
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 22:23:13

提示信息 说明
Drive A error 驱动器A错误
System halt 系统挂起
Keyboard controller error 键盘控制器错误
Keyboard error or no keyboard present 键盘错误或者键盘不存在
BIOS ROM checksum error BIOS ROM 校验错误
Single hardisk cable fail 当硬盘使用Cable选项时硬盘安装位置不正确
FDD Controller Failure BIOS 软盘控制器错误
HDD Controller Failure BIOS 硬盘控制器错误
Driver Error 驱动器错误
Cache Memory Bad, Do not Enable Cache 高速缓存Cache损坏,不能使用
Error: Unable to control A20 line 错误提示:不能使用A20地址控制线
Memory write/Read failure 内存读写失败
Memory allocation error 内存定位错误
CMOS Battery state Low CMOS没电了
Keyboard interface error 键盘接口错误
Hard disk drive failure 加载硬盘失败
Hard disk not present 硬盘不存在
Floppy disk(s) fail (40) 软盘驱动器加载失败,一般是数据线插反,电源线没有插接,
CMOS checksum error-efaults loaded. CMOS校验错误,装入缺省(默认)设置
提示信息 说明
Detecting floppy drive A media... 检测软驱A的格式
Drive media is : 1.44Mb1.2Mb 720Kb360K 驱动器格式是1.44Mb、12Mb、720kb、360kb的一种
提示信息 说明
Invalid partition table 无效的分区表
Error loading operating sy stem 不能装入引导系统
Missing operating system 系统引导文件丢失
动时出现Starting Windows 98…的地方)出现不可识别字符,此时可判断硬盘分区表
提示信息 说明
Invalid system disk 无效的系统盘
Disk I/O error, Replace the disk and press any key. 磁盘I/O错误,替换磁盘后按任意键
(当C盘系统文件丢失或被破坏时出现该提示信息。这时可能SYS C:为修复系统文件)
Invalid Media Type reaching Drive C: 无效的C盘媒体格式说明。也就是C盘没有格式化
Invalid Boot Diskette Boot Failure 无效的启动盘,启动失败
提示信息 说明
Insert diskette for drive and press any key when ready 插入磁盘到驱动器中后按任意键
Your program caused a divide overflow error
If the problem persists, contact your program vendor 你的程序导致溢出错误。如果该问题
Windows has disabled direct disk access to protect your long filenames Windows不能直接访问
The system has been halted. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart your computer 系统挂起,按Ctrl+Alt+Del
You started your computer with a version of MS-DOS incompatible with this version of Windows.
Insert a Startup diskette matching this version of Windows and then restart 你启动的MS-DOS版本
This version of Windows requires a 386 or better processor 该Windows版本需要386以后的CPU支持
A20 hardware error. Contact technical support to identify the problem 地址线A20错误。
Starting Windows 98... 正在启动Windows 98……
Windows 98 is now starting your MS-DOS-based program Windows 98正在启动基于MS-DOS的程序
Windows 98 is now restarting... Windows 98正在重新启动
Press Esc now to cancel MS-DOS mode and restart Windows 98... 按Esc退出MS-DOS 模式,
重新启动Windows 98…
There is an unrecognized command in your CONFIG.SYS file 在你的CONFIG.SYS文件中有不可识别的命令
The following command in your CONFIG.SYS file is incorrect: 在你的CONFIG.SYS有下列错误命令
The sector size specified in this file is too large: 该文件中指定的扇区太大
The following file is missing or corrupted: WIN.COM COMMAND.COM 下列文件丢失或被破坏:
There is an invalid country code or code page in your CONFIG.SYS file 在你的CONFIG.SYS里
There is an error in the COUNTRY command in your CONFIG.SYS file 在你的CONFIG.SYS里
