
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/02 07:58:09
logparser使用精华2008-04-22 22:56 -=zhumoqing=- 1、导出为execl能打开的格式
logparser -i:evt -o:csv "select * from c:\sec.evt" > d:sec.csv
logparser -i:evt -o:csv "select * from security" > d:sec.csv
logparser -i:evt -o:nat "select * into a.txt from security" logparser -i:evt -o:csv "select TimeGenerated,EventID,Message from c:\sec.evt" > d:sec.csv logparser -i:evt -o:TPL -tpl:EventLogs.tpl "select * into b.html from d:\sec.evt"
SELECT TimeGenerated, EventTypeName, SourceName FROM System
WHERE ( SourceName = 'Service Control Manager' AND EventID >= 7024) OR
      ( SourceName = 'W32Time') SELECT * FROM Security
WHERE Message LIKE '%logon%'
LogParser -o:csv "SELECT * into a.csv FROM iis.log where EXTRACT_EXTENSION(cs-uri-stem) LIKE 'asp'" B、最经典的例子,对日志中的url进行归并统计
LogParser -o:csv "SELECT cs-uri-stem, COUNT(*) into a.csv FROM iis.log GROUP BY cs-uri-stem" c、统计所有日志
LogParser -o:csv "SELECT cs-uri-stem, COUNT(*)into a.csv FROM ex*.log GROUP BY cs-uri-stem"
LogParser -i:iisw3c -o:csv "SELECT cs-uri-stem, COUNT(*)into a.csv FROM *.log GROUP BY cs-uri-stem" d、对文件后缀进行排名
LogParser -i:iisw3c -o:csv "SELECT EXTRACT_EXTENSION(cs-uri-stem) AS PageType, COUNT(*) into a.cssv FROM *.log GROUP BY PageType" e、得到所有的不重复的链接
LogParser -i:iisw3c -o:csv "SELECT distinct cs-uri-stem into a.csv FROM *.log" 2、生成百分比饼图
LogParser "SELECT EventID, COUNT(*) AS Times INTO Chart.gif FROM d:\tmp\sec.evt GROUP BY EventID ORDER BY Times DESC" -chartType:PieExploded3D -chartTitle:"Status Codes"
LogParser file:querytop.sql -o:chart -chartType:Bar3d -chartTitle:"TOP 10 URL" querytop.sql:
SELECT TOP 10 cs-uri-stem AS Url,
   COUNT(*) AS Hits
INTO Urls.gif
FROM <1>
ORDER BY Hits DESC 4、在html页面里找关键字
Return the lines in an HTML document that contain links to other pages:
LogParser "SELECT Text FROM http://www.microsoft.adatum.com WHERE Text LIKE '%href%'" -i:TEXTLINE
5、MD5 Hashes of System Files
LogParser "SELECT Path, HASHMD5_FILE(Path) into a.txt FROM C:\Windows\System32\*.exe" -i:FS -recurse:0
6、Print the 10 largest files on the C: drive:
LogParser "SELECT TOP 10 Path, Name, Size FROM C:\*.* ORDER BY Size DESC" -i:FS
LogParser.exe -o:nat "SELECT RESOLVE_SID(Sid) AS Account FROM Security WHERE EventID IN (540; 528)"
LogParser "SELECT DISTINCT SourceName, EventID,SourceName,message INTO Event_*.csv FROM security" -i:EVT -o:CSV
LogParser "SELECT DISTINCT SourceName, EventID,SourceName,message INTO Event_*.csv FROM System" -i:EVT -o:CSV
LogParser "SELECT DISTINCT eventid, EventID,SourceName,message INTO Event_*.csv FROM System" -i:EVT -o:CSV
LogParser "SELECT DISTINCT eventid, EventID,SourceName,message INTO Event_*.csv FROM security" -i:EVT -o:CSV
LogParser "SELECT 'Event ID:', EventID, SYSTEM_TIMESTAMP(),message FROM security" -i:EVT -o:datagrid
LogParser file:d:\EventLogs.sql?EventLog=security -o:TPL -tpl:d:\EventLogs.tpl
LogParser file:d:\EventLogs.sql?EventLog=system -o:TPL -tpl:d:\EventLogs.tpl
LogParser "SELECT sc-status, COUNT(*) AS Times INTO Chart.gif FROM iis.log GROUP BY sc-status ORDER BY Times DESC" -chartType:PieExploded3D -chartTitle:"Status Codes" 12、在所有日志中手机前10位的排名
LogParser file:querytop.sql -o:chart -chartType:Bar3d -chartTitle:"TOP 10 URL" querytop.sql: SELECT TOP 10 cs-uri-stem AS Url,
   COUNT(*) AS Hits
INTO Urls.gif
FROM ex*.log
ORDER BY Hits DESC 13、检索目录下所有文件的所有的信息
logparser "select * into a.csv from c:\x-scan\*.*" -i:fs -o:csv
LogParser "SELECT srcip ,count(*) into a.csv FROM a.cap group by srcip" -fmode:tcpip -o:csv 查看每个源端口的包的个数
LogParser "SELECT srcport ,count(*) into a.csv FROM a.cap group by srcport" -fmode:tcpip -o:csv 归并所有srcip,dstip,srcport一样的包,得到个数
LogParser "SELECT srcip,dstip,srcport ,count(*) into a.csv FROM a.cap group by srcip,dstip,srcport" -fmode:tcpip -o:csv 归并所有tcpflags的包
LogParser "SELECT srcip,srcport,dstip,dstport,tcpflags,count(*) into a.csv FROM a.cap where tcpflags='AF' group by srcip,srcport,dstip,dstport,tcpflags" -fmode:tcpip -o:csv tcpflags的分布饼图
LogParser "SELECT tcpflags,count(*) into a.gif FROM a.cap group by tcpflags " -fmode:tcpip -chartType:PieExploded3D -chartTitle:"Status Codes"
LogParser "SELECT tcpflags,count(*) into a.csv FROM a.cap group by tcpflags " -fmode:tcpip -o:csv