The Art of SEO 电子书下载 – 沸腾SEO

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 05:06:42

2009年10月底,世界4位SEO行业的牛人合作出版了一本SEO书: The Art of SEO,中文书名《SEO的艺术》,该书是由Eric Enge、Stephan Spencer、Rand Fishkin、JessieC.Stricchiola 这4位作者合著的。这本书提供了很多有价值的内容,是SEOer学习搜索引擎优化的最新资料。

Eric Enge – 是Stone Temple创始人,他的博客以访谈著称,有非常多的重要人物的访谈。

Stephan Spencer – 著名的SEO服务公司Netconcepts的BOSS,该公司的产品独树一帜。

Rand Fishkin – 是SEOMoz.ORG的创始人兼CEO,他的博客是SEOer必读的SEO博客,没听过他的大名,没访问过他的博客,那就是还没入行的SEOer。

Jessie C.Stricchiola – 一家洛杉矶SEO公司的女总裁。

The Art of SEO (SEO的艺术)在亚马逊网上书店有售,亚马逊卖$40.32(含运费),不算太贵,因为它和国外大学使用的每本几百美元的教材相比,算便宜的了。

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Table of Contents

  1. Chapter 1 The Search Engines: Reflecting Consciousness and Connecting Commerce
    1. The Mission of Search Engines
    2. The Market Share of Search Engines
    3. The Human Goals of Searching
    4. Determining Searcher Intent: A Challenge for Both Marketers and Search Engines
    5. How People Search
    6. How Search Engines Drive Commerce on the Web
    7. Eye Tracking: How Users Scan Results Pages
    8. Click Tracking: How Users Click on Results, Natural Versus Paid
    9. Conclusion
  2. Chapter 2 Search Engine Basics
    1. Understanding Search Engine Results
    2. Algorithm-Based Ranking Systems: Crawling, Indexing, and Ranking
    3. Determining Searcher Intent and Delivering Relevant, Fresh Content
    4. Analyzing Ranking Factors
    5. Using Advanced Search Techniques
    6. Vertical Search Engines
    7. Country-Specific Search Engines
    8. Conclusion
  3. Chapter 3 Determining Your SEO Objectives and Defining Your Site’s Audience
    1. Setting SEO Goals and Objectives
    2. Developing an SEO Plan Prior to Site Development
    3. Understanding Your Audience and Finding Your Niche
    4. SEO for Raw Traffic
    5. SEO for E-Commerce Sales
    6. SEO for Mindshare/Branding
    7. SEO for Lead Generation and Direct Marketing
    8. SEO for Reputation Management
    9. SEO for Ideological Influence
    10. Conclusion
  4. Chapter 4 First Stages of SEO
    1. The Major Elements of Planning
    2. Identifying the Site Development Process and Players
    3. Defining Your Site’s Information Architecture
    4. Auditing an Existing Site to Identify SEO Problems
    5. Identifying Current Server Statistics Software and Gaining Access
    6. Determining Top Competitors
    7. Assessing Historical Progress
    8. Benchmarking Current Indexing Status
    9. Benchmarking Current Rankings
    10. Benchmarking Current Traffic Sources and Volume
    11. Leveraging Business Assets for SEO
    12. Combining Business Assets and Historical Data to Conduct SEO/Website SWOT Analysis
    13. Conclusion
  5. Chapter 5 Keyword Research
    1. The Theory Behind Keyword Research
    2. Traditional Approaches: Domain Expertise, Site Content Analysis
    3. Keyword Research Tools
    4. Determining Keyword Value/Potential ROI
    5. Leveraging the Long Tail of Keyword Demand
    6. Trending, Seasonality, and Seasonal Fluctuations in Keyword Demand
    7. Conclusion
  6. Chapter 6 Developing an SEO-Friendly Website
    1. Making Your Site Accessible to Search Engines
    2. Creating an Optimal Information Architecture
    3. Root Domains, Subdomains, and Microsites
    4. Optimization of Domain Names/URLs
    5. Keyword Targeting
    6. Content Optimization
    7. Duplicate Content Issues
    8. Controlling Content with Cookies and Session IDs
    9. Content Delivery and Search Spider Control
    10. Redirects
    11. Content Management System (CMS) Issues
    12. Optimizing Flash
    13. Best Practices for Multilanguage/Country Targeting
    14. Conclusion
  7. Chapter 7 Creating Link-Worthy Content and Link Marketing
    1. How Links Influence Search Engine Rankings
    2. Further Refining How Search Engines Judge Links
    3. The Psychology of Linking
    4. Types of Link Building
    5. Choosing the Right Link-Building Strategy
    6. More Approaches to Content-Based Link Acquisition
    7. Incentive-Based Link Marketing
    8. How Search Engines Fight Link Spam
    9. Social Networking for Links
    10. Conclusion
  8. Chapter 8 Optimizing for Vertical Search
    1. The Opportunities in Vertical Search
    2. Optimizing for Local Search
    3. Optimizing for Image Search
    4. Optimizing for Product Search
    5. Optimizing for News, Blog, and Feed Search
    6. Others: Mobile, Video/Multimedia Search
    7. Conclusion
  9. Chapter 9 Tracking Results and Measuring Success
    1. Why Measuring Success Is Essential to the SEO Process
    2. Measuring Search Traffic
    3. Tying SEO to Conversion and ROI
    4. Competitive and Diagnostic Search Metrics
    5. Key Performance Indicators for Long Tail SEO
    6. Conclusion
  10. Chapter 10 Domain Changes, Post-SEO Redesigns, and Troubleshooting
    1. The Basics of Moving Content
    2. Maintaining Search Engine Visibility During and After a Site Redesign
    3. Maintaining Search Engine Visibility During and After Domain Name Changes
    4. Changing Servers
    5. Hidden Content
    6. Spam Filtering and Penalties
    7. Content Theft
    8. Changing SEO Vendors or Staff Members
    9. Conclusion
  11. Chapter 11 Honing the Craft: SEO Research and Study
    1. SEO Research and Analysis
    2. Competitive Analysis
    3. Using Search-Engine-Supplied SEO Tools
    4. The SEO Industry on the Web
    5. Participation in Conferences and Organizations
    6. Conclusion
  12. Chapter 12 Build an In-House SEO Team, Outsource It, or Both?
    1. The Dynamics and Challenges of Using In-House Talent Versus Outsourcing
    2. Solutions for Small Organizations
    3. Working with Limited Resources/Budget
    4. Solutions for Large Organizations
    5. Hiring SEO Talent
    6. The Case for Working with an Outside Expert
    7. Selecting an SEO Firm/Consultant
    8. Mixing Outsourced SEO with In-House SEO Teams
    9. Building a Culture of SEO into Your Organization
    10. Conclusion
  13. Chapter 13 An Evolving Art Form: The Future of SEO
    1. The Ongoing Evolution of Search
    2. More Searchable Content and Content Types
    3. Search Becoming More Personalized and User-Influenced
    4. Increasing Importance of Local, Mobile, and Voice Recognition Search
    5. Increased Market Saturation and Competition
    6. SEO As an Enduring Art Form
    7. Conclusion