
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 01:29:10
第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)
例:It’s so nice to hear from her again.     , we last met more than thirty years ago.
A.What’s more        B.That’s to say        C.In other words     D.Believe it or not
21.Steven’s exam results put him        the top ten students in his grade.
A.among                B.between              C.in                       D.at
22.Ballet is amazing;       you go ,you are likely to find yourself going again and again.
A.as                       B.once                   C.unless                 D.while
23.Both of the sofas they ordered online arrived, but       fit through the doorway.
A.none                   B.nor                     C.neither                D.either
24.If transport costs       into consideration at the beginning , the factory would have been built far from its present place.
A.will be taken       B.were taken           C.had been taken     D.were being taken
25.—What do you think about       dress in the shop window?
—Oh, it’s beautiful. You may give it to Linda as       birthday present.
A.a; a                     B.the ;a                  C.a ;the                  D.the ;the
26.The girls       a game called Bomb happily when the teacher suddenly entered the classroom.
A.played                 B.were playing        C.are playing           D.had played
27.—Why are you staring at me?
—You look stupid! The way you wear is        annoys most.
A.which                 B.where                 C.how                    D.what
28.      the two designs ,and you will find what problem there is with yours.
A.Comparing          B.Compared            C.To compare         D.Compare
29.I need to call my friend David        coat I walked off by mistake yesterday.
A.in whose             B.in that                 C.with which          D.with her
30.       Three times in a row ,the boxer decided to give up fighting.
A.Having defeated                                   B.To have defeated
C.Having been defeated                           D.To have been defeated
31.Daniel, you       into things . How can anyone be so clumsy?
A.always knock                                      B.are always knocking
C.always look                                         D.are always looking
32.—I did very well in the English exam last week.
—I did       . I got a full mark.
A.no better             B.not better             C.no worse             D.even worse
33.—When can I get my car back?
—I think it      sometime later today. Give me a call around 3 o’clock.
A.will be finished     B.finishes               C.will finish            D.will be finishing
34.China is known      greatly in terms of its cultural values over the past few years.
A.to change            B.having changed    C.changing             D.to have changed
35.Mary was only too ready to help others, seldom,      , refusing them when they turned to him.
A.if never               B.if not                   C.if any                  D.if ever
第二节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)
Nearly two decades has passed , I still remember my favourite professor, James Sehwartz. Whenever he smiles ,it’s as if you’d just been told the funniest joke on earth .Almost all his students are his friends, and almost all his students know his life story.[来源:Z#xx#k.Com]
When James was a teenager ,his father   36   him to a fur factory where he worked . This was during the Great Depression. The   37  was to get James a job.
He entered the factory ,and immediately felt as if the   38   had closed in around him. The room was dark and hot , the windows covered with dust, and the   39   were packed tightly together ,running like trains. The fur hairs were flying ,   40   a thickened air ,and the workers,
41   the pieces of fur together , were bent over their needles   42  the boss marched up and down the rows ,searching for them to go faster .James could hardly   43  . He stood next to his father ,frozen with fear ,hoping the boss wouldn’t   44  at him , too.
During lunch break ,his father took James to the boss and pushed him in front of him,   45 if there was any work for his son. But    46  there was barely enough  47  for the adult labours ,for no one would give it up once he takes a job.
Thus , for James, it was a   48  . He hated the place. He made a   49  that he kept to the end of his like: he would never do any work that brought    50  to someone else ,and he would never allow himself to    51   money off the seat of others.
“What will you do?” his mother , Eva , would ask him.
“I don’t know,” he   52  say. He ruled out law ,because he didn’t like  53   , and he ruled out medicine , because he couldn’t take the    54  of blood.
“What will you do?”
55  , my best professor I ever had became he thought it was the job not to hurt anybody.
36.A.sent                    B.took                    C.carried                D.admitted
37.A.situation              B.condition             C.idea                    D.way
38.A.lights                  B.doors                  C.chances              D.walls
39.A.goods                 B.workers              C.machines             D.vehicles
40.A.creating               B.sending               C.taking                 D.disturbing
41.A.collecting            B.pulling                 C.drawing              D.sewing
42.A.as                       B.after                    C.if                        D.though
43.A.breathe                B.see                      C. walk                   D.hear
44.A.attack                 B.scold                   C.rush                    D.scream
45.A.doubting              B.questioning          C.asking                 D.demanding
46.A.also                    B.still                     C.yet                      D.even
47.A.time                    B.work                   C.office                  D.occupation
48.A.comforting          B.regretting             C.blessing               D.forgiving
49.A.request                B.promise               C.plan                    D.arrangement
50.A.harm                   B.injury                  C.damage               D.inconvenience
51.A.pay                     B.save                    C.make                  D.let
52.A.should                 B.would                 C.could                  D. might
53.A.police                  B.lawyers               C.judges                 D.government
54.A.sight                   B.feel                     C.sense                  D.scenery
55.A.Generally             B.Luckily                C.Eventually           D.Basically
From Paragraph to essay[来源:学科网ZXXK]
Of particular relevance to students who wish to improve their organizational
skills and who feel that their final product is never clear enough.
