
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 21:50:43
scale 音阶                                                   key                                         tonality 调性
atonality 无调性                                           bitonality 双重调性                      polytonality 多调性
major 大调                                                   minor 小调                                  key signature 调号
pentatonic 五声的                                        natural 自然的                           melodic 旋律的
harmonic 和声的                                         whole-tone 全音的                      chromatic 半音的
ascending 上行                                          descending 下行                        scale degree (调式)音级
tonic(I) 主音,主和弦                                  supertonic(II) 上主音,上主和弦 mediant (III) 中音,中音和弦
subdominant(IV) 下属音,下属和弦           dominant(V) 属音,属和弦
submediant(VI) 下中音,下中音和弦 (super-dominant)
leading tone(VII) 导音,导和弦 (subtonic) broken chord 分解和弦               altered chord 变和弦
false chord 假和弦 resolution 解决           relative keys 关系大小调              parallel keys 同主音调
interval 音程                                               melodic interval 旋律音程           harmonic interval 和声音程
root 音(fundamental)                        scale step 音级音级数:number of scale step)
simple interval 单音程                                compound interval 复音程            enharmonic intervals 等音程
inversion 转位(complement)                  minor 小(音程)                       major 大(音程)
perfect 完全,纯(音程)                          augmented 增(音程)               diminished 减(音程)
double-augmented 倍增(音程)             double-diminished 倍减(音程)unison 同度,一度(prime)
second 二度                                              third 三度                                    fourth 四度
fifth 五度                                                   sixth 六度                                    seventh 七度
octave 八度                                              ninth 九度                                    tenth 十度
eleventh 十一度                                        twelfth 十二度                               tri-tone 三全音
diatonic interval 自然(音程)                 chromatic interval 变化(音程) consonant 协和(音程、和弦)
dissonant 不协和(音程、和弦)             chord 和弦                                   triad 三和弦
major triad 大三和弦                                minor triad 小三和弦                     diminished triad 减三和弦
augmented triad 增三和弦                       root position 原位                         first inversion 第一转位
second inversion 第二转位                      third inversion 第三转位               sixth chord 六和弦
sixth-four chord 四六和弦                        seventh chord 七和弦                dominant seventh chord 属七和弦
diminished seventh chord 减七和弦       ninth chord 九和弦                      augmented sixth chord 增六和弦
Added-sixth chord 加六度和弦                fourth chord 四度和弦                   tone-cluster 音簇
harmony 和声学                                     harmonic analysis 和声分析         functional harmony 功能和声
modulation 转调                                      transposition 移调                         chromatic scale 半音阶
diatonic scale 自然音阶 passing tone 经过音
neighboring tone 辅助音(auxiliary tone,upper or lower)
anticipation 先现音                                 suspension 延留音                        ornament(s) 装饰音
trill 颤音                                                 mordent 波音(upper mordent)
inverted mordent 逆波音(lower mordent;
double mordent 复波音                          inverted turn 回音                         arpeggio 琶音
melody 旋律                                            repetition 重复                              unity 统一
variety 变化                                            variation 变奏                               theme with variation 主题与变奏
comparison 对比                                     augmentation 展开                       climax 高潮
sequence 模进                                        melodic sequence 旋律模进        harmonic sequence 和声模进
melodic progression 旋律进行                melodic contour 旋律轮廓            motive 动机
development 发展                                  thematic material 主题材料           phrase 乐句
phrasing 分句                                         period 乐段                                   cadence 终止
perfect cadence 完全终止                     imperfect cadence 不完全终止     half cadence 半终止
authentic cadence 正格终止                  plagal cadence 变格终止              interrupted cadence 阻碍终止
deceptive cadence 伪终止                     musical form 曲式                         one-part form 一段式,一部曲式
binary form 二段式,二部曲式(AB)   rounded binary form (有再现的)二段式
ternary form 三段式,三部曲式(ABA)four-part form 四段式                   five-part form 五段式
variation form 变奏曲式(A,A1,A2,A3…)strophic form 分节歌(a,a,a,a …)
rondo form 回旋曲式(ABACA)            sonata form 奏鸣曲式                    exposition 呈示部
development 展开部                              recapitulation 再现部                   rondo sonata form 回旋奏鸣曲式
movement 乐章                                      prelude 前奏(曲)                       interlude 间奏(曲)
coda 尾声                                             trio 三声中部                          cadanza 华彩乐段 musical form 体裁
reduction 改编(缩编)                        trio 三重奏                                     quartet 四重奏
quintet 五重奏                                       opera 歌剧                                    ballet 芭蕾
chorus 合唱                                          choir 合唱团                                  choral music 合唱音乐
cantata 康塔塔                                     mass 弥撒                                      oratorio 清唱剧
passion 受难曲                                    symphony 交响曲                          concerto 协奏曲
sonata 奏鸣曲                                     sonatina 小奏鸣曲                          band 军乐队
band music 军乐                                 etude 练习曲                                 march 进行曲
jazz 爵士乐                                          overture 序曲                                 ballata 叙事曲
inter mezzo 间奏曲                              waltz 圆舞曲,华尔兹                     allemande 阿勒曼德
courante 库朗特                                   sarabande 萨拉班德                      gigue 吉格
bourree 布列                                       polonaise 波洛涅兹                       tarantella 塔兰台拉           govotte 加沃特                                     chaconne 恰空                              passacaglia 帕萨卡利亚
capriccio 随想曲                                  fantasia 幻想曲                              lullaby 摇篮曲
tango 探戈                                           habanera 哈巴涅拉                        madrigal 牧歌
choral 众赞歌                                      reguiem 安魂曲                             symphonic poem 交响诗
toccata 托卡塔                                    serenade 小夜曲                            nocturn 夜曲
rhapsody 狂想曲                                  minuet 小步舞曲                             recitative 宣叙调
aria 咏叹调                                         songs without word 无词歌             invention 创意曲
scherzo 谐谑曲                                    mazurka 玛祖卡                              polka 波尔卡
fox trot 狐步舞                                    blues 布鲁斯                                   rumba 伦巴
disco 迪斯科                                       suite 组曲                                       fugue 赋格