There is not enough memory for the COUNTRY.SYS file 没有足够的内存来加载COUNTRY.SYS文件
Remove some drivers from your CONFIG.SYS file, and then try again 请从CONFIG.SYS文件
Remove some drivers, and then try again 去除一些驱动程序,然后再试。这里的驱动程序是
Remove some disk drivers from your CONFIG.SYS file, and then try again 从你的(CONFIG.SYS)
The configuration specified in your CONFIG.SYS file is too large for memory 调整你的CONFIG.SYS
You have too many block devices specified in your CONFIG.SYS file 调整你的CONFIG.SYS文
件以获得block devices
The STACKS setting(s) in your CONFIG.SYS file are incorrect 在你的CONFIG.SYS中堆栈设置不正确
Default stack settings will be used instead 缺省的堆栈设置将被替代使用
There is an error in your CONFIG.SYS file on line XX 在你的CONFIG.SYS里XX行错误
Warning: Logical drives past Z exist and will be ignored 警告:逻辑驱动器Z已经存在,将被忽略
Type the name of the Command Interpreter (e.g., C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND.COM) Press any
key to continue… 请输入命令解释器的文件名(如:C:\WIN DOWS\COMMAND.COM)后,
Windows is bypassing your startup files
Minimal network support will be loaded if available Windows正在跳过你的启动文件。如果网络可用,
Windows is starting the command prompt only Windows正在启动命令字符模式
Windows will prompt you to confirm each startup command Windows将提示你确认每一个启动命令
The compression driver cannot be set up correctly 压缩驱动程序不能被正确加载
Get a version from your vendor that is compatible with this version of Windows 从你的供应商那里获得
Process the system registry 运行系统注册表
Create a startup log file (BOOTLOG.TXT) 创建启动日志BOOTLOG.TXT文件
Process your startup device drivers (CONFIG.SYS) 运行CONFIG.SYS文件中的设备驱动
Process your startup command file (AUTOEXEC.BAT) 运行AUTOEXEC.BAT中的启动命令
Load the Windows graphical user interface 装入WINDOWS图形用户界面(GDI)
Warning: Windows has detected a registry/configuration error. Choose, Command prompt only, and run
SCANREG 警告:Windows检测到一个注册表或配置错误选择DOS操作模式,运行SCANREG
Warning: Windows has detected a compressed drive access error. Choose Safe mode command prompt
only, to help you identify the problem 警告:Windows检测到一个访问压缩驱动器错误,
Warning: Windows did not finish loading on the previous attempt. Choose Safe mode, to start Windows
with a minimal set of drivers 警告:Windows在刚才尝试后不能够完成加载,选择安全模式,
Warning: Windows multi-boot may not function correctly
Check for system files in your root directory with conflicting extensions 警告:Windows不能够
Warning: the system configuration manager failed to run. Some of your real-mode device drivers
may not initialize properly 警告:系统管理器运行失败,一些实模式驱动可能没有正确初始化
The BUFFERS setting(s) in your CONFIG.SYS file are too large. Default buffer settings will be used instead
A memory allocation error occurred during startup
>Restart your computer and select Interactive Start to identify the problem 在启动过程中内存分
Warning: the high memory area (HMA) is not available Additional low memory (below 640K) will be
used instead 警告:高端内存不可用,低端内存将被代替使用
