自述写作技巧解密 - 留学频道|出国留学|留学申请|签证|奖学金|offer—中国教育在线

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/29 01:38:44
 内容提要: As an applicant to apply teaching assistantship, I have worked as a part-time teacher to teach foreigners Chinese in a Language school for three years and as a full-time assistant teacher to assist foreigner professor to teach in ×××(写上工作单位)for half of a year. Through all of these experiences, I have accumulated the following abilities and literacy which make me have full confidence to be a qualified teaching assistant in your university. …….h1 {FONT-WEIGHT: bold; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; FONT-SIZE: 22pt; MARGIN: 17pt 0cm 16.5pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 240%; TEXT-ALIGN: justify}.h2 {FONT-WEIGHT: bold; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; FONT-SIZE: 16pt; MARGIN: 13pt 0cm; LINE-HEIGHT: 173%; TEXT-ALIGN: justify}.h3 {FONT-WEIGHT: bold; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; FONT-SIZE: 16pt; MARGIN: 13pt 0cm; LINE-HEIGHT: 173%; TEXT-ALIGN: justify}






  助学金一般是两种:TA(Teaching Assistantship)和RA(Research Assistantship),也有学校提供给学生行政助学金。







  As an applicant to apply teaching assistantship, I have worked as a part-time teacher to teach foreigners Chinese in a Language school for three years and as a full-time assistant teacher to assist foreigner professor to teach in ×××(写上工作单位)for half of a year. Through all of these experiences, I have accumulated the following abilities and literacy which make me have full confidence to be a qualified teaching assistant in your university.

  1、Language Ability

  When I worked in the Language school, I used English masterly to teach foreign students Chinese and communicate with them freely. While I work in ×××, actually I play a role of a good interpretor in the class. The foreign professor is imparting the specialty Knowledge, and I interpreting them into Chinese for the students and tries my best to maintain the professor’s language style and guarantee the veracity of knowledge.

  2、Sense of Responsibility

  When I taught Chinese, I found although Chinese is my mother language, there was a great difference to speak and to teach. In class, Chinese is taught as a language course which requires specialty knowledge in this language. Therefore I spent much time to learn Chinese from aspect of linguistics and culture.

  In ×××, I graduate from Donghua University which is the best university in the field of garment and textile, however, garment design is not my major. In order to make accurate and professional translation,before every class, I will look through the prof’s teaching material and consult him the terms that I can not understand clearly. After class I will collect the students’ suggestions about that class to improve them in the next class. 

  3、Multi-cultural perspectives

  I taught the language according to the requirements specified in the textbook. At a later time, I recognized that my job also had to do with cultural exchange. So as to guarantee the validity of my teaching, I came to understand different cultural backgrounds of my students, taught Chinese according to their ways of thinking, perspectives and meanwhile spread Chinese customs and perspectives.

  4、Combination of theory and practice:

  In ×××, as soon as the professor and I complete the class, sometimes I will supplement some knowledge in the real world for I worked in the garment company. I will tell them the application of these theories and marketing demands in the real world in order to help them understand the knowledge in depth and in reality.

  In a word, I believe I will be an outstanding teaching assistant in your university and it is my honor to obtain this position.

  (2) RA申请自述



  As an applicant to apply research assistantship, through four years accumulation, I have obtained good computer literacy, a micro-view of Instructional technology, and logical thought, diligent, strong sense of responsibility

  1、Computer Literacy

  Firstly,though studies my major: Computer science for four years, I have accumulated solid computer theories. My GPA is ranked ## in my department, especially, I got high score in ###,###and### etc.(写上理论课程的名称)

  Secondly,I have grasped many kinds of computer languages and application of many software and hardware:such as: DOS, Window 98/2000/XP, UNIX; Office 2000, Photoshop, Authorware, Flash MX, Matlab, etc.; C++, Java, Pascal, C, HTML, XML, ActionScript

  Thirdly,I have brought in a good harvest in the course of applying information technology in education.

  In ××(时间),in order to promote the teaching quality and efficiency of secondary school, I wrote High School English and Mathematics modules,which is based on the following technology: EduPortal, flash, dreamweaver. When I worked as a part-time assistant to educational software engineer for three summer holiday in Ladder Digital Education Corp. I was responsible to develop EduPortal :a kind of software to establish a website effectively. In this project I applied the newest architecture technology of ASP.Net provided by Microsoft

  2、A macro-view of instructional technology

  Since have strong interests in the field of education, in particular, instructional technology, I take many education courses such as:×××, ××× and××× etc. In the meanwhile I have spent a lot of time studying educational technology. To grasp it on a macro level, I exposed myself to theoretical studies: the development and the status quo of educational technology, learning theory and its various branches, course design and software development, audio-visual teaching in the 80s and MIT’s conceptualized classrooms. The more I know, the more interest I show in educational technology.

  3、Logical thought, industrious, strong sense of responsibility

  In the course of self-study of educational technology, I am expert in search various papers, publications and documents on Internet and sort them clearly. At the same time because my second degree is English, I have not any obstacle to search English websites and read English information.

  I believe diligence plays a key role to achieve success. During the period of developing EduPortal, if writing wrong one code, sometimes the whole programming can not be run. In order to complete task without delay, I would check, rewrite, and test over and over again until identify the wrong code.

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