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SPECIAL LIMITED-TIME REPORT |Download It Here – It's FREE! 特别限时报告 |在这里下载-完全免费!
Get Up to Speed on Robert Prechter's Latest Perspective – Download this Special FREE Report Now起床速度对罗伯特柏彻特的最新观点-免费下载该特别报告现在
Consider the past month: The Dow has seen multiple moves that span as much as 1,000 points across a few days, even within a single session – the index traversed more than 3,000 points within a 1,400-point range. 考虑到过去的一个月:道指已出现点范围跨越多个移动高达1000点跨越了几天,即使在单一会议-在1400走过指数3000多点。 Volatility is off the chart. 波动性是关闭的图表。 The media blamed everything from an oil spill to Greek debt to a "fat-finger" trader glitch. 媒体指责泄漏的石油,一切从希腊债务的“脂肪手指”交易故障。 Truth is, Elliott-minded investors saw it coming, and you can now get up to speed – for FREE!Download this FREE report for some of the best nuggets directly from Prechter's desk. 事实是,埃利奥特头脑的投资者看到了未来,你现在可以加快速度-免费!免费下载最好的掘金报告一些案头直接从柏彻特的。
Regional Analysis 区域分析
Get the Latest on Global Markets获取最新的全球市场
Be Prepared for the 'Surprises' Still To Come来吧要准备的'惊喜'不过
For the Unprepared, 'Trouble is Not Just Knocking at the Door; It's About to Kick It In' 毫无防备的,'麻烦不只是在敲门,这是关于踢它在'
Financial Forecast subscribers were prepared for a stock rally in February 2009, the reversal in April 2010, a dollar rally in late 2009 and even the EU debt contagion. Now they're prepared for the pitfalls – and the "surprise" opportunities to come – in this volatile bear market. 2009年财务预测订户股票反弹准备在2月1,这股歪风逆转在2010年4月,在2009年年底1美元反弹,甚至欧盟的债务。 现在,他们准备的陷阱-与“惊喜”的机会来-在这个动荡的熊市。 Can you afford not to join these ahead-of-the-trend investors?DETAILS>> 你能负担不加入这些领先科技目前的趋势投资者?详情>> FREE REPORT 自由报告
European Debt: An Elliott Wave Perspective欧洲债券:一种艾略特波浪视角
EWI's European analysts have been anticipating and tracking the growing debt crisis in Greece, Spain, Portugal and other European nations.Click Here to Download the Free Report >> 东西方研究所的欧洲分析师一直预测和跟踪的欧洲国家。日益严重的债务危机,希腊,西班牙,葡萄牙和其他点击这里下载免费报告>>
2007 vs. 2010: Then vs. Now2007年主场迎战2010年:那主场迎战现
The crisis that began in 2007 renewed with the big banks: the Bank of Ireland, Piraeus Bank, Banco Popolare, Banco Santander – and, as we've shown over the past several months, it has seeped into the most marginal sovereign eurozone nations. 这场危机始于2007年-再次与大银行:银行的爱尔兰银行,比雷埃夫斯银行Banco Popolare,桑坦德,正如我们已经表明,在过去几个月数,它已经渗透到最边缘欧元区国家的主权。   Will it stop there?DETAILS>> 它会不会停止呢?详情>> ASIA-PACIFIC 亚太地区
Who's a Long-Term Bull, and Who's a Bear?谁是一个长期牛市,谁的熊吗?
There's always a bull market somewhere, right? Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Arab markets – find out which are likely in long-term bull markets and which are in long-term bear trends.DETAILS>> 总会有一个牛市的地方,对吗?日本,香港,新加坡,澳大利亚,新西兰,中国,越南,泰国,市场-阿拉伯找出哪些是市场可能在长期牛市,哪些趋势长期承受。详情>>
Online Education 网络教育
5 Options Strategies Every Elliott Wave Trader Should Know5期权策略每艾略特波浪交易须知
In this online trading course, EWI Senior Tutorial Instructor Wayne Gorman will show you how to combine the Wave Principle and a few specific options trading strategies so that you can turn challenging market situations into welcome opportunities.DETAILS>> 在这个网上交易过程中,东西方研究所高级教程教练韦恩哥曼会告诉你如何结合波浪理论和一些具体的期权交易策略,你可以把充满挑战的情况下进入市场的机会表示欢迎。详情>>
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Free Resources 免费资源
The Market Myths Exposed eBook市场神话暴露电子书
The 10 Most Dangerous Investment Myths BUSTED – Learn the Truth Today! 最危险的10个投资神话破获-了解真相今天!
