『Time』一周摄影图片精选:June 05 - 11,2010

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/27 17:06:22
Friday, June 11, 2010
一名女子举起彩虹旗参加一年一度的同性恋游行,特拉维夫。摄影师:Jack Guez
A woman held up a rainbow flag during the annual Gay Pride parade in Tel Aviv Friday.

Thursday, June 10,2010
公车乘客向外张望警方发现的犯罪现场,4人遇害,据称此次事件由政府打击有组织犯罪行动所导致,危地马拉。摄影师:Daniel LeClair
Bus passengers looked at a crime scene Thursday in Guatemala City, where police found one of four decapitated heads in prominent areas.

Thursday, June 10,2010
孩子们手托塑料袋在争取救济中心分发的粮食,伊斯兰堡,巴基斯坦。摄影师:Vincent Thian
Children raised plastic bags to receive a ration of donated rice at the Sufi shrine Beri Iman food distribution center in Islamabad, Pakistan, Thursday.

Thursday, June 10,2010
印度小孩在练习一种能够让脊柱更灵活的瑜伽动作,昌迪加尔,印度。摄影师:Ajay Verma
Children practiced “poorna bhujangasana,” a form of yoga meant to make the spine flexible, at a camp in Chandigarh, India, Thursday.

Tuesday, June 08,2010
一名男子在清理贴满印度博帕尔毒气泄露事件遇难者照片的墙壁,法庭刚刚宣判7名前联合碳化物公司印度分公司高管的罪刑。摄影师:Prakash Hatvalne
A man cleaned off pictures Tuesday of people who died in the 1984 Bhopal, India, gas leak disaster. A court convicted seven former senior employees of Union Carbide’s Indian subsidiary in the case.

Wednesday, June 09,2010
军士Edward Rosa一边读圣经,一边将点燃的香烟递到被路边炸弹震倒的一等兵Jorge Rostra的嘴边。Jorge Rostra央求Rosa为他诵读圣经第91章节。这次爆炸中一人丧生,两人负伤,阿富汗Arghanab山谷。摄影师:Ricardo Garcia Vilanova

Tuesday, June 08,2010
一名巴勒斯坦女子在死海中沐浴。摄影师:Maya Hitij
A Palestinian woman bathed in the Dead Sea Tuesday. The salt lake borders Jordan to the east and the West Bank and Israel to the west. (Maya Hitij/Associated Press)