OCCI demo1

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/01 07:00:52
* occistrm - Demonstrating the usage of streams for VARCHAR2 data
* Description
*   This demo program selects VARCHAR2 data using stream operations.
using namespace oracle::occi;
using namespace std;
class occistrm
Environment *env;
Connection *conn;
occistrm (string user, string passwd, string db)
throw (SQLException)
env = Environment::createEnvironment (Environment::DEFAULT);
conn = env->createConnection (user, passwd, db);
}// end of constructor occistrm (string, string, string)
~occistrm ()
throw (SQLException)
env->terminateConnection (conn);
Environment::terminateEnvironment (env);
}// end of destructor
* displaying all the rows in the table
void displayAllRows ()
Statement *stmt = conn->createStatement (
"SELECT summary FROM book WHERE bookid = 11");
stmt->execute ();
ResultSet *rs = stmt->getResultSet ();
rs->setCharacterStreamMode(1, 4000);
char buffer[500];
int length = 0;
unsigned int size = 500;
while (rs->next ())
Stream *stream = rs->getStream (1);
while( (length=stream->readBuffer(buffer, size))!=-1)
cout << "Read " << length << " bytes from stream" << endl;
stmt->closeResultSet (rs);
conn->terminateStatement (stmt);
}// end of updateRow (string);
}; // end of class occistrm
int main (void)
string user = "SCOTT";
string passwd = "TIGER";
string db = "";
cout << "occistrm - Exhibiting usage of streams for VARCHAR2 data"
<< endl;
occistrm *demo = new occistrm (user, passwd, db);
demo->displayAllRows ();
delete (demo);
cout << "occistrm - done" << endl;
}// end of int main (void);