EWI's Market Myths Exposed eBook helps you sell and fold bad investment advice forever . 东西方研究所的市场神话暴露电子书可以帮助您销售和折叠永远坏投资建议。 This valuable 33-page ebook takes the 10 most dangerous investment myths head on and exposes the truth about each in a way every investor can understand.DETAILS>> 这宝贵的33页的电子书需要投资10个最危险的神话,暴露迎头投资者。可以理解的真相,每一个方法都详情>>
Other Popular Free Resources 其他流行的免费资源
These 10 Elliott Wave Lessons Will Change the Way You Invest这10个艾略特波浪教训将改变你投资
By anticipating the crowd, you can avoid falling victim to the pitfalls over which most in the herd stumble.DETAILS>> 通过预测的人群,你能避免堕入陷阱在其中的大部分羊群绊倒。详情>>
What Every Trader Really Needs to Be Successful每个交易者真正需要什么要成功
In this special report, Bob Prechter reveals the most important psychological strengths you must cultivate to successfully trade the markets.DETAILS>> 在这个特殊的报告中,鲍勃柏彻特揭示了最重要的心理优势,你必须培养成功的贸易市场。详情>>
Download The Ultimate Technical Analysis eBook下载电子书的终极技术分析
In this 50-page ebook, you'll discover some of the very best technical methods used by the top technicians in the world.DETAILS>> 在这50页的电子书,你会发现。一些高级技术人员在世界上所使用的技术是最好的方法,详细分析>>
Get Your 8-Lesson 'Conquer the Crash Collection' Now让您的8课'征服崩溃收藏'现在
This 42-page report delivers 8 critical lessons on what you should do with your pension plan, debt, family business and more.DETAILS>> 这42页的报告提供等等。八关键的经验教训对你应该做你的养老金计划,债务,家庭业务详情>>
Prechter's Latest 柏彻特的最新
Special Two-Part Issue!特别两部分的问题!
'Deadly Bearish Big Picture''致命的利空大图'
Regulators are investigating, the president is making speeches, and Congress is holding hearings. 监管机构正在调查,总统的发言,并举行国会听证会。 Obviously none of them knew how volatile the market would get. 显然, 他们都不知道如何波动,市场会得到。 But Bob Prechter's special issue of April 16 prepared you for a change in the market environment. 但鲍勃柏彻特的4月16日特别发行的准备你的市场环境改变的。 And the May 8 issue completes the big picture.Read the two-part study now >> 而5月8日发行完成大局。阅读两部分的研究现在>>
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> The Asian-Pacific Markets Are the Ones I Follow Closely>亚太市场是那些我密切关注
> I Watch Commodities Like Corn, Wheat and Soybeans>我喜欢观赏商品玉米,小麦和大豆
> I'm an Investor Without Borders; I Think Globally>我是一个没有国界的投资者,我认为在全球范围内
> I'm a Trader Looking For Intensive Intraday Analysis>我是一个交易日内,以进行深入分析展望
> I Want Opportunity Alerts in a Flash, with Flash Services>我想在Flash机遇警报,与Flash制作服务
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Latest in Socionomics 最新Socionomics
FromThe Socionomics Institute 从研究所的Socionomics
The Dow of Dictatorship pt2专政的pt2连道
Socionomic Origins of Authoritarianism 威权Socionomic起源
In this two-part study, Alan Hall puts authoritarianism under the socionomic microscope with a look at the history of authoritarian regimes since the birth of modern liberal democracy.DETAILS>> 在这个两部分的研究中,艾伦厅提出。专制下自由民主的socionomic现代显微镜的一个回顾历史的专制政权诞生以来,详情>> BOOK RELEASE 新书出版
Mood Matters by John Casti约翰卡斯蒂心情的事项
Well-known science writer John Casti has released a new book about Robert Prechter's social mood theory. 著名的科普作家约翰卡斯蒂已经发布了意境理论的新书约罗伯特柏彻特的社会。
Book Release 图书发行
Order Robert Prechter's Conquer令罗伯特柏彻特的征服the Crash , Second Edition的崩溃 , 第二版
Conquer the 征服
Crash, Second Edition, now includes a vital supplement to its still-prescient original content. 崩溃,第二版,现在包括一个重要的补充仍然有先见之明的原始内容。 The second edition includes 188 NEW pages (480 pages total), expanding Robert Prechter's unique deflationary argument 第二版包括188个)的新页(480页,扩大罗伯特柏彻特独特的通缩争论
and escorting readers through the peaks of 2005-2008. 与2005-2008护送峰读者通过。

Learn More About Deflation了解更多关于通货紧缩
If you haven't given Robert Prechter's deflation argument your full attention, yesterday was the best time to do so. 如果您有没有给罗伯特柏彻特的通缩争论你的充分重视, 昨天是这样做的最佳时机。
Download Your 60-page eBook, The Guide to Understanding Deflation, Now – it's FREE下载您的长达60页的电子书,通货紧缩的指南了解,现在-它是免费的
Deflation通货紧缩What is deflation什么是通货紧缩US deflation risk美国的通缩风险