There is not enough memory for Windows. Remove some drivers from your CONFIG.SYS file, and then try
again 对Windows来说没有足够的内存,请从CONFIG.SYS文件中移去部分加载的程序,
Your previous MS-DOS files were not found. 旧的MS-DOS文件没有找到,这常见于使用双启动的系统,
Your previous MS-DOS version is not supported. MS-DOS startup failed 旧的MS-DOS版本不支持。
Now loading your previous version of MS-DOS, please wait 现在正在加载旧的MS-DOS版本,
Invalid setting in the MSDOS.SYS file:An internal stack overflow has caused this session to be
halted MSDOS.SYS文件中无效的设置选项。系统堆栈溢出,系统挂起
Change the STACKS setting in your CONFIG.SYS file, and then try again 请改变
Stack overflow 堆栈溢出
Integer divide by 0  整数被0除
Not enough space for environment  没有足够的空间
Run-time error 运行错误
Floating-point support not loaded  浮点运算支持没有装入
Null pointer assignment  无效的断点分配
提示信息 说    明
Stack overflow 堆栈溢出
Integer divide by 0 分母是0
Not enough space for environment 磁盘没有足够的空间
Run-time error 时钟错误
No fixed disks present 没有硬盘存在
Insufficient memory 内存不足
Invalid drive specification 无效的驱动器名
Invalid characters in volume label 无效的盘符
Invalid Volume ID 无效的卷标ID号
No target drive specified 目标驱动器没有定义
missing operating system 系统文件丢失
Non system Disk or Disk Error 不是系统盘或磁盘错误
Replace Disk and Press Anykey To Reboot 替换磁盘,按任意键重新启动
提示信息 说    明
Cannot find System Files 不能找到系统文件
System transferred 系统传送完毕
Disk unsuitable for system disk 目标磁盘不适合做系统盘
提示信息 说    明
Unable to write BOOT. 不能写引导扇区
Invalid media type 无效的磁盘类型
Parameters not supported 参数不支持
Cannot format a network drive 不能格式化网络驱动器
Invalid media or Track 0 bad - disk unusable 无效的磁盘或0磁道损坏,磁盘不可用
Format terminated 格式化终止
Disk Boot failure 磁盘BOOT区错误
Invalid system disk 无效的系统磁盘
Disk I/O error,Replace the disk, and then
press any key 磁盘I/O错误,请换盘后按任意键。通常在读写软盘时出现此类错误
Non-System disk or disk error,Replace and strike any key when ready 无系统的磁盘或磁盘错误,
Too many open files 打开的文件太多
Access denied Insufficient memory 没有足够的内存访问被拒绝
Invalid drive specification 无效的盘符说明
Parse Error XX 分析错误 XX
Incorrect MS-DOS version 不正确的MS-DOS版本
X% percent completed 格式化正在进行,已经完成X%
Format complete. 格式化完成
XX bytes in bad sectors XX字节的坏扇区
XX bytes total disk space 磁盘的全睰占湮猉X字节
XX bytes available on disk 磁盘的可使用空间为XX字
Volume label (11 characters, ENTER for none)? 请输入磁盘卷标(总共11个字符,按回车为空)
Format not supported on drive X Format命令不支持驱动器X
Invalid device parameters from device driver 无效的设备驱动参数
Error writing FAT 写FAT表错误
Error writing directory 写DIR目录表错误
Cannot format an ASSIGN or SUBST drive 不能格式化ASSIGN和SUBST指定的驱动器
Cannot find System Files 没有找到系统文件
Cannot format a network drive 不能格式化网络驱动器
Invalid characters in volume label 磁盘卷标中存在非法字符
Parameters not supported 参数不支持
Format terminated 格式化意外终止
Disk unsuitable for system disk 这个磁盘不适合作为系统盘
Unable to write BOOT 不能写BOOT区
Error reading directory 读DIR目录区错误
No target drive specified 目的驱动器没有说明
and press ENTER when ready 准备好后按回车键
System transferred 系统传送完毕
Enter current volume label for drive X 请为驱动器X输入磁盘的卷标
