
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/30 03:07:12
文章提交者:苍狼嚎月 加帖在 家有宝宝 【凯迪网络】 http://www.kdnet.net

     1. 使用网络需得父母允许,时间需控制。

2. 在上网使用邮件及聊天时请保持你的礼貌规范。

3. 会见网友需父母陪同。

4. 非得父母允许,不能透露个人信息,如地址、电话号码、学校名称等。

5. 非得父母允许,不能上传你或你家庭的照片。

6. 请将与你见面或聊天的网友告知父母。

7. 不得违反产权保护法未经允许转载文字、图片、声音。

8. 如果收到陌生、恶意、烦人的邮件,请勿回复,立刻告诉家长或老师!

9. 邀请你的父母和你一起上网,这样你可以同他们分享你喜欢浏览的网页。

10. 上网时偶遇不怀好意的人或看见不良信息,这不是你的错!你只需不看这些烦人的东西,并且立刻报告家长或老师!


1.  Only use the Internet when your parents tell you it's OK,
and only for as long as you're supposed to.

2.  Always have good manners and be polite when you use the Internet
and e-mail or chat.

3.  Never meet with an Internet friend unless your parents go with you.

4.  Don't give out personal information like your address,
telephone number or school name to anyone unless your parents say it's OK.

5.  Don't send pictures of yourself or your family to anyone unless your parents say it's OK.

6.  Always tell your parents about the people you meet or talk to on
the Internet.

7.  Don't break copyright rules by taking words, pictures or sound from
someone else's Web site without their permission.

8.  If you ever get an e-mail message that is strange, mean or upsetting to you,
don't answer back to it! Tell your parents or teachers right away!

9.  Ask your parents to spend time with you so that you can show them
the sites you like to visit.

10.  Sometimes, when you are on the Internet, you may accidentally
meet bad people or see things that are bad, but it's NOT YOUR FAULT!!!
If something you read or look at is upsetting, just stop looking at it,
and tell your parents or teachers right away.

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