
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/29 15:18:37

   Mr. Secretary General; Mr. President; distinguished delegates; ladies and gentlemen:


     Twenty-four months ago -- and yesterday in the memory of America -- the center of New York City became a battlefield, and a graveyard, and the symbol of an unfinished war. Since that day, terrorists have struck in Bali, Mombassa, in Casablanca, in Riyadh, in Jakarta, in Jerusalem -- measuring the advance of their cause in the chaos and innocent suffering they leave behind.

     两年前──在美国的记忆里似乎还是昨天──纽约市的中心地带变成了一个战场,一片吞噬生灵的土地,也成为一场尚未结束的战争之象征。 自那天以来,恐怖主义分子袭击了巴厘、蒙巴萨、卡萨布兰卡、利雅得、雅加达和耶路撒冷,妄想以制造混乱和残害无辜一步步实现他们的图谋。

     Last month, terrorists brought their war to the United Nations itself. The U.N. headquarters in Baghdad stood for order and compassion -- and for that reason, the terrorists decided it must be destroyed. Among the 22 people who were murdered was Sergio Vieira de Mello. Over the decades, this good and brave man from Brazil gave help to the afflicted in Bangladesh, Cypress, Mozambique, Lebanon, Cambodia, Central Africa, Kosovo, and East Timor, and was aiding the people of Iraq in their time of need. America joins you, his colleagues, in honoring the memory of Senor Vieira de Mello, and the memory of all who died with him in the service to the United Nations.

     上个月,恐怖主义分子又把他们发动的战争指向联合国本身。 位于巴格达的联合国驻伊拉克办事处代表了秩序和关爱。 正是出于这个原因,恐怖主义分子才决心将其摧毁。 塞尔吉奥比埃拉德梅洛(Sergio Vieira de Mello)是22名被害者之一。 在长达数十年的时间内,这位善良而勇敢的巴西人在孟加拉国、塞浦路斯、莫桑比克、黎巴嫩、柬埔寨、中非、科索沃和东帝汶等地帮助过遭受苦难的人们。当时他正在帮助急待救援的伊拉克人民。 美国谨与你们,与他的同事们一起悼念比埃拉德梅洛先生,追思所有在联合国的工作岗位上同他一起殉职的遇难者。

     By the victims they choose, and by the means they use, the terrorists have clarified the struggle we are in. Those who target relief workers for death have set themselves against all humanity. Those who incite murder and celebrate suicide reveal their contempt for life, itself. They have no place in any religious faith; they have no claim on the world's sympathy; and they should have no friend in this chamber.

     通过恐怖主义分子选择的攻击对象及其采用的各种手段,我们可以清楚地看到我们正在进行一场什么样的斗争。 那些以杀害救援人员为目标的人把自己置于与全人类为敌的地位。 那些煽动谋杀、以自杀性攻击为荣的人完全暴露了他们践踏生命的本性。 他们不可能得到任何宗教信仰的赞同; 他们不可能博得全世界的任何同情; 他们在这个会场内也不应该得到任何朋友。

     Events during the past two years have set before us the clearest of divides: between those who seek order, and those who spread chaos; between those who work for peaceful change, and those who adopt the methods of gangsters; between those who honor the rights of man, and those who deliberately take the lives of men and women and children without mercy or shame.

     过去两年来发生的事件在我们面前划出一道再清楚不过的分界线 是谁在全力维护秩序,是谁在到处制造混乱; 是谁为和平变革殚精竭智,是谁纠集团伙作恶多端; 是谁要求尊重人的权利,是谁残酷无情、肆无忌惮地残害男女老少的生命。

     Between these alternatives there is no neutral ground. All governments that support terror are complicit in a war against civilization. No government should ignore the threat of terror, because to look the other way gives terrorists the chance to regroup and recruit and prepare. And all nations that fight terror, as if the lives of their own people depend on it, will earn the favorable judgment of history.