Parameters not compatible with fixed disk 参数与硬盘不兼容
Volume Serial Number is XXXX 分区格式化时随机产生的序列号是:XXXX
Format broken 格式化被强行终止
Format not available on drive XX 不能在驱动器XX上使用格式化命令
on-System disk or disk error 没有系统盘或磁盘错误
Bad Partition Table 错误的硬盘分区表
Parameters not supported by drive 该驱动器不支持这些参数
Insert DOS disk in drive A 请在驱动器A中插入DOS系统盘
Format another (Y/N)?! 还格式化其他盘吗
Error reading partition table 读硬盘分区表错误
Error writing partition table 写硬盘分区表错误
Parameters not compatible 参数不匹配
XX allocation units available on disk 磁盘上有XX可用簇
XX bytes in each allocation unit 每个簇有大小为XX字节
Same parameter entered twice 相同的参数被输入两次
Must enter both /T and /N parameters /T和/N参数必须同时使用
There is not enough room to create a restore file 没有足够的空间来建立恢复文件
You will not be able to use the UNFORMAT utility 你将不能使用UNFORMAT工具来恢复你的硬盘数据
There is not enough disk space for system files 没有足够的空间来存储系统文件
This disk cannot be unformatted 这个磁盘不能被反格式化
There was an error creating the format recovery file 在建立恢复文件时产生了一个错误
Volume label is not supported with /8 parameter 该驱动器不支持/8参数
Insufficient memory to load system files 没有足够的内存装入系统文件
Insufficient memory. 内存不足
Calculating free space (this may take several minutes)... 正在统计磁盘空间(可能要花上几分钟时间)
提示信息 说    明
Delete Primary DOS Partition 删除主DOS分区
Delete Extended DOS Partition 删除扩展DOS分区
Delete Logical DOS Drive(s) in the Extended DOS Partition 删除逻辑DOS分区
WARNING! Data in the deleted Primary DOS Partition will be lost 警告:主DOS分区的数据将全部丢失
WARNING! Data in the deleted Extended DOS Partition will be lost. Do you wish to continue (Y/N)? 警告:
Delete Logical DOS Drive(s) in the Extended DOS Partition 删除扩展分区下的逻辑分区
WARNING! Data in a deleted Logical DOS Drive will be lost What drive do you want to delete? Are
you sure (Y/N)? 警告:逻辑分区中的所有数据都将丢失,你删除哪个驱动器?你真的确定吗
Display Partition Information 显示分区内容信息
The Extended DOS Partition contains Logical DOS Drives. 扩展DOS分区中包含DOS逻辑分区
Do you want to display the logical drive information (Y/N)? 你想显示逻辑分区的信息吗
Display Logical DOS Drive Information 显示逻辑分区信息
Enter partition size in Mbytes or percent of disk space (%) to create a Primary DOS Partition...
Enter logical drive size in Mbytes or percent of disk space (%)... 请输入逻辑分区容量
Enter Volume Label? 请输入卷标
Enter partition size in Mbytes or percent of disk space (%)to create an Extended DOS Partition....
Do you wish to use the maximum available size for a Primary DOS Partition 你想使用全部磁盘空间
Change Current Fixed Disk Drive . Enter Fixed Disk Drive Number (X) 当你挂接两个以上硬盘时,
Fixed Disk Drive Status 硬盘状态
Data in the deleted Primary DOS Partition will be lost.What primary partition do you want to
delete?Do you wish to continue (Y/N)? DOS主分区中的数据将全部丢失。你准备删除哪个主分区?
Data in the deleted Non-DOS Partition will be lost.What Non-DOS partition do you want to delete?
Do you wish to continue (Y/N)? 非DOS分区的数据将全部丢失。你准备删除哪一个非DOS分区?
