遗憾的是 例句

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/30 03:44:35
1.But it is a pity that…… 但遗憾的是……收藏指正 2.Unfortunately what you say is only too true. 遗憾的是, 你说的都是实实在在的事.收藏指正 3.Unfortunately, they are all uphill battles. 遗憾的是,它们都需要艰苦的斗争。收藏指正 4.It is to be regretted that 使人遗憾的是...; 真可惜...收藏指正 5.Sorry to say it is a little dark in colour. 遗憾的是颜色有点深了。收藏指正 6.Unfortunately, I wasn’t aware of that. 遗憾的是,我不知道此事。收藏指正 7.Sadly, he failed the exam. 遗憾的是,他没通过考试。收藏指正 8.Sadly, cheating the system is easy. 遗憾的是欺骗这个系统易如反掌。收藏指正 9.It is a pity that they are not here. 遗憾的是他们没在这里。收藏指正 10.She had gone home, unfortunately. 遗憾的是她已回家了。收藏指正 11.We thank you for your offer, but regret is unable to hand you order. 谢谢贵方的报价,遗憾的是我们无法订货。收藏指正 12.Unfortunately, there is not much sign of such sanctions being imposed. 遗憾的是,目前尚未出现实施制裁的迹象。收藏指正 13.We thank you for your offer, but regret being unable to hand you orders. 感谢贵方的报价,遗憾的是我们无法订货。收藏指正 14.Unfortunately, it will take nothing short of a social movement to stop further increases. 遗憾的是,这些完全是为了阻止保护期的继续增长而进行的群众运动。收藏指正 15.The pity is that all the shipping space have is booked up. 遗憾的是所有舱位都已订出。收藏指正 16.Unfortunately I made no copy of it. 遗憾的是,我没有抄一份留底。收藏指正 17.Serving at 6-4 in the tiebreak. 遗憾的是有时候球不听我指挥。收藏指正 18.Unfortunately, humanity is not a pillar of this pyramid. 遗憾的是,这座巨大的“教育金字塔”并不是以人文精神作为支柱。收藏指正 19.Unhappily, he never saw that girl again. 遗憾的是他再也没有见到过那女孩。收藏指正 20.Unfortunately the treaty is full of generalities, and fails to get down to specific 遗憾的是条约很笼统,订得不具体收藏指正