Chinese Pinyin Tones

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/27 16:04:06

Chinese Pinyin Tones


There are four tones in Mandarin Chinese Pinyin, plus one neutral tone(or called “no tone”).



First tone in Chinese Pinyin


The first tone is marked as a straight line like this¯. It has a long and sustained sound (as if singing a note).




Second tone in Chinese Pinyin


The second tone is marked upwards like thisˊ . It is a rising tone (start from the lower part of your voice, then go up).




Third tone in Chinese Pinyin


The third tone is marked down and up like this ˇ. It is a low and curved tone. Try to go as low as you can and then bounce up.




Fourth in Chinese Pinyin


The fourth tone is marked downwards like thisˋ. It is a falling tone (start from the grating highest part of your voice, then go down, as if exclaiming).




Neutral in Chinese Pinyin


The neutral tone has no mark. It is a short and light tone.




Where should I mark the tones?


Tones should be marked on a vowel. If a word has more than one vowel, the tone should be marked on the main vowel of the word. Vowels are listed in the following order: a, o, e, i, u and ü. As the vowel ‘a’ appears first in this list, the tone in the word liao should be marked on the vowel ‘a’.




音调应标记在元音上。如果一个词有多个元音,语调应标明这个词的主要元音。元音列出以下顺序:1,a, o, e, i, u。由于元音‘a’出现在这个列表中第一位,在liao中音调应该标在‘a’.上。



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