Thursday 10:00—12:00
Kiran Singh
Source Material
How do you gather information for a project or paper? A practical course which looks at sources of information and how to use cataloguing systems.
Monday 10:00—11 :00
Kiran Singh
Express Yourself
An advanced course suitable for students who are about to step into organizations where they may have to voice their opinions often.
Monday 12:00—2:00
Dave Parrin
Media Use
Open to all students ,this course focuses on the many ways we can benefit from the radio and television. Group projects form part of course.
Tuesday 9:00—11:00
Steve Ansell
The Short Story
A research into the world of popular writers. One story is selected for adaptation into a short play and group performance. Pre-arranged groups welcome.
Thursday 11:00—1:30
Mrs Owen
Caught for Speeding
Open to all students .Simple eye exercises to help you with speed reading. How to be selective on the page . Using headings, topic sentences and paragraphs for easy access.
Wednesday 11:00—1:00
Mrs Owen
Tense about Tenses
For those who worry about their use of words—a look at tenses and other aspects of the language through poetry and song. Good voice helps but not a must.
Saturday 10:00—12:00
Steve Ansell
56.If a student takes the course The Short Story, he can’t take     .
A.From Paragraph to Essay                     B.Tense about Tenses
C.Source Material                                   D.Media Use
57.Which of the courses can develop the students’ team work?
A.From Paragraph to Essay                     B.The Short Story
C.Caught for Speedi ng                            D.Express Yourself
58.From where can a student read this?
A.On the radio.                                       B.On television.
C.In a local newspaper.                           D.On a school notice board.
Eddie’s father used to say he’d spent so many years by the ocean, breathing seawater .Now, away from that ocean ,in the hospital bed ,his body began to look like a beached fish. His condition went from fair to stable and from stable to serious .Friends went from saying , “He’ll be home in a day,” to “He’ll be home in a week .” In his father’s absence ,Eddie helped out at the pier(码头), working evenings after his taxi job.
When Eddie was a teenager ,if he ever complained or seemed bored with the pier ,his father would shout, “What ? This isn’t good enough for you?” And later ,when he’d suggested Eddie take a job there after high school ,Eddie almost laughed, and his father again s aid, “What? This isn’t good enough for you ?” And before Eddie went to war , when he’d talked of marrying Marguerite and becoming an engineer ,his father said , “What? This isn’t good enough for you ?”
And now ,regardless of all that ,here he was ,at the pier ,doing his father’s labor.
Parents rarely let go of their children ,so children let go of them .They move on. They move away .It is not until much later, as the heart weakens ,that children understand ;their stories, and all their accomplishments ,sit on top of the stories of their mothers and fathers ,stones upon stones , beneath the waters of their lives.
Finally ,one night , at his mother’s urging ,Eddie visited the hospital .He entered the room slowly .His father ,who for years had refused to speak to Eddie ,now lacked the strength to even try.
“Don’t sweat it ,kid,” the other workers told him. “Your old man will pull through .He’s the toughest man we’ve ever seen.”
When the news came that his father had died ,Eddie felt the emptiest kind of anger ,the kind  that circles in its cage.
In the weeks that followed, Eddie’s mother lived in a confused state . She spoke to her husband as if he were still there .She yelled at him to turn down the radio . She cooked enough food for two .One night ,when Eddie offered to help with the dishes ,she said. “Your father will put them away.” Eddie put a hand on her shoulder. “Ma,” he said ,softly , “Dad’s gone.”
“Gone where?”
59.In Paragraph 4, the writer indicates that        .
A.Children like moving away from them parents
B.Children often feel regretful because they leave their parents
C.Children wouldn’t have achieved so much without their parents’ support
D.Children can never understand how much their parents have devoted to them
60.The underlined sentence probably means “       ”.
