绿坝·花季护航被指盗版 可能遭遇国际官司(图)

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/27 22:14:54
绿坝·花季护航被指盗版 可能遭遇国际官司(图)   文章提供 于 2009-6-13 10:43:21 (北京时间: 2009-6-13 22:43:21) 阅读时出现乱码? 解决办法
  一家叫Solid Oak Software的美国软件公司指控绿坝软件盗用其CyberSitter软件的编码.“绿坝”的图形界面完全模仿CyberSitter,更要命的是,公司CEO Brian Milburn称,“绿坝”的编码使用了和Cybersitter拥有完全知识产权的Dll编码完全一样的名字,甚至还发回Solid Oak的服务器更新黑名单


  密歇根大学的研究人员早前已经发现,绿坝的安装文件含有美产过滤软件 CyberSitter的dll文件和分类和过滤列表。星期五,CyberSitter的开发商Solid Oak Software公开指责绿坝抄袭代码。

  Solid Oak Software声称绿坝的用户界面模仿了CyberSitter的风格。公司执行官Brian Milburn说,十分可恶的是绿坝使用了CyberSitter的dll文件后连名字都不改,更荒谬的是绿坝软件的更新还要访问他们的服务器。Milburn说,当密歇根研究人员的分析报告发布之后,他100%相信绿坝使用了他们的私有代码,他不能确定对方是反向工程,还是直接偷取。




  密歇根大学研究人员今日发布了一份绿坝的分析报告,报告中指出了一些绿坝的安全隐患,包括一个可以被远程利用的栈溢出漏洞。这三名研究人员分别是密歇根大学计算机系的Scott Wolchok, Randy Yao和J. Alex Halderman。漏洞演示地址:http://wolchok.org:8000/。请注意,安装了绿坝的用户,访问上述网址,浏览器将会崩溃(无其它危害)。当然如果精心设置网页,可以直接控制用户电脑。






  今天的香港有线新闻 正不断的播出:绿坝--被美国软件公司指控盗版,所谓的绿坝,正在源源不断的通过用户电脑,发回娘家叫Solid Oak Software的美国软件公司的服务器一些信息。证明这软件正在不断的被盗用,甚至还发回Solid Oak的服务器更新黑名单!!



  是该好好查一下,一查到底 ,不要手软了

  一家叫Solid Oak Software的美国软件公司指控绿坝软件盗用其CyberSitter软件的编码.“绿坝”的图形界面完全模仿CyberSitter, 更要命的是, 公司CEO Brian Milburn称, “绿坝”的编码使用了和Cybersitter拥有完全知识产权的Dll编码完全一样的名字, 甚至还发回Solid Oak的服务器更新黑名单。ddhw.cn


  Company alleges Chinese software has stolen code


  SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A California company claims that the Internet-filtering software China has mandated for all new personal computers sold there contains stolen programming code.

  Solid Oak Software of Santa Barbara said Friday that parts of its filtering software, which is designed for parents, are being used in the "Green Dam-Youth Escort" filtering software that must be packaged with all computers sold in China from July 1.

  Solid Oak's founder, Brian Milburn, said he plans to seek an injunction against the Chinese developer that built the software, but acknowledged that it's new legal terrain for his company.

  "I don't know how far you can try and reach into China and try to stop stuff like this," he said in an interview. "We're still trying to assess what they're doing."

  A phone number for the Chinese developer could not immediately be located. A call by The Associated Press to China's embassy in the U.S. after business hours Friday went unanswered.

  China has mounted a vigorous public defense of the software, saying it wants it to block violence and pornography. But critics say it censors many more things, and does it on a deeper level than the Internet censorship China currently employs.

  China has more than 250 million Internet users and employs some of the world's tightest controls over what they see, often called the "Great Firewall of China," which refers to technology designed to prevent unwanted traffic from entering or leaving a network.

  Political sites and others the government deems offensive are routinely blocked, but that happens at the network level. Savvy users can get around it by bouncing through "proxy" servers in other countries, but it takes some sophistication. Blocked sites simply won't load in users' Web browsers.

  The new software blocks sites directly from a user's machine.

  A report released Thursday by University of Michigan researchers who examined the Chinese software supports Solid Oak's claim that the Green Dam software contains pirated code. The report also found serious security vulnerabilities that could allow hackers to hijack PCs running the Chinese software.

  The report found that a number of the "blacklist" files that Green Dam employs were taken from Solid Oak's CyberSitter program.

  Blacklists are lists of Web sites that have been flagged as violent or pornographic or malicious or otherwise offensive. Web browsers on computers where blacklists are in use are instructed to block those sites.

  The report's authors — researchers in the university's computer science and engineering division — also said they found another clue that Solid Oak's code was stolen: a file that contained a 2004 CyberSitter news bulletin that appeared to have been accidentally included in Green Dam's coding.ddhw.cn

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