Effects of deflation通缩的影响Deflationary spiral通货紧缩螺旋Deflation survival通货紧缩生存
The case for deflation在通缩情况下的Why is deflation bad为什么坏通缩Charts of deflation图表通缩
Can the fed stop deflation美联储能否阻止通缩Inflation vs. deflation通货膨胀主场迎战通货紧缩What happens during deflation通缩期间会发生什么事
Deflation gold relationship通货紧缩黄金的关系Deflation personal debt通货紧缩的个人债务Who predicted deflation谁预测通缩
Are tangible assets good investments in times of deflation有形资产是良好的通缩时代投资Good investments for deflation良好的投资为通缩Is deflation a precursor to depression是通缩萧条的前奏
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The whole “Elliott wave” outlook, (so bizarre at first sight, I remember), is one of those that seems to require a leap of the imagination such as you describe at the beginning of that book, and from which, having leaped, it seems impossible to ever go back. 整个“艾略特波浪”前景(所以一开始看到奇怪,我记得),该书是其中的一个,这似乎需要一个飞跃的想象力,例如你在开始时描述,并从其中,有跳,它似乎永远不可能回去。
-MH 氢
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Get more information on:The Elliott Wave Principle ,Deflation , orFibonacci trading .获取更多信息:艾略特波浪原理 ,通货紧缩 ,或斐波纳契交易 。

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No Good Fundamental Reason Why Coffee Soars To 7-Month High没有良好的根本原因咖啡飙到7个月高 06/11/2010 2010年6月11日
Big Bear Markets: More Than Falling Stock Prices大熊市场:多个股市下跌 06/11/2010 2010年6月11日
(Video) Prechter on CNBC's Closing Bell(视频)贝尔柏彻特在CNBC的闭幕 06/10/2010 2010年6月10日
How Fibonacci Techniques Identify Market Turns斐波纳契技术鉴定如何打开市场 06/10/2010 2010年6月10日
Legislated Deflation立法通货紧缩 06/10/2010 2010年6月10日
Wave Principle: Complexity and Usefulness波原理:复杂性和有用性 06/10/2010 2010年6月10日
What the Price Charts Say About Violence in the Middle East什么价格图表谈谈在中东暴力 06/10/2010 2010年6月10日
A Two-Bar Pattern that Points to Trade Setups阿两栏模式指向贸易整备 06/09/2010 2010年6月9日
Strong Breadth, Strong Momentum, Strong Market?强大的广度,强劲的发展势头,强劲的市场? 06/09/2010 2010年6月9日
Trading Big: Ever a Good Time?交易大:自从一个良好的时间? 06/09/2010 2010年6月9日

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EWI's New Trading eBook ... 东西方研究所的新交易电子书...
Learn how Senior Commodities Analyst Jeffrey Kennedy interprets tell-tale market signals with this in-depth eBook on Price Gaps . 了解如何高级商品分析师杰弗里深入电子书肯尼迪解释说价格差距与此般的市场信号 。 This 44-page eBook offers unique and exclusive new insights on how to trade Price Gaps in any market and contains a personalized Q&A at the end. 这44页的电子书提供的价格差距在任何市场上独一无二的和独特的新的贸易见解如何,并包含一个个性化的问答在最后。
Download your copy today!今天下载您的复制!

To access EWI's valuable Q&A message board, all you need is a free Club EWI profile.Create Yours Now >> 要访问东西方研究所的宝贵问与答留言板,所有你需要的是一个免费的俱乐部东西方研究所专页。创建属于你的了>>
> Present economic trend: "Lightning bolt"?>当前经济走势:“闪电”?
> Earnings: Aren't they forecasting economic recovery?>收益:是不是他们预测的经济复苏?
> "Fundamental analyis": Could you clarify your position on it?>“基本analyis”:你能否澄清你的立场吗?
> Baltic Dry Index: It's up strongly, doesn't this mean stocks are in a bull market?>波罗的海干散货指数:这是强劲增长,并不意味着股市场正处于牛市?
> Immigration reform: Where to from here?>移民改革:从这里到哪里?
> Obesity epidemic: Is it related to social mood and wave counts?>肥胖流行:这是否与社会情绪和波计数?
> 4/1 overlap: Is it allowed if wave 4 is a triangle?> 4 / 1的重叠:是否允许有4个是三角波?
> Male/female college student ratio: Does it change with trends in social mood?>男/女大学生比例:是否情绪变化的社会潮流呢?
> US dollar: If it weakens, won't DJIA have to rally?>美元:如果削弱,道指不会有反弹?
> VIX: Does Elliott wave analysis work on the volatility index?>波动率指数:是否对市场波动的指数艾略特波浪分析工作?
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As the markets enter what Bob Prechter calls "the point of recognition," we notice that mainstream media pundits who get it start to notice us, our analysts and our forecasts. You can browse dozens of recent media articles about EWI in theEWI Press Room . 由于市场进入鲍勃柏彻特什么所谓的“承认点,”我们注意到,主流媒体的权威人士谁得到它开始通知我们,我们的分析师和我们的预期。您可以浏览最近媒体文章中关于东西方研究所数十东西方研究所新闻发布室 。