
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/27 23:50:08
In 1990, the Hannover Medical School decided to test some of Father Kniepp method that he claimed would help prevent infection.
So, 50 medical students volunteered to take part in a 6 month trial. 25 students took 2 to 3 minutes of early morning shower as recommended by the founder of water therapy for about 3 weeks. The water was made increasingly colder everyday. The cold shower was stopped when they actually had a cold and a week after that.
Meanwhile the other half of the volunteers took warm showers throughout the period.
In the first month, there was no noticeable difference between the two groups. In the second and third month students who took cold showers had half the number of colds that the warm shower group had. Those in the cold shower group who had cold said that their cold was in fact shorter and less acute.
Father Kniepp had suggested over 100 years ago that regular cold shower would have a hardening effect and will protect the body against infection and the study proved that Father Kniepp was correct.
Other benefits
A study conducted at The Thrombosis Research Institute at London"s Brompton Hospital found that exposure to cold bath had some dramatic benefits. These include :-
A boost to sex hormone production which helps regulate both potency in men and fertility in women.
Renewed energy and sufferers from chronic fatigue syndrome were found to improve dramatically.
Reduces cases of heart attack and stroke because it improved blood circulation.
Increase level of white blood cells.
Some volunteers in the study found that their nails became harder and their hair growth improved.
Please get more information on water therapy if you would like to use cold water treatment. It could be very dangerous for old people and babies
The use in sports
In a European Studies in 1995, warm under water jet massage has been used to treat athletes. The study reported that the athletes‘ performance have been enhanced by the use of water jet massage.
Other studies
In another research at United States, Water Therapy has been recognized to be able to ease cases of varicose veins.
In 1986, British Medical Journal acknowledge that sitz baths are helpful in healing anal fissures.