
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/26 08:39:18



1.Organizes collections, people,ideas;能够组织物品,人众,和思想;

   2.Learns rapidly and readily applies newknowledge;能够迅速学习新知识,并且马上实际使用;

   3.Has good memory;记忆力强;

   4.Holds a longer attention span;能够保持长时间注意力集中;

   5.Demonstrates compassion for others;表现对他人的同情心;

   6.Recognizes a strong sense of justice;具有强烈的正义感;

   7.Demonstrates perfectionism;做事追求全美;

   8.Has a high degree of energy;精力高度充沛;

   9.Enjoys imaginative, creative play;喜爱具有想像力和创造性的活动;

   10.Prefers older companions;喜欢与年长者为伴;

   11.Demonstrates "common sense";常识性强;

   12.Attracted to a wide range of interests or narrowone;兴趣广泛,或者兴趣专一;

   13.Shows interest in experimenting and doing thingsdifferently;表现出对探索试验的兴趣,凡事总想找到不同的方法来做;

   14.Sees relationships, identifies similarities, differences,analogies;能够发现事物之间的联系,识别相似,不同,类别;

   15.Uses extensive vocabulary;用语词汇丰富;

   16.Displays unusual sense of humor;表现非同寻常的幽默感;

   17.Demonstrates ability with puzzles, mazes, ornumbers;在拼块,迷宫,和数字方面具备能力;

   18.Seems mature for age at times;看来比实际年龄成熟;

   19.Shows an insatiable curiosity and persistence;表现不倦的好奇,并坚持不懈;

   20.May have intense concentration;可能特别聚精会神;

   21.Is unusually attentive to details or not concerned with detailsat all;对细节表现出非同寻常的注意,或者对细节完全不在意;

   22.Recognizes patterns easily;能轻易识别出规律模式;

   23.Demonstrates perseverance in areas ofinterest;在感兴趣的领域表现出追求不懈的精神;

   24.May question authority;可能对权威提出疑问;

   25.Displays an advanced senses of conscience;表现高度的理智;

   26.Perceives abstract ideas, understands complexconcepts;领悟抽象思想,理解复杂的概念;

   27.May demonstrate intense emotional and/or physicalsensitivity;可能显示情感和体能方面的强烈敏感度;

28.Seen as a leader by peers;被同学们当做领导者看待。