     两者壁垒分明,没有任何中间立场。 所有支持恐怖的政府都是向文明开战的同谋。 任何国家的政府都不应对恐怖的威胁熟视无睹,因为如果掉以轻心就会使恐怖主义分子趁机重新集结,重新招兵买马,准备采取新的行动。 所有参加打击恐怖的国家,把这场斗争当作关系到本国人民生死存亡的大事,都将在历史上留下光辉的一页。

     The former regimes of Afghanistan and Iraq knew these alternatives, and made their choices. The Taliban was a sponsor and servant of terrorism. When confronted, that regime chose defiance, and that regime is no more.

     阿富汗和伊拉克前政权面对这两种道路做出了自己的选择。 塔利班政权支持恐怖主义并为之效力。 面对人们提出的严正要求,该政权选择了违抗。现在这个政权已不复存在。

     Afghanistan's President, who is here today, now represents a free people who are building a decent and just society; they're building a nation fully joined in the war against terror.

     今天在座的阿富汗总统现在代表着正在建设健全和公正社会的自由人民; 这个国家已全面加入反恐怖战争。

     The regime of Saddam Hussein cultivated ties to terror while it built weapons of mass destruction. It used those weapons in acts of mass murder, and refused to account for them when confronted by the world. The Security Council was right to be alarmed. The Security Council was right to demand that Iraq destroy its illegal weapons and prove that it had done so. The Security Council was right to vow serious consequences if Iraq refused to comply. And because there were consequences, because a coalition of nations acted to defend the peace, and the credibility of the United Nations, Iraq is free, and today we are joined by representatives of a liberated country.

     萨达姆-侯赛因政权在发展大规模毁灭性武器的同时,与恐怖分子沆瀣一气。 这个政权使用这些武器进行大屠杀,并在遭到国际社会的质问时,拒绝交代有关情况。 安理会完全有理由提高警觉。 安理会完全有理由要求伊拉克销毁其非法武器并证明已经做到这一点。 安理会完全有理由严正警告伊拉克若不服从就将承担严重后果。 由于采取了相应的行动,由于各国组成的联盟采取行动捍卫和平,维护联合国的信誉,伊拉克获得了自由。 今天一个获得解放的国家的代表来到了我们中间。

     Saddam Hussein's monuments have been removed and not only his statues. The true monuments of his rule and his character--the torture chambers, and the rape rooms, and the prison cells for innocent children--are closed. And as we discover the killing fields and mass graves of Iraq, the true scale of Saddam's cruelty is being revealed.

     萨达姆-侯赛因的种种标志物都已经被捣毁,不仅仅只是他的塑像。 他的统治和他的本性的真正写照──行刑室、蹂躏妇女的场所、囚禁无辜儿童的牢房都被关闭了。 我们在伊拉克发现的一个个杀人现场和集体坟场使萨达姆的残忍本性暴露无遗。

     The Iraqi people are meeting hardships and challenges, like every nation that has set out on the path of democracy. Yet their future promises lives of dignity and freedom, and that is a world away from the squalid, vicious tyranny they have known. Across Iraq, life is being improved by liberty. Across the Middle East, people are safer because an unstable aggressor has been removed from power. Across the world, nations are more secure because an ally of terror has fallen.

     像每个踏上民主之路的国家一样,伊拉克人民正面临困难和挑战。 但他们未来将过上拥有尊严和自由的生活,与他们以往在邪恶残忍的暴政下经历过的岁月有天壤之别。 在伊拉克各地,自由正在使生活得到改善。在整个中东地区,人民的安全程度得到提高,因为一个反复无常的侵略者已被赶下台。 在全世界各地,各国的安全也得到加强,因为一个与恐怖为伍的政权已经垮台。

     Our actions in Afghanistan and Iraq were supported by many governments, and America is grateful to each one. I also recognize that some of the sovereign nations of this assembly disagreed with our actions. Yet there was, and there remains, unity among us on the fundamental principles and objectives of the United Nations. We are dedicated to the defense of our collective security, and to the advance of human rights. These permanent commitments call us to great work in the world, work we must do together. So let us move forward.

