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Study and Application for Spacial Finite Element Mothod of Piling Wharf Designing

【作者】 舒宁;

【导师】 孙锡衡; 别社安;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学, 港口、海岸及近海工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 高桩码头是最普遍的三种码头结构型式之一,在我国得到了广泛的应用,主要适用于软土地基。高桩梁板结构码头更以其构件受力明确合理;材料用量较少;横向排架跨度大,桩的承载能力可较充分发挥;装配程度高,施工速度快等优点,目前逐步取代了具有承台式、无梁板式和桁架式等上部结构的高桩码头,得到了广泛采用。高桩梁板结构码头为一个空间整体结构,应该取一个结构分段按空间结构进行计算。如何准确反映空间结构的受力状态就成为高桩梁板结构码头结构设计是否经济合理、安全可靠的关键所在。本文首先对目前高桩梁板结构码头设计计算的一般思路和常规方法进行了对比分析。同时探讨了有限元方法在结构设计计算中的应用,尤其是空间有限元方法应用的现状和存在的问题。本文针对营口港鲅鱼圈港区一港池20万吨级深水散货泊位工程码头结构方案的比选和优化问题,采用空间有限元数值方法对码头结构进行了计算和优化分析,并利用物理模型试验对数值分析结果进行了验证。数值模型分析中,探讨了各种不同的空间有限元计算模型的异同,并通过与物理模型试验结果的对比分析,推荐在设计中对码头上部结构采用块单元模拟,而不是通常将纵、横梁用梁单元进行模拟,这样可以模拟桩帽、深梁及上部面板构成的整体结构的大刚度。与通常将高桩梁板结构码头简化为平面问题计算的结果相比,其求得的梁内力较小,而基桩的轴向力较大。物理模型试验的结果验证了数值模型分析的观点和结论,为合理优化码头的结构型式和保证工程设计的可靠提供了有力的依据。本文针对大型非预应力高桩梁板结构所建立的空间有限元分析模型及其结论可供类似的工程借鉴。同时,它所反映出来的问题在今后行业标准的修订过程中可供参考。

【Abstract】 Piling wharf is one of the three most universal kinds of wharves, and it is usedwidely in China, especially in those areas with weak foundation. Due to manyexcellencies, like constructing quickly, bigger spans, less quantity of materials, aswell as high efficiency for assembling, those with upside structures composed bybeams and plates are more widely used instead of other sub-kinds of piling wharves.Piling wharf is a complete spacial structure. Theoretically, it should be analyzed andcalculated as a holistic structure. But in fact, it is very complex and difficult foranalyzing and calculating. Therefore, it is important to assure the design economicaland credible to simulate the loading conditions and stress states.Firstly, this thesis discusses the general methods to analyze and calculate thestructure of piling wharves. At the same time, it also states and discusses theapplication and problems of the Finite Element Method (FEM) in the field ofstructural analysis, calculations and design.Aiming to the wharf design of a 200,000DWT berth in Yingkou Port isintroduced in this thesis, the spacial finite element method was used in the numericalmodel analysis and designing calculation, validated by a related physical modelexperimentation. Within the numerical model analysis, some models were discussedand compared. By comparing with the result of physical model experimentation, theblock element was recomnended in deisgn for simulating rigid beams and pilecaps,rather than the beam element commonly used. The results of this kind of numericalmodel analysis are different from those of accustomed methods, but in consistent withthose of physical model experimentation. This is very important and helpful to adjustthe structure design.The model of spacial finite element analysis recommended and the conclusionof this thesis could be taken as a reference for analogous projects with rigid beams,plates, and pilecaps. The problems indicated in this thesis also could be taken as areference for the updating of related codes and standards.  【关键词】 高桩梁板; 码头; 设计; 空间有限元方法;
【Key words】 spacial finite element method; piling; wharf; designing;