
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/27 22:52:37



沃夫布里次(CNN主持人) : 你如何减轻这么多重量? 你现在的饮食方式为何?


比尔柯林顿(美国前总统): 简短的答案是我实际上力行以植物性为主的饮食方式。我以豆子、豆类、蔬菜、水果为生。我每天早上饮用蛋白质补给品,我不喝牛奶,我喝水果杏仁奶搭配蛋白质粉,我就这样在一天的清晨得到当天的蛋白质。这改变我整个新陈代谢,而且我减少了24磅,我回到了我在高中时期的重量。但是我是为了不同因素这样做的,我的意思是我以前想要减轻一点重量而已,我从来没有想过这真得发生了。 我以前减重是因为在我放入此血管内支架以后,我在拥有替代管、丧失比动脉更薄且更弱的静脉以后这样进行的。事实是,它阻塞了,这意味着,胆固醇仍在我部份血管替代管中积累。感谢上帝,我可以拿走替代管了。我不要再让那种情形发生。所以,我开始进行所有这类的研究,我看到自从1986年起,力行植物性饮食(没有奶制品、没有任何种类肉类--没有吃鸡、火鸡)的人中有百分之82....我吃非常少鱼,我偶而会吃一点点鱼肉,不常。假如你可以这样做的话,如此身体力行的人中有百分之82,他们的身体开始自我痊愈。他们的动脉阻塞清除了,沈积在他们心脏附近的钙质分裂了,此运动是由在克里夫兰医疗中心的卡尔德威尔?耶瑟斯庭博士、狄恩•欧尼斯博士、写〝The China Study〞(中文书名:救命饮食)以及一些其它书籍的坎贝尔博士与他儿子所领导,但是我们拥有25年的证据。因为我为了雀儿喜的婚礼想要减重,我要变成这实验的一部份。我要看看我是否可以成为具有自清机制的人们中的一份子。我们要看看。


沃夫布里次(CNN主持人) : 我希望你可以一直很健康,并且一直看到孙子。


比尔柯林顿(美国前总统): 我也是。这真是件大事,你知道的,希拉里与我,我们非常高兴,我们有个女婿,假如有孙子的话,我们要环绕在他们身边。我们要含饴弄孙。


沃夫布里次(CNN主持人) :  祝您幸运!总统先生。


比尔柯林顿(美国前总统):  谢谢!




Wolf Blitzer:  How did you loose so much weight? What kind of diet are you on?


Bill Clinton:  The short answer is I went on essentially a plant-based diet. I live on beans, legumes, vegetables, fruits.  I drink a protein supplement every morning, no dairy, I drink almond milk with fruit mixed in with a protein powder so I get the protein for the day when I start the day out. And it changed my whole metabolism, and I lost 24 pounds and I got back to the weight I was in high school.  But I did it for a different reason, I mean I wanted to loose a little weight, but I didn’t dream this would happen.  I did it because after I had this stent put in, I realize that even thought it happens after you have the bypass you loose the veins because they are thinner and weaker than arteries. The truth is that it clogged up, which means that the cholesterol was still causing build up in my vein that was part of my bypass.  And thank God I could take the stents.  And I don’t want that to happen again. So I started doing all this research and I saw that 82 percent of the people since 1986 who have gone on a plant based dairy, no meat of any kind – no chicken, turkey... I eat very little fish,  once in a while I eat a little fish. Not often.  If you can do it, 82 percent of the people who have done that have begun to heal themselves.  Their arterial blockage cleans up, the calcium deposit around their heart breaks up, this movement has been led by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn at the Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Dean Ornish who you know of, the Drs. Campbell, father and son, who wrote “The China Study,” and a handful of others, but we now have 25 years of evidence. Since I wanted to loose weight for Chelsea’s wedding, I’ll become part of this experiment. I’ll see if I can become one of those that can have a self-clearing mechanism. We’ll see.” 


Wolf Blitzer:  I hope you’re healthy for many years and get to see grandchildren, for many years.


Bill Clinton:  Me too.  That’s really the big deal, you know, Hillary and I, we’re happy, we love our son-in-law, and we want to be around if there are grandkids. We want to do our part. 


Wolf Blitzer:  Mr. President, good luck.


Bill Clinton:   Thank you.