     我们在阿富汗和伊拉克的行动得到了许多政府的支持。美国向这些政府一一致谢。 我也承认,出席这次大会的一些主权国家不赞成我们的行动。 但我们对联合国的基本原则和宗旨达成的共识仍然存在。 我们决心保卫我们的集体安全,坚持推动人权事业。 这些永久的承诺召唤着我们在全世界从事伟大的工作,我们必须共同完成这项工作。 因此,让我们向前迈进吧。

     First, we must stand with the people of Afghanistan and Iraq as they build free and stable countries. The terrorists and their allies fear and fight this progress above all, because free people embrace hope over resentment, and choose peace over violence. The United Nations has been a friend of the Afghan people,distributing food and medicine, helping refugees return home, advising on a new constitution, and helping to prepare the way for nationwide elections. NATO has taken over the U.N.-mandated security force in Kabul. American and coalition forces continue to track and defeat al Qaeda terrorists and remnants of the Taliban. Our efforts to rebuild that country go on. I have recently proposed to spend an additional $1.2 billion for the Afghan reconstruction effort, and I urge other nations to continue contributing to this important cause.

     首先,在阿富汗人民和伊拉克人民建设自由、稳定的国家之际,我们必须同他们站在一起。 恐怖主义分子及其同夥最惧怕这一进程,最妄想阻挠这一进程,因为自由的人民满怀希望,抛弃仇恨;自由的人民选择和平,摒弃暴力。 联合国始终是阿富汗人民的朋友。 联合国在那里发放食品和药品,帮助难民返回家园,就新宪法的制定提出建议并协助筹备全国大选。 北约组织已接管经联合国授权驻喀布尔的安全部队。 美国和联盟军队继续追剿"基地"组织的恐怖主义分子和塔利班的残渣余孽。 我们重建这个国家的工作正继续进行。 我最近提出了为阿富汗重建追加拨款12亿美元的建议。 我呼吁其他国家也继续为这项重要事业提供资金。

     In the nation of Iraq, the United Nations is carrying out vital and effective work every day. By the end of 2004, more than 90 percent of Iraqi children under age five will have been immunized against preventable diseases such as polio, tuberculosis and measles, thanks to the hard work and high ideals of UNICEF. Iraq's food distribution system is operational, delivering nearly a half-million tons of food per month, thanks to the skill and expertise of the World Food Program. Our international coalition in Iraq is meeting it responsibilities. We are conducting precision raids against terrorists and holdouts of the former regime. These killers are at war with the Iraqi people. They have made Iraq the central front in the war on terror, and they will be defeated. Our coalition has made sure that Iraq's former dictator will never again use weapons of mass destruction. We are interviewing Iraqi citizens and analyzing records of the old regime to reveal the full extent of its weapons programs and its long campaign of deception. We're training Iraqi police and border guards and a new army, so the Iraqi people can assume full responsibility for their own security.

     在伊拉克,联合国每天都在进行极其重要和富有成效的工作。 由于联合国儿童基金会的辛勤努力和制订的崇高目标,到2004年年底,5岁以下的伊拉克儿童将有超过90%已接种小儿麻痹症、肺结核和麻疹等可预防疾病的疫苗。 伊拉克的食品分配系统也在运作之中,凭借世界粮食计划署的工作经验和专业能力,每个月都能发放近50万吨的食品。 我们在伊拉克的国际联盟也在兢兢业业履行自己的责任。 我们正在对恐怖主义分子和前政权的死硬分子实施精确打击。 这些杀人凶手正向伊拉克人民开战。 他们使伊拉克变成反恐怖战争的主战场。他们注定会失败。 我们的联盟已确定伊拉克前独裁者再也无法使用大规模毁灭性武器。 我们正在与伊拉克公民面谈,分析旧政权的档案记录,以充份揭示有关的大规模毁灭性武器项目和长期采取的欺骗行为。 我们正在训练伊拉克警察、边防军和新的军队,使伊拉克人民能够承担起保卫自身安全的全部责任。

     And at the same time, our coalition is helping to improve the daily lives of the Iraqi people. The old regime built palaces while letting schools decay, so we are rebuilding more than a thousand schools. The old regime starved hospitals of resources, so we have helped to supply and reopen hospitals across Iraq. The old regime built up armies and weapons, while allowing the nation's infrastructure to crumble, so we are rehabilitating power plants, water and sanitation facilities, bridges and airports. I proposed to Congress that the United States provide additional funding for our work in Iraq, the greatest financial commitment of its kind since the Marshall Plan. Having helped to liberate Iraq, we will honor our pledges to Iraq, and by helping the Iraqi people build a stable and peaceful country, we will make our own countries more secure.

