What money can't buy. 錢買不到...

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/30 16:41:33

What money can't buy. 錢買不到...

本篇分類於» 教學|發表於(March 01, 2006)

It is said, " Money talks." (有錢能使鬼推磨) Many people try hard to make money, but have they ever thought if money really talks? Money is not everything.(金錢並非萬能) There are still things that money can't buy. Miss Kao likes to spend her money on food and books. In fact (事實上)...

About money... (關於金錢)
It can buy a house, but not a home. (它可以買房子,卻不能買家)
It can buy a bed, but not sleep. (它可以買床,卻不能買睡眠)
It can buy a clock, but not time. (它可以買時鐘,卻不能買時間)
It can buy a book, but not knowledge. (它可以買書,卻不能買知識)
It cany food, but not an appetite. (它可以買食物,卻不能買食慾)
It can buy blood, but not life. (它可以買血液,卻不能買生命)
It can buy you medicine, but not health.(它可以買良藥,卻不能買健康)
So, is money your friend? (所以,金錢是你的朋友嗎?)


Miss kao likes to spend her money on food and books.
In fact(事實上), Miss Kao enjoys having special food with her friends on weekends.
" What am I going to eat this weekend?" Every Friday Miss Kao asks herself this question. After a week of hard work, nothing is more inspiring (鼓舞人心的) than having a great meal with your friends!

Miss Kao has a hobby about books.
That is...she loves buying books.
To own(擁有) a book is a great happiness (莫大的幸福) to Miss Kao.
It's very worthwile(值得的) to invest(投資) your money on books.
Books are our window to the world. Miss Kao firmly believe(堅信) this...


How do you like to spend your money?