

标准模板库             Standard Template Library (STL)

星型网络拓扑              Star network topology

挨饿                  Starvation

状态                      State

  进程                      of process

  产生式系统                of production system

  图灵机                    of Turing machine

状态图                                        State graph

状态字                    Status word

逐步求精                      Stepwise refinement

Stibitz, George(人名)

存储程序概念                     Stored program concept

流                     Stream

强人工智能                         Strong AI

强类型                    Strongly typed

人名                    Stroustrup, Bjarne

结构图                 Structure chart

结构化程序设计                    Structured programming

结构化查询语言                      Structured Query Language (SQL)

结构化审查                 Structured walkthrough

子程序                  Subprogram

子例程                    Subroutine

子模式                    Subschema

实质相似                             Substantial similarity

子树                             Subtree

后继函数                     Successor function

Sun Microsystems公司                    Sun Microsystems

超级用户                 Super user

监督学习                      Supervised training

交换机                         Switch

符号表                          Symbol table

突触                     Synapse

同步动态存储器               Synchronous DRAM

句法分析                     Syntactic analysis

语法                            Syntax

语法图                               Syntax diagram

系统文档                             System documentation

系统需求                                 System requirements

系统软件                                 System software

系统规格说明                             System specifications

System/360 (IBM)(IBM公司推出的System/360系列的计算机)


标记                Tag (in markup language)

表尾                         Tail (of a list)

尾指针                     Tail pointer

任务                        Task

TCP参见Transmission Control Protocol

TCP/IP协议组                   TCP/IP protocols

技术文档                       Technical documentation

远程登录                       Telnet

暂时模糊                       Temporal masking

终结符                         Terminal (in a syntax diagram)

终端结点                       Terminal node

结束条件                       Termination condition

测试并置位指令                 Test-and-set instruction

测试                           Testing (software)

文本编辑                        Text editor

文本文件                        Text file

文本文件                        Text file (FTP)

上世纪80年代中期,医学界使用的一台基于计算机技术的电子加速放射治疗仪   Therac-25

第三代语言                      Third-generation language

Thoreau, Henry David(人名)

线程                         Thread

阈值                         Threshold

吞吐量                       Throughput

抛弃式原型法                     Throwaway prototyping

图象数据压缩系统Tagged Image File Format的缩写                TIFF

时间复杂性                              Time complexity

分时机制                           Time-sharing

时间片                       Time slice

TLD 参见 Top-level domain

令牌                          Token (in a network)

令牌                           Token (in a translator)

令牌环协议                    Token ring protocol

自上而下方法                   Top-down methodology

顶级域名                      Top-level domain (TLD)

栈顶                          Top of stack

拓扑结构(网络)                  Topology (of a network)

Torvalds, Linus(人名)

汉诺塔                         Towers of Hanoi

磁道                        Track

商业秘密法案                      Trade secret law

训练集                  Training set

事务文件                     Transaction file

无理函数            Transcendental functions

传输速率                 Transfer rate

翻译                   Translation

翻译器                   Translator

传输控制协议                   Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

运输层                Transport layer (Internet)

旅行商问题                  Traveling salesman problem

树              Tree

三角函数                Trigonometric functions

特洛伊木马             Trojan horse


截断误差                   Truncation error

元组(关系)                Tuple (in a relation)

阿兰•M•图灵                   Turing, Alan M.

图灵可计算的                   Turing computable

图灵机              Turing machine

图灵测试               Turing test

键开系统               Turn key system

二进制补码(two’s complement)记数法          Two’s complement notation

Type 参见Data type


UDP 参见 User Datagram Protocol

UML  参见 Unified Modeling Language

无条件转移                   Unconditional jump

由硬件及软件的多家主导厂商共同研制开发的代码                Unicode

单一化                Unification

统一建模语言                Unified Modeling Language (UML)

统一资源定位符                     Uniform resource locator (URL)

通用程序设计语言               Universal programming language

通用串行总线                  Universal serial bus (USB)

赫尔辛基大学                  University of Helsinki

宾西法尼亚大学                 University of Pennsylvania

UNIX(Mac OS的核心,Mac OS是苹果公司发布的归类于微型机的一种操作系统)

无人机                Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

不可解问题                         Unsolvable problem

URL 参见Uniform resource locator

美国爱国者法案                 USA PATRIOT Act

USB 参见Universal serial bus

美国国防部                    U.S. Department of Defense

用例                 Use case

用例图               Use case diagram

用户数据报协议              User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

用户自定义数据类型           User-defined data type

用户文档               User documentation

功利主义                 Utilitarianism

实用软件                 Utility software


确认测试                      Validation testing

变量                  Variable

变长编码                Variable-length codes

矢量(图像表示)                         Vector (image representation)

检验(软件)                     Verification (of software)

虚拟内存                              Virtual memory

病毒                         Virus

Visual Basic(微软开发的一种面向对象的程序设计语言)

网络电话                              Voice over Internet

Voice over IP 参见 Voice over Internet

网络电话                             VOIP. Voice over Internet

von Helmholtz, H. (人名)

冯.诺依曼体系结构                     von Neumann architecture

冯.诺依曼阻塞                   von Neumann bottleneck

冯.诺伊曼,约翰               von Neumann, John


W3 参见World Wide Web

W3C 参见 World Wide Web Consortium

WAN  参见Wide area network

等待(进程)                             Wating (process)

Waltz, D. (人名)

瀑布模型                       Waterfall model

弱人工智能                    Weak AI

万维网                   Web

网页                    Web page

万维网服务器                 Web server

网站                   Website

权(处理单元)                          Weight (in a processing unit)

加权和                            Weighted sum

Weizenbaum, Joseph(人名)

Welsh, Terry(人名)

While控制结构                       While control structure

广域网               Wide area network (WAN)

窗口管理程序                Window manager

窗口(图形用户接口中的)               Window (in GUI)

窗口(操作系统)           Windows (operating system)

字处理程序              Word processor

世界大战          World War

万维网          World Wide Web

万维网论坛        Worle Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

蠕虫            Worm

最差情况分析              Worst-case analysis

受伤等待协议             Wound-wait protocol

Wozniak, Stephen(人名)

赖特兄弟                  Wright brothers

写操作                      Write operation

WWW 参见World Wide Web


严格遵守XML的HTML版本                      XHTML

XML 参见 Extensible Markup Language

XOR 参见 Exclusive or

XP 参见 Extreme programming


Ziv, Jacob(人名)

ZBR区位记录                         Zoned-bit recording