Genetic 'hotspots' for psoriasis

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/27 10:20:28

Genetic 'hotspots' for psoriasis

Psoriasis causes itchy red patches on the skin

Scientists are moving closer to identifying the multiple genetic faults which may cause the painful skin condition psoriasis.

This could mean improved treatments for the painful skin condition, they say.

The journal Nature Genetics reports three studies which bring the number of suspect genetic locations to 10.

However, a UK dermatologist warned hopes that the research wouldswiftly lead to new treatments for patients could be unrealistic.

Some of the highlighted genes are already targeted by effective psoriasis therapies - others may become targets for the psoriasis treatments of the future
Dr Goncalo Abecasis
University of Michigan It is estimated that up to 3% of the UK population suffers from psoriasis in one form or another.

The condition has been linked to an overactive immune system, andinvolves skin cells dividing too fast, leading to the formation ofscaly "plaques" of unshed cells on the surface.

It can be relieved by skin creams and light therapy, and somepatients are given drugs to slow down the cell division or suppress theunwanted immune system activity.

The researchers, from the US, China and Spain, used techniquesto scan the genetic makeup of thousands of people with the disease, andthousands without.

By comparing the two, they could find genetic variationspresent more commonly in the psoriasis patients than in the unaffected"controls".

No single gene or gene variation is responsible for the disease- instead, scientists believe that a number of variations, working inconcert, perhaps in combination with a triggering factor such asillness, could produce the condition.

People with a family history of psoriasis are much more proneto developing it themselves, and the genetic "hotspots" identified bythese research teams could eventually lead to ways to work out who ismost likely to do this.

'No immediate change'

Dr Goncalo Abecasis, one of the researchers from the Universityof Michigan, thinks that the discovery may allow further progress thanthis, with proteins produced at the "hotspots" offering possibletargets for future treatments.

"This discovery highlights the role of several genes in mediating the immune responses that result in psoriasis," he said.

"Some of the highlighted genes are already targeted by effectivepsoriasis therapies - others may become targets for the psoriasistreatments of the future."

However, Dr David Eedy of the British Association ofDermatologists, said that while "interesting research", it was unlikelyto greatly impact on the care of psoriasis patients in the near future.

"This study could help scientists understand which genes make a person more susceptible to developing psoriasis.

"However, understanding genetic links to susceptibility is unlikely to translate quickly into new treatments."