Building Motivation into Your E-tivities

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 13:51:56
1. What is the extrinsic reward of taking part? Make this clear throughout each and
every e-tivity
2. Are the intentions of the e-tivity clear? Do students know exactly what’s expected
of them and why?
3. Who will find this e-tivity easy- how can you stretch them?
4. Who will find this e-tivity hard. How can you support them?
5. Is the e-tivity at the right level for the whole group – will everyone see it as
6. Who will the students want to please by taking part? Can you build this into their
7. Does the e-tivity need chunking up into small pieces to be more motivating? Can
they cope with it all in one go?
8. Are there cultural aspects that might alienate, confuse and hence de-motivate
some students? How can you turn these into positive benefits?
9. Is the layout of the e-tivity clear. Have you proof read it before posting it?
10. What will students lose by not taking part. Or by merely lurking?
• At stage 1-3 don’t expect intrinsic motivation to help.
• At stage 4 and 5- try and offer intrinsic motivators
• Avoid ‘punishment’ and threats for non-participation- they do not motivate.
• Fabulous technology and comfort with the system will only ever be a hygiene
factor, not a motivator in itself.