
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/29 21:19:33
中国股市清理“强盗贵族” China starts crackdown on insider trading英国《金融时报》 吉密欧 北京报道  


Rising inflation and fears over what Beijing will do next to rein in surging food and property prices have carried much of the blame for the recent mini-crash in Chinese stocks. But Chinese analysts, officials and market participants say the market is also reacting to what appears to be the government’s most serious campaign in years aimed at tackling rampant insider trading and stock manipulation.


China’s benchmark equity index, while recovering a little on Wednesday, has tumbled more than 9 per cent in less than two weeks. Indeed, share prices have been falling as precipitously as they rose in a bull run that saw the index climb nearly 20 per cent between October 8 and November 11. The slide has coincided with a nationwide campaign, announced last week by the State Council, China’s cabinet, to crack down on the “grim situation” of insider trading.


Mainland China’s markets are notoriously opaque and speculative. Everyone, from small retail investors to top fund managers, appears to trade on tips from contacts who claim to have “inside” information. “If you ask any Chinese investor whether they think a chairman or executive of a company is trading in their own stock, nine out of 10 would expect that to be the case just as they would expect a government official to be taking bribes,” says Fraser Howie, co- author of Red Capitalism and other books on China’s stock markets.

中国内地股市的不透明与投机性强是出了名的。从散户投资者到顶级基金经理,所有人似乎都在根据号称有“内幕”消息的熟人的建议炒股。《红色资本主义》(Red Capitalism)作者之一侯伟(Fraser Howie)表示:“如果你询问任何一位中国投资者,是否认为某公司董事长或高管在交易自己公司的股票,90%的人会给出肯定的答案,就象他们认为所有政府官员都在受贿一样。”侯伟还著有其它以中国股市为题材的书籍。

Last week’s announcement marked the first time the Chinese cabinet has publicly addressed the issue of insider trading and was interpreted by investors as a signal of the government’s determination to head off a new stock bubble.


Previous government campaigns against market irregularities, such as those launched in 2001 and 2007, have often coincided with the securities regulator’s attempts to cool runaway prices. “Nobody can be confident in this market over the short term when there’s a clampdown like this going on,” Mr Howie says. Chinese investors and fund managers appear to be bracing themselves for a wave of prosecutions as the first casualties of this latest campaign begin to emerge.


Chinese media reports and market speculation claim that three top fund managers have already been investigated in the new crackdown. All three individuals have denied they are the subject of any investigation, but two of them have resigned from their positions at leading Chinese investment funds.


Although, if true, this would be the most serious crackdown on insider trading in years, Beijing has a dismal record of catching people for a practice that everyone in the market says is rampant. In the past eight years, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) has sent less than 90 cases of insider trading for criminal investigation and prosecution in Chinese courts.


And, in September this year, a real-estate company called Dragon Wing Development became the first Chinese corporate entity convicted of insider trading since 1997.

今年9月,上海祖龙景观开发有限公司(Dragon Wing Development)成为1997年以来,首家被判犯有内幕交易罪的中国企业。

Wu Jinglian, a Chinese government economist, recently described the country’s stock market as being in the “age of robber barons” and pointed to insider trading by government officials as especially common. In private, senior regulatory officials admit that government officials and their relatives are some of the worst offenders and the problem is serious even among those who are supposed to be policing the market.


Rumours of a shake-up within the CSRC itself have been circulating in the market since late October, when an official in the commission’s market supervision department apparently committed suicide by jumping off a building in Beijing.


But, given the government’s poor record and the web of relationships and favours that protects most officials in China’s one-party system, analysts are not optimistic that this campaign will do anything to stamp out insider trading.


Liu Jipeng, an economics professor at the China University of Political Science and Law, says that in China government officials have the power to influence even minor business decisions at listed companies, giving them enormous advantages over ordinary investors and a huge incentive to buy shares in anticipation of their own actions.


“The root of the problem lies with China’s unreasonable administrative approval system and the core issue is information leaking out from policymakers’ decisions,” Mr Liu says. “This is a systemic problem and many of the robbers are in the regulatory departments themselves.”