     同时,我们的联盟还在帮助伊拉克人民改善日常生活。 旧政权修建了一座座宫殿,学校却年久失修;我们则正在重建1,000多所学校。 旧政权统治期间,医院缺医少药,资源匮乏;我们则为他们提供设备和药物,使伊拉克各地的医院重新开放。 旧政权穷兵黩武,扩充军备,听任国家的基础设施日渐衰败;我们则修复了发电厂、供水和卫生设施、桥梁与机场。 我已向国会提议,美国为我们在伊拉克的工作进一步提供资金,这是自马歇尔计划以来美国规模最大的同类别财政承诺。 在帮助伊拉克获得解放后,我们将履行自己对伊拉克所作的保证。 通过帮助伊拉克人民建设稳定与和平的国家,我们将使自己的国家更加安全。

     The primary goal of our coalition in Iraq is self-government for the people of Iraq, reached by orderly and democratic process. This process must unfold according to the needs of Iraqis, neither hurried, nor delayed by the wishes of other parties. And the United Nations can contribute greatly to the cause of Iraq self-government. America is working with friends and allies on a new Security Council resolution, which will expand the U.N.'s role in Iraq.

     我们的联盟在伊拉克的主要目标是通过有序、民主的途径实现伊拉克人民的自治。 这一进程必须按伊拉克人民的需要进行,不能按其他方面的愿望仓促行事,也不能因此延误时日。 而联合国可为实现伊拉克自治的目标做出重大贡献。 美国正为制订一项扩大联合国在伊拉克作用的新的安理会决议与盟友共同努力。

     As in the aftermath of other conflicts, the United Nations should assist in developing a constitution, in training civil servants, and conducting free and fair elections. Iraq now has a Governing Council, the first truly representative institution in that country. Iraq's new leaders are showing the openness and tolerance that democracy requires, and they're also showing courage. Yet every young democracy needs the help of friends. Now the nation of Iraq needs and deserves our aid, and all nations of goodwill should step forward and provide that support.

     与其他冲突结束后的情形一样,联合国应该帮助制订新宪法,训练公务员并进行自由、公正的选举。 伊拉克现在已经有了一个管理委员会,这是该国第一个具有真正代表性的机构。 伊拉克新领导人展现了民主所要求的开放性和包容性,还显示出自己的勇气。 然而,每一个新生的民主国家都需要得到朋友的帮助。 现在,伊拉克这个国家就需要并且应该得到我们的援助。所有抱有善意的国家都应挺身而出提供支持。

     The success of a free Iraq will be watched and noted throughout the region. Millions will see that freedom, equality, and material progress are possible at the heart of the Middle East. Leaders in the region will face the clearest evidence that free institutions and open societies are the only path to long-term national success and dignity. And a transformed Middle East would benefit the entire world, by undermining the ideologies that export violence to other lands.

     一个自由伊拉克的成功将引起整个地区的注意和关注。 亿万人民将会看到,在中东的心脏地区,自由、平等和物质进步都是有可能实现的。 该地区的领导人将目睹最有力的证据:自由的制度和开放的社会是国家长期获得成功和尊严的必由之路。 一个面目全新的中东将摧毁向他国输出暴力的意识形态,整个世界都将从中受益。

     Iraq as a dictatorship had great power to destabilize the Middle East; Iraq as a democracy will have great power to inspire the Middle East. The advance of democratic institutions in Iraq is setting an example that others, including the Palestinian people, would be wise to follow. The Palestinian cause is betrayed by leaders who cling to power by feeding old hatreds and destroying the good work of others. The Palestinian people deserve their own state, and they will gain that state by embracing new leaders committed to reform, to fighting terror, and to building peace. All parties in the Middle East must meet their responsibilities and carry out the commitments they made at Aqaba. Israel must work to create the conditions that will allow a peaceful Palestinian state to emerge. And Arab nations must cut off funding and other support for terrorist organizations. America will work with every nation in the region that acts boldly for the sake of peace.