You MUST restart your system for your changes to take effect 你必须重新启动你的计算
Any drives you have created or changed must be formatted 你新建的分区或改变的分区
Shut down Windows before restarting 在重启之前请关闭Windows
Your computer has a disk larger than 512 MB. This version of Windows includes improved
support for large disks, resulting in more efficient use of disk space on large drives, and allowing
disks over 2 GB to be formatted as a single drive 你的计算机挂接了一个大于512M的硬盘。
Press Esc to exit FDISK 按Esc退出FDISK
This drive is FAT16 by default, switch to FAT32 (Y/N)? 这个驱动器默认是FAT16模式,
This drive must be FAT32 because its size is > 2048 MB 当分区的空间大于2048MB时,
This drive must be FAT16 because its size is too small to be FAT32 因为这个分
Verifying drive integrity, complete 正在校验分区的完整性,完成
Your computer has NTFS partitions which may require large drive support. If you are using
another operating system, such as Windows NT, which supports large drives you should enable
treating these partitions as large 你的计算机有一个NTFS分区可能需要大分区支持,
如果你正在使用其他操作系统,如Windows NT,你应该把这些分区分大一些
NOTE: If you answer Y and the partition display looks incorrect or a hang or crash occurs
do nothing, run FDISK again, and answer N to this question 注意:如果你回答Y,
Should NTFS partitions on all drives be treated as large (Y/N)? 对所有的NTFS分区使用大分区模式
Drive deleted 驱动器被删除
Partition made active 分区X被设置为活动
Primary DOS Partition created 主DOS分区被建立
Extended DOS Partition created 扩展DOS分区被建立
Logical DOS Drive created, drive letters changed or added 逻辑分区被建立,
No partitions defined 没有分区被定义
No logical drives defined 没有逻辑驱动器被说明
Drive letters have been changed or deleted 驱动器盘符已经被改变或删除
No active partitions 没有设置活动分区,该硬盘不能被启动
No fixed disks present 没有硬盘
Error reading fixed disk 读硬盘错误
Error writing fixed disk 写硬盘错误
Write protect error writing fixed disk 写硬盘写保护错误
Incorrect DOS version 不正确的DOS版本
Cannot FDISK with network loaded 不能对网络驱动器使用FDISK
No space to create a DOS partition 没有足够的空间建立DOS分区
Requested logical drive size exceeds the maximum available space 输入的逻辑驱动器
Requested partition size exceeds the maximum available space 输入的分区的容量超过
No partitions to delete 已经没有分区可以被删除
The only startable partition on Drive is already set active 硬盘X上的惟一的可启动分区
No partitions to make active 没有分区可以被标记为活动分区
Partition selected is not startable, active partition not changed 输入的分区X不可启动,
Cannot create Extended DOS Partition without Primary DOS Partition on disk X
在硬盘X上没有主DOS分区时不能建立扩展DOS 分区
All available space in the Extended DOS Partition is assigned to logical drives 扩展分
Cannot delete Extended DOS Partition while logical drives exist 因为扩展分区下有
All logical drives deleted in the Extended DOS Partition is not a choice. Please enter X
WARNING! The partition set active is not startable 警告:被设置为活动的分区是不可启动的
Only non-startable partitions exist 只有不可启动的分区存在
Only partitions on Drive 1 can be made active 只有硬盘1上的分区可被设置为活动。
Maximum number of Logical DOS Drives installed 逻辑驱动器的所有盘符都使用,
Cannot create a zero size partition 不能建立大小空间为0的分区
Unable to access Drive X 不能访问驱动器X
Cannot delete Primary DOS Partition on drive 1 when an Extended DOS Partition exists
Invalid entry 无效的输入
Volume label does not match 标不匹配。当你删除分区时,系统会提示输入该分区的卷标,
Cannot create Logical DOS Drive without an Extended DOS Partition on the current drive
Could not change partitions, because the disk could not be locked 不能改变分区,因为该硬盘不能被锁定
Internal error 内部错误
Incorrect MS-DOS version 不正确的MS-DOS版本
Invalid parameter 无效的参数
Cannot FDISK with network loaded 不能对网络驱动器进行FDISK
The master boot code has NOT been updated
/STATUS Displays partition information 主引导区代码没有被更新。显示分区信息
/X Ignores extended disk-access support. Use this switch 不使用扩展磁盘访问指令支持。当你使用
if you receive disk access or stack overflow messages 这个参数时你将看到堆栈溢出的信息
/MBR and /CMBR cannot both be specified /MBR和/CMBR这两个参数不能同时使用
/MBR only operates on drive 1,use /CMBR for other drives 只能对硬盘1使用,/CMBR对其他硬盘使用/MBR
You must specify a drive number with /CMBR
Invalid partition table 在使用/CMBR参数时必须说明硬盘的序号。无效的硬盘分区表
Error loading operating system 在装入操作系统时错误
Missing operating system 操作系统文件丢失
stack overflow 堆栈溢出
integer divide by 0 整数被0除
run-time error 运行错误
not enough space for environment 没有足够的空间 -----[/td][/tr][/table]
',1)"> ',2)"> ',3)">
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