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学而“时”习之 艾  斐 2010年12月09日07:18   来源:人民网-《人民日报》 学而“时”习之--中国共产党新闻
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· 建设学习型党组织  例句与用法
  • 你们劳动不辍,才真正置身于真爱的生命中。

    And in keeping yourself with labour you are in truth loving life.


  • 一溪一世界,像终年不辍的盛会,还不忘月月点缀新意。

    Indeed the river is a perpetual gala, and boasts each month a new ornament.


  • 她一直坐在亭子里,膝头搁着针线活儿,十指孜孜不辍地忙于针凿。

    She was sitting in the alcove, her task of work on her knee, her fingers assiduously plying the needle.


更多例句 »
  • 双手冻裂出血,仍坚持不辍

    Frost Crack hands bleeding, still insists chuo.


  • 练习绘画是要勤练不辍

    Learning a painting needs a lot of practice.

  • 学习语言需要勤练不辍

    language needs a lot of practice.


  • 后来居住在蒙特卡罗的牛顿一直工作不辍

    Latterly based in Monte Carlo Newton went on working to the end.


  • 你们劳动不辍,才真正置身于真爱的生命中。

    And in keeping yourself with labour you are in truth loving life.


  • 我的父母都已年逾古稀,仍在田间不辍劳作。

    My parents have been over seventy years of age, are still able to continue uninterrupted crafts field.


  • 因为阅读需要练习,成绩优异的孩子,都练习不辍

    Because reading requires practice, and those who excel end up practicing the most.


  • 一溪一世界,像终年不辍的盛会,还不忘月月点缀新意。

    Indeed the river is a perpetual gala, and boasts each month a new ornament.


  • 而人要吃饭、休息,岂能不辍,故触沙沉船之事仍时有发生。

    And people have to eat, rest, how can bu 辍, they touch things sinking sand still occur from time to time.


  • 真诚服务是生命,敬业乐业是根基。力耕不辍,营造质量与信誉。

    Sincerity is vital while devotion is the ground root. All the staff are working diligently to guarantee the quality and reputation of our company.


  • 她一直坐在亭子里,膝头搁着针线活儿,十指孜孜不辍地忙于针凿。

    She was sitting in the alcove, her task of work on her knee, her fingers assiduously plying the needle.


  • 在—定程度上也反映了文人们对这门艺术的迷恋和热爱,毕生不辍

    In - the extent, the text also reflected the people's fascination with this art and love, life Buchuo.


  • 布置幽雅的茶艺馆风行有年,至今不辍,它也带起年轻人喝茶的习惯。

    Atmospheric tea houses have been fashionable for years, while today they are helping to popularize the "tea-taking" habit with the younger generation.


  • 要努力工作,突破极限,勤学不辍,还要永远记住,时刻都要开心一些。

    Work hard, push your limits, never stop learning, and always remember to have some fun along the way.


  • 要努力工作,突破极限,勤学不辍,还要永远记住,时刻都要开心一些。

    If at all possible, get a job in your dream field, even if the salary is less.


  • 稳定成长持续不辍的前提是在振兴方案效应逐渐减弱的同时民间开支适时接手。

    D. P. (as opposed to its level) is already behind us. Solid growth will continue only if private spending takes up the baton as the effect of the stimulus fades.


  • 周教授也创办了「犁典读书组」,定期和学生在家中一起研读经典,经年不辍

    The "Ploughing Classics Reading Group", another brainchild of Prof. Chow, allows students to study classic works at his home, regularly and year round.


  • 正称年耆,目(目毛)读书不辍,手自雠校或亲善写,又精意词翰,有文集三十卷。

    Qi is the year that, the head (head hair ) Buchuo study, the feud started from their own or goodwill write, and fine Italian word John, a 30 volume collected works.


  • 他治学严谨,勤耕不辍,对《文心雕龙》进行了全面深入的研究,取得了丰硕的成果。

    He did a full investigation in"The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons"and got quite a little significant fruit.


  • 9看笑话: 吾一室友Y君,酷爱音乐,沉迷于其间不能自拔,每日晚饭后练声不辍

    9 see joke: My one roommate Mr Y, love music, indulge meantime cannot extricate oneself, the vocalize after daily dinner does not stop.


  • 马克斯威尔幼年时养成的灵修习惯及好奇心,让他透过科学探索服事创造主,一生不辍

    The boyhood cultivation of Maxwell's spiritual life and curiosity resulted in a lifetime of using science in service to the Creator.


  • 他仍孜孜不倦,笔耕不辍,乐于寻找新课题并投入新创造,力求创作出更多更好的作品。

    He still made great efforts in working, addressed himself to find new themes, develop new creations, and make more and better works.


  • 公司老板陈会民,字惠民,1957年生,河南偃师人,自幼酷爱文学及书画,勤习不辍

    Chen will be the company boss, the word Huimin, 1957 Health and Henan Yanshi, literature and painting since childhood love, Qin Xi Buchuo.


  • 她一生笔耕不辍,创作了许多优秀的文学作品,体裁涉及长篇小说、短篇小说、戏剧、电影剧本等;

    Though best known for her nonfiction, she has also written novels, short stories, plays and has written and directed several films.


  • 从20岁以来的50年中大部分时间,我一直坚持每个工作日都笔耕不辍:新闻、社论、专栏、文章。

    For most of 50 years, from the age of 20, I have been writing practically every weekday: news items, editorials, columns, articles.


  • 他会见了那些政治巨头,例如:列宁、罗斯福和斯大林,在他晚年的时候,他依旧旅游、教学并且笔耕不辍

    He met with such preeminent political figures as Lenin Roosevelt and Stalin and continued to publish travel and educate during his final years.


  • 美国20世纪著名文学和社会批评家埃德蒙•威尔逊以不辍笔耕的半个世纪向公众展示了他独特的文学批评观。

    Edmund Wilson, one of the most significant American literary critics of the 20th century, advocates an aesthetic comeback of literary criticism to the society.


  • 就像长笛在交响乐队中永远代表了明亮不沉闷的色彩和青春的旋律一样,吴晓杭在自己的音乐道路上也一直不辍追求。

    Like the happy and vivid rhythm of flute in a sinfonia band, he keep progression on his music way all the time.


  • 由于谢定书先生知识渊博,督教学生有方,再加上李氏兄弟苦读不辍,因此,在同治、光绪年间,李家兄弟全部科考及第。

    Due to Mr. Xie Dingshu knowledgeable, able to teach students the Governor, along with Lee's brother Buchuo hard, in the Tongzhi, Guangxu years, the Li brothers and all of the scientific expedition.


  • 之后我发现在我们周围还有80多岁的老人仍然经商不辍时,我就想,如果他们在82、83岁的高龄还能经商,我才63岁,我为什么就不能继续干下去呢?

    Then I see businessmen of 80-plus with lots of energy and I think: If they can still do it at 82 or 83, why shouldn't I be able to at 63?