     作为一个独裁统治的国家,伊拉克对中东的稳定曾具有巨大的破坏性。 作为一个民主国家,伊拉克在中东地区将有巨大的感召力。 伊拉克发展民主机制的进程创建了一个范例,对于包括巴勒斯坦人民在内的其他人民来说,效仿这个榜样是明智的举动。 那些通过加深宿怨和破坏他人良好努力紧紧抓住权力不放的领导人背叛了巴勒斯坦事业。 巴勒斯坦人民应当拥有自己的国家。他们需要有锐意改革、坚决打击恐怖和决心建设和平的新领导人,从而争取实现建国的愿望。 中东所有各方都必须承担各自的责任,履行他们在亚喀巴做出的承诺。 以色列必须努力创造有助于一个和平的巴勒斯坦国诞生的条件。 阿拉伯国家必须切断恐怖主义组织的资金来源,必须阻止恐怖主义组织获得其他形式的支持。 美国将同这个地区勇于为和平采取行动的每个国家共同努力。

     A second challenge we must confront together is the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Outlaw regimes that possess nuclear, chemical and biological weapons -- and the means to deliver them -- would be able to use blackmail and create chaos in entire regions. These weapons could be used by terrorists to bring sudden disaster and suffering on a scale we can scarcely imagine. The deadly combination of outlaw regimes and terror networks and weapons of mass murder is a peril that cannot be ignored or wished away. If such a danger is allowed to fully materialize, all words, all protests, will come too late. Nations of the world must have the wisdom and the will to stop grave threats before they arrive.

     我们必须共同应对的第二个威胁是大规模毁灭性武器的扩散。 掌握着核武器、化学武器和生物武器及其运载手段的为非作歹的政权可能会采取讹诈手段,在各地区四处制造混乱。 这些武器还可能被恐怖主义分子利用,制造我们难以想像的大规模突发性灾难和悲剧。 为非作歹的政权、恐怖网络和大规模毁灭性武器同恶相济,具有致命的危险。这种威胁并不以我们的主观愿望为转移,对此决不可掉以轻心。 如果我们听任这种危险变成现实,那么任何言词,任何抗议,都将为时已晚。 世界各国必须有远见卓识和坚强的意志,以预防重大危险的发生。

     One crucial step is to secure the most dangerous materials at their source. For more than a decade, the United States has worked with Russia and other states of the former Soviet Union to dismantle, destroy, or secure weapons and dangerous materials left over from another era. Last year in Canada, the G8 nations agreed to provide up to $20 billion--half of it from the United States -- to fight this proliferation risk over the next 10 years. Since then, six additional countries have joined the effort. More are needed, and I urge other nations to help us meet this danger.

     关键措施之一是就地妥善处理最危险的材料。 十多年来,美国一直同俄罗斯和其他前苏联国家合作,拆除、销毁另一个时代遗留下来的武器和危险物资,或采取安全保障措施。 去年,八国集团在加拿大同意提供多达200亿美元的资金──其中一半由美国提供──用于以后十年防止扩散的危险。 此后,又有六个国家参与了这项努力。 我们还需要更多的国家参与,我呼吁其他国家帮助我们防止这种危险发生。

     We're also improving our capability to interdict lethal materials in transit. Through our Proliferation Security Initiative, 11 nations are preparing to search planes and ships, trains and trucks carrying suspect cargo, and to seize weapons or missile shipments that raise proliferation concerns. These nations have agreed on a set of interdiction principles, consistent with legal -- current legal authorities. And we're working to expand the Proliferation Security Initiative to other countries. We're determined to keep the world's most destructive weapons away from all our shores, and out of the hands of our common enemies.

