
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/27 13:56:10
Now i will tell you about Haiti and the work we did there. We didn't just help some people feel better, the VMs literally saved many, many lives. And the doctors and nurses and EMTs we brought there were kept busy in the hospitals from dawn to dusk.现在我终于可以告诉你在海地的志愿牧师在做什么了--我们并不仅仅只是帮助伤病者,志愿牧师的的确确在挽救生命!志愿牧师中的医生、护士、紧急 医护人员在医院里从早到晚的忙个不停。
The General Hospital of Port-au-Prince is the main hospital in all of Haiti. It survived the earthquake, but most of the staff of the hospital did not return to work after the quake. They either died, or had their houses collapse or lost family members and they were  mainly trying to locate the preserve their families in the aftermath of the quake. Then, just before I arrived there was a big aftershock and many of the remaining staff refused to enter the building, fearing its collapse.太子港(海地首都)综合大医院是全海地医院。医院在地震中幸存,但是大多数的医务人员没有在震后回到医院。他们有的在地震中身亡,有的 失去家园,有的试图寻找在震中失踪的亲人。当我到达海地时,又有一大余震。大部分的医院工作人员拒绝踏入医院,唯恐它在地震中倒塌。

When our VMs arrived, they found about a though patients outside on the lawns, parking lots etc. There was no provision for aftercare: once you got your surgery, had your leg amputated, etc., you were place on a cot out in the courtyard and left there. Patients who had survived the quake and then their surgeries, were now dying of thirst and starvation. VMs immediately set out to hydrate the patients, going from person to person with water. Other VMs, realizing no one was feeding these people, worked to organized the procurement of food and some way to cook it and then took on the task of distributing it to a thousand people once each day. Prior to that, they simply were not being fed. Beans and rice kept these people alive.当我们的志愿牧师到达医院的时候,我们看到上千名伤员躺在医院外的草地上,停车场等地方。完全没有手术后的护理安排。 一旦你做完手术,比如腿割掉了什么的,你就被放在病床上,留在后院里。伤员在地震中幸存,熬过手术,却有可能死于饥饿或干渴!我们的志愿牧师马上动手一个 个地给病人喂水。其他的志愿牧师意识到完全没有人给病人喂食,主动去找来食物,想方设法煮饭、然后再每天给上千病人至少喂食一次。在此之前,伤员完全没有 进食。米饭和豆子维济了所有的病人。

VMs arrived to assist in the critical care unit of the hospital. The over-worked medical staff gratefully accepted their assistance. Conditions were terrible and just during the first twenty minutes the VMs were there, three patients were lost. But in the next five days, not a single additional patient died.志愿牧师还到医院的急救护理部帮忙。工作超负荷的医护人员十分感激他们的雪中送炭。这里的环境非常恶劣,在志愿牧师刚到的20分钟之内,3个病 人因抢救无效身亡。但是在接下来的5天里,急救室没有再失去一个病人。

A one month old baby was found abandoned in a filed. It was brought to the hospital and the doctors worked feverishly on saving it, but it was too far gone. Finally, they gave up and called for a body bag. There were lots of adult bags available nearby as many people were dying, but there wasn't an available baby-sized bag so a nurse was sent to the supply tent to fetch on. A doctor turned to one of the VMs and said, 'you know that Scientology stuff you guys do? Well, now would be a good time.' The VM started an assist on the baby and within several minutes had revived it! When the nurse returned with the body bag, the baby was nursing from a bottle. As far as I know, it made it.一个一个多月的婴儿被人拉在地上。有人把它带到医院救治。医生们极力抢救,但是婴儿已经奄奄一息了。最后医生放弃了,叫护士去拿尸体袋。因为随时都 有人从手术台上被抬下来,大人的尸体袋随处都是,但是就是没有婴儿的。护士刚出去,医生就对志愿牧师说:“你们山达基有什么可以做的吗?现在是时候了。” 志愿牧师于是对婴儿实施援助法----在短短的几分钟之内,婴儿居然活过来了!当护士带着婴儿尸袋回来的时候,婴儿已经可以自己自己从奶瓶进食了。据我所 知,这个婴儿活下来了。

A VM entered an area of the hospital where a man lay screaming. She asked the medical staff what was wrong with him and was told he had been screaming for 48 hours and would not stop. After a few minutes of an assist, the man stopped screaming and calmed down. After about twenty minutes, he cheered up and began singing praises in Creole. A translator told the VM that he didn't want her to go. She told him that she had to as it was night time but that she would return in the morning. He promised to stay alive till then-- an he did!"当一名志愿牧师走进医院的一处时,她发现一个病人在一直不停的尖叫。她问医护人员发生什么事情时,被告知这个病人已经不停的叫了48小时!当她 给病人援助法之后,病人就停止了尖叫,平静下来。20分钟之后他的情绪明显改善,甚至用法语唱起了祈祷歌。旁边的翻译告诉志愿牧师他不想她走。志愿牧师告 诉他,天黑了因为有戒严令,所以必须得离开。不过她第二天会再来看他。因为他答应牧师要活到她来看他,他活下来了!