
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/29 19:17:43
                                                   爱你所有,而非爱你所愿                                                                                                   Loving The Life You Have, Not The One You Think You Want Do you love your life? Or do you sometimes feel dissatisfied, certain that you’d be a lot happier if you had a bigger home, better relationships, more money, exciting leisure activities, the respect of your peers(n.同龄人,同辈)… So many of us keep striving for happiness, convincing ourselves that a new computer game or outfit, a pay rise(涨工资)or a vacation, will somehow bring us closer. Many of us equate(v.使同等,看作相同的) happiness with success – and success with money. But plenty of rich people aren’t happy.                                                                                                                                            “Those with the highest incomes spend more time working, worrying, shopping, taking care of the kids and exercising, and less time relaxing with a book or an uplifting(adj.振奋的) news story.” - The rich aren’t that happy after all, researchers suggest; The Vancouver Sun On the other hand, you’ll often find people who seem to remain happy, cheerful and positive against all the odds(不计成败). Perhaps they suffer long-term health problems, or they have little cash to spare(v.抽出,付出)for non-essentials, or life has dealt them some nasty(adj.令人厌恶的)blows(n.打击)… but they’re always smiling, and they’re uplifting to be around. Rather than buying more, make the most of some old favourites that have been forgotten. Here’s just a few ideas that work for me:Dust off(抹去灰尘)your recipe books(食谱书)and find some new dishes to tryDig to the back of your closet and wear something you’ve not worn in a whilePlay old computer games and revel in(着迷于) nostalgia(n.怀旧), rather than spending $40 on a new gameScour(v.擦洗) your bookshelves for those books you bought and never got round to reading, and finish them before buying any new books 你热爱你的生活吗?你是否有时会感到不满,并深信如果有更大的家、更好的人际交往、更多的金钱、让人兴奋的休闲生活、同龄人的尊重等等,你会远比现在更幸福? 芸芸众生都在为幸福奋斗着。一个新电脑游戏或者一套装备,一次涨薪或者一次度假,许多人坚信这些东西能缩短我们和幸福之间的距离。还有许多人把幸福等同于成功——金钱上的成功。然而却有很多富人并不感到幸福。  “那些拿着高薪的人把更多的时间放在了工作、担心、购物、照顾孩子和锻炼身体上,却无暇在书中或者激励人心的新闻故事中放松自己。”——温哥华太阳报的研究员表示,富人一点也不幸福。 而另一方面,你也会经常看到一些人,尽管身处困境,但却仍然保持着积极快乐的心态。他们或许正忍受着长期的健康问题,或者正承受着无钱购买奢侈品的拮据经济,或者生活已让他们遭受了太多艰难的打击……但他们总能笑对人生,逆流而上。 不是购买新东西,而是最大化利用那些被遗忘的喜爱的旧东西。下面有些主意,对我很有用:- 重新翻开你的烹饪书,找出一些新的菜谱,并尝试着做下- 翻看下你的衣橱,穿戴起你已经丢弃了有段时间的衣服- 玩玩一些老电脑游戏,放纵自己于往日的回忆中,而不是再花40块钱买个新游戏- 擦亮你的书架,找到那些买了却无暇阅读的书,在购买新书之前读完它们