
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/29 11:00:26


马后炮 ----「後の祭り」(あとのまつり)---- Belated action or advice.
歪打正着----「怪我の功名」(けがのこうみょう)---- Hit the mark by a fluke; Score a lucky hit.
垂头丧气----「青菜に塩」(あおなにしお)---- Become dejected and despondent; Be downcast; Lose one's spirit.
光阴似箭----「光阴矢の如し」(こういんやのごとし)---- Time flies; The swift passage of time; The time goes like lightning.
滴水穿石----「雨だれ石を穿つ」(あまだれいしをうがつ)---- Drops of water outwear the stone; Little strokes fell great oak; A constant dropping will wear a hole in the stone.
火烧眉毛----「足下に火がつく」(あしもとにひがつく)---- Fire singes one's eyebrows; extremely urgent; In imminent danger.
昙花一现----「朝颜の花一時」(あさがおのはないちじ)---- Be a flash in the pan; Last briefly; A nine days' wonder; Vanish as soon as it appears.
养虎遗患----「敵に情けをかけ、後に災いの種を残す」(てきになさけをかけ、あとにわざわいのたねをのこす)---- feed a tiger to one's own detriment; A snake in one's bosom; To nourish a tiger is to court calamity; To try to tame a tiger is to court trouble.
恩将仇报----「恩を仇で返す」(おんをあだでかえす)---- Return kindness with ingratitude; Bite the hand that feeds one; Requite kindness with enmity.
好事多磨----「月に群雲(丛云)、花に風」(つきにむらくも、はなにかぜ)---- The road to happiness is strewn with setbacks; Good things are a long time in coming; The course of true love never did run smooth.

画蛇添足----「月夜に提灯」(つきよにちょうちん)---- Paint a snake with feet; Superfluous.
久居则安----「住めば都」(すめばみやこ)---- Home is where you make it.
口若悬河----「立て板に水」(たていたにみず)---- A great talker makes a torrent of words; Be eloquent; Have a great flow of speech; Let loose a flood of eloquence.
快马加鞭----「駆け馬に鞭」(かけうまにむち)---- Spur on the flying horse; Burn up the road on one's way; Ride hell-for-leather; Ride whip and spur.
脍炙人口----「人口に脍炙する」(じんこうにかいしゃする)---- Be on everybody's lips.
亡羊补牢----「火事の後の火の用心」(かじのあとのひのようじん)---- To defend one consequent to an incident.
微乎其微----「雀の涙」(すずめのなみだ)---- Next to nothing; Very little; As trifling as it is.
未雨绸缪----「転ばぬ先の杖」(ころばぬさきのつえ)---- Have an anchor to windward; Make hay while the sun shines; Make provision for...
笑里藏刀----「笑中に刀あり」(しょうちゅうにかたなあり)---- Hide a dagger in a smile; A smile of treachery; A serpent in ones bosom.
四十不惑----「四十にして惑わず」(しじゅうにしてまどわず)---- Don't hesitate even in the forties
半斤八两----「五十歩百歩」(ごじゅっぽひゃっぽ); 「団栗の背比べ」(どんぐりのせくらべ)---- The pot calling the kettle back; Tweedledum and tweedledee; There is nothing much to choose among them.
老而好学----「六十の手習い」(ろくじゅうのてならい)---- It's never to late to learn.
百折不回----「七転び八起き」(ななころびやおき)---- Pushing forward despite repeated frustrations; Keep on figting in spite of all setbacks; With indomitable fortitude.

九死一生----「九死に一生を得る」(きゅうしにいっしょうをえる)---- Be at death's door; A hairbreadth escape; A slim chance of surviving; Survive all perils.
如虎添翼----「鬼に金棒」(おににかなぼう)---- Like a tiger with wings.
舍华求实----「花より団子」(はなよりだんご)---- Pudding before praise; Bread is better than songs of birds.
杯水车薪----「焼け石に水」(やけいしにみず)---- A drop in the bucket; Quench the fire of a cartload of firewoods with one cup of water.
祸从口出----「口は災いの門」(くちはわざわいのかど)---- Out of the mouth comes evil.
一贫如洗----「赤贫洗うが如し」(せきひんあらうがごとし)-- Desperately poor; Live in dire poverty; Not a feather to fly with; Own nothing but one's naked skin; Penniless; Be in utter destitution.
一星半点----「爪の垢ほど」(つめのあかほど)---- Just a little; A tiny bit; A very small amount.
有备无患----「備えあれば憂いなし」(そなえあればうれいなし)---- Be prepared against want; If one is prepared, he will be safe; Preparedness averts peril; Where ther is precaution there will be no danger.

对牛弹琴----「猫に小判」(ねこにこばん);「馬の耳に念仏」(うまのみみにねんぶつ);「豚に真珠」(ぶたにしんじゅ)---- Play the lute to a cow; Cast pearls before swine; Preach to deaf ears; Whistle jigs to a milestone.
临阵磨枪----「泥棒を捕らえてて縄を綯う」(どろぼうをとらえてなわをなう)---- Last-minute preparation.
隔岸观火----「対岸の火灾」(たいがんのかさい);「川向いの火事」(かわむかいのかじ)-Praise the sea, but keep on land.