     我们还在提高截获被转运的杀伤性物品的能力。 根据我们的防扩散安全倡议(Proliferation Security Initiative),11个国家正在准备对装载可疑货物的飞机、船只、火车和卡车进行检查,截获有扩散问题的武器或导弹物资。 这些国家就拦截行动达成了一系列原则协议。这些原则与有关的法规──现行的法规相符。 我们正在努力促使其他国家加入防扩散安全倡议。 我们决不让世界上毁灭性最强的武器进入我们各国的领土,决不让它们落入我们共同敌人之手。

     Because proliferators will use any route or channel that is open to them, we need the broadest possible cooperation to stop them. Today, I ask the U.N. Security Council to adopt a new anti-proliferation resolution. This resolution should call on all members of the U.N. to criminalize the proliferation of weapons--weapons of mass destruction, to enact strict export controls consistent with international standards, and to secure any and all sensitive materials within their own borders. The United States stands ready to help any nation draft these new laws, and to assist in their enforcement.

     由于扩散分子将利用一切可以利用的途径和通道,我们必须为制止他们进行最广泛的合作。 今天,我请求联合国安理会通过一项新的防扩散决议。 这项决议应要求联合国所有的会员国对扩散武器──扩散大规模毁灭性武器的行径进行刑事制裁; 实行符合国际标准的严格的出口管制;妥善保管各国境内的所有敏感材料。 美国随时准备帮助任何国家起草这些新法律并帮助他们着手实施。

     A third challenge we share is a challenge to our conscience. We must act decisively to meet the humanitarian crises of our time. The United States has begun to carry out the Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, aimed at preventing AIDS on a massive scale, and treating millions who have the disease already. We have pledged $15 billion over five years to fight AIDS around the world.

     我们面临的第三个共同挑战就是对自己良知的挑战。 我们必须采取果断行动克服当代的人道危机。 美国已开始实施艾滋病紧急救援计划,这项计划的目的在于预防大规模艾滋病疫情,并对千百万已患病者进行治疗。 我们已承诺在5年内提供150亿美元,用于在世界范围内抗击艾滋病。

     My country is acting to save lives from famine, as well. We're providing more than $1.4 billion in global emergency food aid, and I've asked our United States Congress for $200 million for a new famine fund, so we can act quickly when the first signs of famine appear. Every nation on every continent should generously add their resources to the fight against disease and desperate hunger. There's another humanitarian crisis spreading, yet hidden from view. Each year, an estimated 800,000 to 900,000 human beings are bought, sold or forced across the world's borders. Among them are hundreds of thousands of teenage girls, and others as young as five, who fall victim to the sex trade. This commerce in human life generates billions of dollars each year -- much of which is used to finance organized crime. There's a special evil in the abuse and exploitation of the most innocent and vulnerable. The victims of sex trade see little of life before they see the very worst of life--an underground of brutality and lonely fear. Those who create these victims and profit from their suffering must be severely punished. Those who patronize this industry debase themselves and deepen the misery of others. And governments that tolerate this trade are tolerating a form of slavery. This problem has appeared in my own country, and we are working to stop it. The PROTECT Act, which I signed into law this year, makes it a crime for any person to enter the United States, or for any citizen to travel abroad,for the purpose of sex tourism involving children. The Department of Justice is actively investigating sex tour operators and patrons, who can face up to 30 years in prison. Under the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, the United States is using sanctions against governments to discourage human trafficking.

     我国还在采取行动赈济遭受饥荒的灾民。 我们为全球紧急食品救援提供14亿美元以上的资金。 我还要求美国国会拨款2亿美元,作为一项新的防饥荒基金,以便在饥荒徵兆初露之时即可迅速采取行动。 各大洲的每个国家都应慷慨地提供资源,为抗击疾病、消除饥荒增添力量。 还有一种人道危机正在传播而鲜为人们所见。 每年,全世界约有80至90万人口被跨越国界拐骗买卖,强行流徙。 其中有大量10多岁的少女,还有的年仅5岁,他们都沦为性交易的牺牲品。 这个买卖人口的行业每年涉及的金额达数十亿美元,其中大量金钱被用于为有组织犯罪提供资金。 虐待和剥削最无辜、最缺乏保护的人是一种特殊的罪恶。 性交易的受害者涉世未深就经历了生活中最丑恶的一面──充满残暴、孤独感和恐惧的地下社会。 制造这些受害者并从受害者身上榨取利润的人必须受到严厉惩罚。 那些参与交易的人损害了自己的人格,也加深了他人的痛苦。 任何政府若容忍这个行业的存在就是容忍这种奴役的形式。 这个问题也已经在我国出现,我们正在努力加以制止。 根据经我今年签署而成为法律的《保护法》,任何人若以涉及儿童的性旅游为目的进入美国或任何美国公民以同样目的前往国外都以犯罪论处。 司法部正在对性旅游业者及参加性旅游的人积极进行调查。这些人可被判最长30年的监禁。 根据《人口贩运受害者保护法》,美国对有关政府采取制裁措施,以制止人口贩运。