A.Don’t give it up                                   B.Don’t worry about it
C.Don’t let him down                              D.Don’t touch it
61.Which of the following shows the right order of the story?
a.Eddie’s father died.
b.Eddie worked as a taxi driver.
c.Eddie married Marguerite.
d.Eddie was bored with his father’s job.
A.baed                   B.deab                    C.beda                   D.deba
62.From the last part of the passage ,we learn that       .
A.Eddie’s mother liked to l isten to the radio
B.Eddie often helped his mother wash the dishes
C.Eddie and his wife lived in his mother’s apartment
D.Eddie’s mother missed her husband so much that she was at a loss
Are you a problem shopper? The answer is “Yes” , if you or someone else thinks that you sometimes get carried away with shopping .In other words ,do you or does someone else think you are occupied in extreme shopping ? If people have regrets later about their shopping , or have an “out-of-control” feeling about the quantities of what they buy or the amount of credit they use , they may be considered to be problem shoppers.
Extreme shopping can lead to a more serious problem –addictive shopping . Addictive shoppers feel driven by the desire to shop and spend money . They experience great tension which drives them to shop and spend money and they feel a “rush” during the time they are occupied with the shopping activity.
Extreme or addictive shopping may result from long-time unpleasant feelings, of which anxiety ,pain and shame are common ones,. When we feel bad inside ,we often do something to make ourselves feel better . In this case ,we often go shopping .
A few people shop to relieve their boredom or emptiness .For some people ,the motivation is a desire for status ,power ,beauty or success .Some love to shop as it makes them feel valued in the eyes of the shop assistants .Others shop simply because it makes them forget , at least temporarily , tension ,fear or unhappiness in their life.
Besides ,shopping malls are designed to encourage continual shopping . For instance ,there are some malls where you can’t see clocks displaying the time because they don’t want you to become too aware of the time you spend there .What’s more ,food courts, coffee shops and restrooms are provided ,so you don’t have to leave the mall because of your physical needs.
Therefore ,once you become aware of how market forces work ,you will certainly come to control your shopping behavior .For example ,how much time you will spend an d what areas you will visit can be decided before you enter the mall. Keep a written account of what items you will buy and how much money you will spend . Make a plan for what you are going to buy before you feel the urge to shop and then stick to it . That is vital for gaining self0control.
63.Which of the following people may not be problem shoppers?
A.Those who cannot control the amount of credit they use.
B.Those who just walk around the shopping malls.
C.Those who are occupied in too much shopping.
D.Those who feel sorry for their shopping.
64.According to the passage, what may not result in addictive shopping?
A.The awareness of how market forces work.
B.The desire for status ,power ,beauty or success.
C.Boredom, emptiness ,tension ,fear or unhappiness in people’s life.
D.Long-time bad feelings of anxiety ,pain and shame.
65.What does the author suggest to control our shopping behaviour?
A.Never going to the shopping malls because there are many tricks.
B.Applying for a credit card before we go shopping.
C.Making the shopping time as short as possible.
D.Making a shopping list before we go shopping.
66.The author writes this passage to       .
A.inform the shopping malls how to attract more shoppers
B.provide solutions to the problem shopping.
C.scold the problem shoppers
D.tell a shopping story
Unusual incidents are being reported across the Arcitc. Inuit(因纽特人)families going off on snowmobiles to prepare their summer hunting camps have found themselves cut off from home by a sea of mud .There are also reports of sea ice breaking up earlier than usual, carrying seals beyond the reach of hunters. Climate change may still be a rather abstract idea to most of us ,but in the Arctic it is already having great effects –if summertime ice continues to shrink at its present rate ,the Arctic Ocean could soon become almost ice-free in summer .The knock –on effects are likely to include more warming, cloudier skies ,and higher sea levels .Scientists are increasingly eager to find out what’s going on in the Arctic.
For the Inuit the probkm is mgent. They live in unsteady baiance with one of the toughest environments on earth. Climate change, whatever its causes, is a direct danger to their way of life. Nobody knows the Arctic as well as the locals, which is why they are not content simply to stand back and let outsider experts tell them what’s happening. In Canada, where the Inuit people are trying hard to guard their hard-won autonomy in the country’s newest land, Nunavut, they believe their best hope of survival in this changing environment lies in combining their ancestral knowledge with the best of modern science. This is challenge in itself.