一举两得、一箭双雕----「一石二鳥」(いっせきにちょう)---- Kill two birds with one stone; Butter both sides of one's bread.
天渊之别、天壤之别----「月と鼈」(つきとすっぽん);「雲泥の差」(うんでいのさ)---- As different as heaven and hell; As far apart as sky and sea; A world of differences; Vast difference.
欲速则不达----「急がば回れ」(いそがばまわれ)---- The longest wat about is the nearest way home; Great haste is not always good speed.
岁月不待人----「歳月人を待たず」(さいげつひとをまたず)---- Time and tide wait for no man(one)
八九不离十----「当たらずといえども遠からず」(あたらずともいえどもとおからず)---- Pretty close; very near; About right; In a probability; Not far out.
知子莫若父----「子を知ること父に如くは無く」(こをしることちちにしくはなく)---- No one knows a man better than his own father.
功到自然成----「石の上にも三年」(いしのうえにもさんねん)- Constant effort yields sure success.
英雄出少年----「栴檀は双葉より芳し」(せんだんはふたばよりかんばし)---- Genius displays itself even in childhood.
可望而不可及----「高嶺の花」(たかねのはな)---- Within sight but beyond reach; can be looked at but not touched; Inaccessible; Unattainable.
百闻不如一见----「百聞は一見に如かず」(ひゃくぶんはいっけんにしかず)---- To see sth. once is better than to hear it a hundred times; One look is worth a thousand words; Seeing is believing; What one hears is not as reliable as what one sees.

天无绝人之路----「舍てる神あれば助ける神あり」(すてるかみあればたすけるかみあり)---- When one door is shut, another is open; Heaven never seals off all the exits.
远水救不了近火----「二階から目薬」(にかいからめぐすり)-- Fan the sun with a peacock's feather; A slow remedy can not meet an urgency.
子女不知父母心----「親の心子知らず」(おやのこころこしらず)---- No love like a father's.
养子方知父母恩----「子をもって知る親の恩」(こをもってしるおやのおん)---- He that has no child knows not what love is.
有其父必有其子----「蛙の子は蛙」(かえるのこはかえる)---- Like father, like son; A chip from the old block; Like begets like.

聪明反被聪明误----「策士策に溺れる」(さくしさくにおぼれる)---- Cleverness may overreach itself; A wise man can be ruined by his own wisdom; Every man has a fool in his sleeve.
丢了西瓜拣芝麻----「火事の後の釘拾い」(かじのあとのくぎひろい)---- Lose the greater for the less; Lose a sheep for a halfpenny-worth; Penny-wise and pound-foolish; Suffer a big loss of foro little gain; Try to save a little only to lose a lot; Lose a great deal for small gain.
一年之计在于春----「一年の計は元旦にあり」 (いちねんのけいはがんたんにあり)---- The whole year's work depends on a good start in spring.
一叶落知天下秋----「一葉落ちて天下の秋を知る」 (いちようおちててんかのあきをしる)---- When one leaf falls, it's awared that autumn comes.
条条道路通罗马----「すべての道はローマに通す。」(すべてのみちはローマに通す)---- All roads lead to Rome.

世事变化无常,花开自有花落时----「三日見ぬ間の桜」(みっかみぬまのさくら)---- Constantly changing

三天打鱼两天晒网----「三日坊主」(みっかぼうず)---- Blow hot and cold; Play fast and loose; Lack perseverance; Work by fits and starts.
多一事不如少一事----「触らぬ神に祟りなし」(さわらぬかみにたたりなし)---- It's better to save trouble; The less trouble the better; Don't meet trouble halfway.
青出于蓝而胜于蓝--—「青は蓝より出でて蓝より青し」(あおはあいよりいでてあいよりあおし)---- Know better than one's teacher; Successors excel the predecessor; The pupil surpasses the master.
智者千虑必有一失----「猿も木から落ちる」(さるもきからおちる);「弘法にも筆の誤り」(こうぼうにもふでのあやまり)---- Even a wise man sometimes makes a mistake; Even Homer sometimes nods.

漏洞百出,破绽百出,百孔千疮----「八方破れ」(はっぽうやぶれ)---- Full of flaws/loopholes; Self abandonment; Riddled with a thousand wounds.
八面玲珑,四面讨好----「八方美人」(はっぽうびじん)---- Everybody's friend.
十人十样,各不相同----「十人十色」(じゅうにんといろ)---- So many men, so many minds; Differ from one another; Have nothing in common with each other.
雪上加霜,祸不单行----「泣き面に蜂」(なきつらにはち)---- Misfortune never come alone; One disaster after another; the worst came to the worst.
满瓶不响,半瓶叮当----「空き樽は音高し」(あきだるはおとたかし)---- Empty vessels make the greatest sound; Shallow streams make most din; Full vesels give the leat sound.
只知其一,不知其二----「一を知り二を知らず」 (いちをしりてにをしらず)---- One cannot see the wood for the trees; Be aware of only one aspect and ignorant of the other.
流水不腐,户枢不蠹----「流れる水は腐らぬ」(ながれるみずはくさらぬ)---- Running water does not stink, moving hinge does not stick; Moving things are unlikely to go bad.
千里之堤,溃于蚁穴----「千里の堤も蟻の穴から」(せんりのつつみもありのあなから)-- A small leak will sink a great ship; The collapse of a thousand embankment begins from the ant-hole.
千里之行,始于足下----「千里の道も一歩より起こる」(せんりのみちもいっぽよりおこる)---- A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

前车之覆,后车之鉴----「前者の覆るは後車の戒め」(ぜんしゃのくつがえるは、こうしゃのいましめ)---- One should take warning from another's mistake; Learn caution through an unpleasant experience; Overturned cart in front is a warning for those behind.
前门拒虎,后门进狼----「前門の虎、後門の狼」(ぜんもんのとら、こうもんのおおかみ)---- One woe goes and another comes; To fend off one danger only to fall prey to another; Free oneself from the threat of the tiger only to fall into the clutches of a wolf.