     The victims of this industry also need help from members of the United Nations. And this begins with clear standards and the certainty of punishment under laws of every country. Today, some nations make it a crime to sexually abuse children abroad. Such conduct should be a crime in all nations. Governments should inform travelers of the harm this industry does, and the severe punishments that will fall on its patrons. The American government is committing $50 million to support the good work of organizations that are rescuing women and children from exploitation, and giving them shelter and medical treatment and the hope of a new life. I urge other governments to do their part.

     人口贩运的受害者还需要联合国其他会员国的帮助。 这首先要求每个国家都依法制定明确的标准,违者依法必究。 今天,一些国家把在国外对儿童进行性虐待定为犯罪。 所有的国家都应对这种行为以犯罪论处。 各国政府应当向游客说明这种行为的危害,告诉他们参与这种交易将受到严厉惩处。 美国政府提供5,000万美元,支持有关组织开展的有益工作。这些组织正在努力援救遭受剥削的妇女儿童,为他们提供住所和医疗,唤起他们对新生活的希望。 我呼吁其他国家也为此尽一份力。

     We must show new energy in fighting back an old evil. Nearly two centuries after the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade, and more than a century after slavery was officially ended in its last strongholds, the trade in human beings for any purpose must not be allowed to thrive in our time.

     我们必须振奋精神,与这种由来以久的恶行做斗争。 跨越大西洋贩卖奴隶的行为被禁至今已经快两个世纪了,奴隶制的最后几个堡垒被正式废止也已经一个多世纪了。 决不能让以任何目的买卖人口的行为在我们这个时代大行其道。

     All the challenges I have spoken of this morning require urgent attention and moral clarity. Helping Afghanistan and Iraq to succeed as free nations in a transformed region, cutting off the avenues of proliferation, abolishing modern forms of slavery -- these are the kinds of great tasks for which the United Nations was founded. In each case, careful discussion is needed, and also decisive action. Our good intentions will be credited only if we achieve good outcomes.

     我今天上午谈到的所有这些挑战迫在眉睫,需要立即引起重视,必须得到道义上清醒的认识。 帮助阿富汗和伊拉克在一个面貌一新的地区成功地发展成为自由国家,切断扩散的渠道,取缔各种形式的现代奴役,联合国正是为完成这类伟大使命而创建的。 对于每一项工作,都必须进行认真讨论,也必须采取果断行动。 我们的良好意愿只有通过我们取得的良好效果才能得到证实。

     As an original signer of the U.N. Charter, the United States of America is committed to the United Nations. And we show that commitment by working to fulfill the U.N.'s stated purposes, and give meaning to its ideals. The founding documents of the United Nations and the founding documents of America stand in the same tradition. Both assert that human beings should never be reduced to objects of power or commerce, because their dignity is inherent. Both require--both recognize a moral law that stands above men and nations, which must be defended and enforced by men and nations. And both point the way to peace, the peace that comes when all are free. We secure that peace with our courage, and we must show that courage together.

     作为签署联合国宪章的创始国,美利坚合众国对联合国矢志不渝。 我们努力实现联合国公开阐明的宗旨,弘扬联合国的理想,以此显示我们的决心。 联合国的创始文件和美国的立国文本一脉相承。 两者都坚信,绝不能让人类沦为权力或商场的奴隶,因为人类的尊严是与生俱来的。 两者都提出──两者都承认一条人类和各国必须遵守的道义法则,一条人类和各国必须维护并实施的法则。 两者都指明了通往和平的道路,所有的人都获得自由之日即和平到来之时。 我们以我们的勇气捍卫这种和平,我们还必须共同拿出这样的勇气。

     May God bless you all.
