PC Magazine: Niche Search

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Niche Search
PC Magazine,  May, 2003

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Asiaco http://search.asiaco.com A searchable index of Asia-related topics on the Internet.
AskERIC www.askeric.org The Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC), a national information system funded by the U.S. Department of Education.
Ask Jeeves Kids www.ajkids.com Every kid should have his own butler to help search the (carefully screened) Internet.
Biography Resource Center www.galegroup.com/BiographyRC Search for people by personal facts such as birth and death year, nationality, ethnicity, occupation, or gender.
CiteSeer http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/cs Has anyone cited that obscure paper you wrote on nanotechnology? Find out here. Search not only indexed scientific documents but also the citations they contain.
Cool4Kids www.cool4kids.com This kids-only search engine draws on the Kids and Teens Open Directory Project. With 17,549 links and counting.
eBizSearch http://gunther.smeal.psu.edu/index.html Search the Web as well as academic and commercial articles for various aspects of e-business.