The Canadian Arctic is a vast , treeless polar desert that’s covered with snow for most of the year. Adventure into this area and you get some idea of the hardships facing anyone who calls this home. Farming is out of the question and nature offers few pickings. Humans first settled in the Arctic a mere 4,500 years ago, surviving by taking advantage of sea fist. The environment tested them to the limits: sometimes the settlers were successful, sometimes they failed and disappeared. But around a thousand years ago, one group appeared that was uniquely well adapted to deal with the Arctic environment. These Thule people moved in from Alaska, bringing dogs, iron tools and the like. They are the ancestors of today’s Inuit people.
67.Which of the following is not likely to be the effect of climate change?
A.Shorter and shorter summertime.
B.Ice-free summer around th e Arctic.
C.Higher sea levels.
D.More dloudy skies.
68.The Inuit people believe the solution to the climate change problem is          .
A.to change their way of life
B.to use their ancestral knowledge
C.to make the best of modem science
D.to use their ancestral knowledge and modern science
69.It can be c oncluded from the last paragraph that        .
A.the first settlers in the Arctic survived by taking advantage of sea fish
B.it’s hard to farm in the Arctic due to the climate change
C.the ancestors of Inuit people stood out among the settlers
D.the Thule people from Alaska invented iron tools
70.Which of the following is the best title of this passage?
A.Climate change and the Inuit
B.Climate change around the Arctic
C.Global warming around the world
D.The Inuit and their ancestors around the world
However difficult you find it to arrange your time, it will pay off in the long run if you set aside a certain part of the day for studying - and stick to it.  71  . But don’t forget to make sure that you have enough left for recreational activities or simply to be “with” yourself: reading a novel or watching a television programme.
As part of your weekly schedule, it is also advisable to consider exactly what you have to do in that week, and make sure that you handle the most significant tasks first.  72  .
On a physical level, make sure you have an area or space for studying.  73   .If you always study in the same place, preferably a room of your own , you will find it easier to adjust mentally to the activity when you enter that area. You should have everything that you might need at hand.
Make sure that all the physical equipment that you use , such as a desk, chair etc. is at good height for you. If you use a personal computer, there are plenty of guidelines available from the movement on angles, lighting and the like.   74  .
If you are working on topic your teacher has set, but finding it hard to concentrate, it may be that you actually need to take your mind right off it for a period of time.  75   .After a period away from the test, having not thought about it at all, you may return to it refreshed and full of ideas.
A.It’s wise to leave the easier or less urgent areas of your work until later
B.It’s all too easy to read something and then forget where it came from
C.Consult these and avoid the typical student aches and pains
D.“Airing the mind”can work wonders sometimes
E.Make use of equipment that is available to you
F.It is best to make a weekly schedule
G.Don’t do it just any where
一节  情景作文(20分)
参考词汇:成人仪式the Coming-of-Age ceremony
Dear Tom,
Last Friday, I took part in the Coming-of-Age Ceremony in our school, which was quite a meaningful occasion in my life.
That’s what we did on this special occasion. Do you have similar events in the USA? Please let me know if you do.[来源:学科网]
Li ua
第二节  开放作文(15分)
In your spoken English class , your teacher shows you the following picture .You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it.
1—5  ACABB
6—10  BCCBA  11—15  ACAAC
16.Europe       17.January                18.black              19.tie           20.354
21—25  ABCCB  26—30  BDDAC  31—35  BCADD
第二节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)
36—40  BCDCA  41—45  DAADC  46—50  DBCBA  51—55  CBBAC
56—60  ABDCB  61—65  DDBAD  66—70  BADCA
71—75  FAGCD
第一节  情景作文(20分)
二、One possible version:
Dear Tom,
Last Friday, I took part in the Coming-of-Age Ceremony in our school, which was quite a meaningful occasion in my life.
Formally dressed, we gathered at the school auditorium at 2 pm, waiting for the great moment to come. On the stage sat our beloved teachers and some parents.
At the beginning, our president and a parent delivered to us their congratulations and best wishes. We could feel both their love and expectations. Then two students, representing us, expressed our gratitude and determination to take on responsibilities.
The most moving moment came when we were given the letters from parents. Tears rolled down my face as I read, recalling each memorable moment in my life and feeling the ever-lasting love from my parents.
At the end of the ceremony, all of us promised to try our best, not only for ourselves as adults, but also for our families and our society.
The Coming-of-Age ceremony, for me, is more than a ceremony; it is instructive lesson.
That’s what we did on this special occasion. Do you have similar events in the USA? Please let me know if you do.
Li ua