上海师范大学2008年教育技术学硕士研究生入学复试题 — Windows Live

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 03:16:20




专业名称 教育技术学   考试科目(代码) 综合考试    考生姓名:       成绩:

一、 简答题(20分) (每题10分)

(1) 写出你认为在教育技术领域中最有影响的人和他们的贡献。

(2) 写出你认为在教育技术领域中发生过的最大的失误和教训。

二、 选择题(20分)(每题10分)

(1) 如果你可以选择的话,你最喜欢坐在教室中那一个座位?





答案:( )

(2) 选择适合的图形填入下图的空白框中:




三、 问答题(20分)(每题10分)

(1) 写出减少Word文件大小5种以上的方法。

(2) 写出一个生成100以内随机数的算法,并将生成的随机数显示在屏幕中央。

四、 设计题(20分)(每题10分)

(1) 设计一个培训领导者提高制作PPT技能的方案。

(2) 为南国农主编《信息化教育概论》2.0版(高等教育出版社)设计封面。

五、 讲演题(20分)(每题10分)

(1) 我的研究生三年学习计划 (时间:3分钟)

(2) 用英文讲演My Learning Plan in the Future. (时间:3分钟)


考试科目(代码) 外语   考生姓名:     成绩:


”Innovation” a buzzword at AASA conference (American Association of School Administrators)

By Meris Stansbury, Assistant Editor, eSchool News

Several key speakers at the American Association of School Administrators’ annual conference in Tampa seemed to agree that the old ways of rote memorization, standardized testing, and chalkboards are not what students need to succeed in today’s schools and the world at large.

Yong Zhao, a distinguished professor of technology in education and educational psychology, and director of the Michigan State University College of Education’s Center for Teaching and Technology.

Zhao gave attendees his theory on what knowledge is most valuable in today’s economy, a question Herbert Spencer asked in 1859. Ironically enough, 150 years ago, science was his answer—just as science is what many educators believe is the answer today.

According to Zhao, however, pushing for high math and science scores will not help the United States remain a global economic leader; it will only “discriminate against other talents. … Testing restrains the definition of knowledge,” he said.

Zhao cited Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and the creators of Google as people who are modern-day success stories—all of whom dropped out of college. “A country’s worth is not measured by test scores,” he explained. “It’s measured by concepts, ideas … life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!”

Zhao noted that countries such as India, Korea, Japan, and Singapore are producing incredible scientists, engineers, and mathematicians—so the United States needs to find its own niche market. Said Zhao, “We need to ask ourselves, why would some company want to be based in the U.S.? Why would they need our workers?”

He described how technology is redefining talent, and therefore the talents that we as a country should create must revolve around new technologies. “Look at Second Life, look at the virtual worlds of social networking sites and gaming. Look how Asian countries are hiring teenagers to play video games professionally. … The U.S. needs to prepare students for the production of virtual goods,” he explained.

Zhao also believes that to thrive in this new interconnected world requires having global tolerance and strong ethical online standards.“We need to teach our students global citizenship, teach them that global warming is interdependent on all countries, that learning foreign languages can really benefit them in the future,” he said. “Right now, the U.S. need for foreign-language speakers outweighs the need for engineers.”

Zhao concluded by saying that “we need to become innovators in a digital world,” a goal that can only be achieved through curiosity, risk, and creativity—characteristics he says the United States is known for.

