必修3Unit 1 Festivals around the world

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/30 01:05:55

Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1. They thought if they held some festivals, their a      would be satisfied with what they have done.

2. The little boy d       after falling into the river.

3. The proud man said he would rather  s      than beg for food.

4. He is a famous p       and his poems are popular with the youth.

5. Indeed, there are many o        advantages to a five-day week.

Ⅱ. 用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空

lead to/set off/decorate ...with/look forward to/play a trick on

1. This misunderstanding            a war between the two countries.

2. Don’t           me; I’m not a fool.

3. He ended the letter with “           seeing you soon”.

4. What time are you planning to           tomorrow?

5. Father bought a Christmas tree           coloured lights a week ago.

Ⅲ. 同义句转换

1. Do you know how the accident happened?

Do you know how the accident                    ?

2. On this important feast day, people might eat food in the shape of skulls and cakes with “bones” on them.

On this important feast day, people might eat food in the shape of skulls and

cakes                  “bones” on them.

3. In India there is a national festival on October 2 to honour Mohandas Gandhi.

In India there is a national festival on October 2                       Mohandas Gandhi.

4. Obviously, the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave.

It                 that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave.

5. He had expected to meet her all day.

He had                          meeting her all day.

Ⅳ. 单项填空


1. —When does the ceremony         ? All the lovely boys and girls in our  school are waiting for it.

—Sorry, I have no idea, but in my opinion, 8 a.m.

A. happen      B. Chance       C. take place        D. took place

2. Upon graduation from middle school, how well will you          the job that lies ahead?

A. prepare     B. prepare for  C. be prepared for   D. be preparing

3. His determination and devotion to science          the great discovery.

A. lied in     B. are led to   C. led to     D. as a result

4. After a long discussion, the experts finally          up with suggestions for solving the air pollution.

A. gave        B. set          C. came       D. caught

5. With a lot of homework         ,I decided not to play with you.

A. to do       B. doing        C. done       D. being done

Ⅴ. 完形填空


My first job was in what they call the city center. The 1 was large, dark and old, 2 the physics lecture room was on the second floor. 3 , it wasn’t a lecture room at all, it was an ordinary room, but it had “LECTURE ROOM” on the 4 . The students were sixteen or seventeen years old, 5 several years younger than me. 6 , some of them looked and acted 7 older than me sometimes.

The room was directlythe street, and had the window looking out over the street and many houses. One day, I was 9 some work on the blackboard when I heard a sudden change in the noise behind me. There was a man standing in the room with 10 an apple in his hand. He looked 11  .

“Who threw this?” he asked, looking round the class.

“I beg your pardon?” I said. Was this the school inspector(督学)? “12 threw this apple out of the window,” he said. “It 13 on my car.”

“Who threw an apple out of the window?” I 14 to the class. There was no answer.

“I 15 the fellow who threw this.” said the man. “I 16 wait outside for you.And then he left, slamming the door.

17 was silence and I continued with the lesson. At the end of every lesson, a bell rang, usually the class were all 18 before it finished ringing, leaving me saying “That’s all for today” to an empty 19 .

This time, when the bell went for the end of the lesson, no one20  .“That’s all for today,” I said.

“You go first, sir.” said one of the boys. It made a nice change, being first out.

1.A.room    B. building    C. floor   D. city

2.A.and     B. as          C. so      D. but

3.A.Happily  B. Luckily    C. Properly   D. Actually

4.A.floor    B. ground     C. door       D. window

5.A.over     B. only       C. up         D. almost

6.A.In fact   B. In the end  C. After all   D. As a result

7.A.more      B. less        C. very        D. even

8.A.on        B. above       C. below       D. in

9.A.getting   B. making      C. taking      D. putting

10.A.hardly   B. almost      C. half        D. such

11.A.angry    B. kind        C. sorry       D. happy

12.A.Anyone   B. One         C. Who         D. Someone

13.A.hit      B. fell        C. landed      D. arrived

14.A.asked    B. said        C. talked      D. told

15.A.hate     B. find        C. get         D. want

16.A.will     B. must        C. should      D. can

17.A.It       B. There       C. This        D. That

18.A.walked   B. left        C. gone        D. ended

19.A.lesson   B. class       C. room        D. lecture

20.A.heard    B. finished    C. spoke       D. moved

Ⅵ. 阅读理解


As the global financial crisis hits the economy, it’s tough finding a

job— especially if you’re competing with thousands of other hopeful students. Sometimes you get the interview, but don’t quite seem to land the job because you don’t have related experience. Don’t despair! Here are a few tips that might give you an edge.

1. Get connected to your network and try to expand it. Talk to friends, family and acquaintances. Let everyone know you are looking for a job.

2. Prepare your resume (个人简历) carefully and be sure it’s perfect. Have someone else read it over for typos (打字错误) and grammatical errors. Get professional help. It’s worth the money to present yourself well. If money is tight, read books on resume writing from your public library or search for free help on the Internet.

3. When you apply for a job, be sure you match and list any skills listed on the posting with the skills you have. If you get an interview, be sure to describe those skills thoroughly. Just having the skills is not enough. Expressing your abilities well can make all the difference in getting the job.

4. Research typical interview questions and practice interviewing. Be well prepared for every interview.

5. Don’t be afraid to accept a position for which you are overqualified—if there’s room for advancements. Many great job advancements come from first doing well at an entrylevel position. If you have the right skills and attitude, it wont be long before youre in the job you want.

6. Volunteer for a few weeks in your field of study to gain experience if you feel your resume needs an improvement.

7. When deciding what to wear for an interview, think about the position level and the dress code of the organization.

8. Use every tool available to you. For example, this site has many job links for your use. 

Good luck!

1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason for the failing to find a job?

A. The global financial crisis.

B. The serious competence.

C. Your lack in related skills.

D. Your lack in related experience.

2. What’s the author’s advice on the resume?

A. To read it over several times by yourself.

B. To get professional help even if it costs.

C. To copy something from books.

D. To publish it on the Internet.

3. If you lack related experience you can        .

A. make up some in your resume

B. read books to get second-handed one

C. do some related voluntary work

D. get some training at schools

4. Which of the following statements on interviews is RIGHT?

A. Have a few questions ready to ask the interviewer.

B. Describe clearly your ability to the interviewer.

C. Refuse the interviewer’s offer of another position.

D. Wear new clothes for the interview.

5. The purpose of the text is to       .

A. show how to prepare for an interview   

B. wish people good luck

C. encourage people not to despair        

D. give advice on how to find a job

Ⅶ. 短文改错






It was very fine when I got up on last Sunday morning.      1.      

So I decided to go for a walk and took some photos in the      2.      

beautiful country. After breakfast, I carried my camera with   3.      

me and set off. Everything went smooth. I enjoyed my trip      4.      

so much that I didn’t realize the weather had been turned     5.      

bad. I began to run and it was too late. I was caught          6.      

by the rain and was wet through. I kept on running until       7.      

I get to a bus stop. I stood there waiting a long time for the 8.      

bus shivering(颤抖) in cold. Shortly after I got home, I       9.      

had high fever, which made me lay in bed for a whole week!     10.      

5. looked forward to


1. 解析:选C。句中所提到的ceremony一定是按照计划作出了安排的,故应使用C项take place。

2. 解析:选C。前面的how well已经暗示空白处应当选择表示状态的短语,故选be prepared for。

3. 解析:选C。考查短语辨析。lie in在于,前面为结果;as a result用作插入语,不能作谓语; lead to意为“导致,引起”,符合句意,但是要用主动语态。

4. 解析:选C。come up with suggestions意为“提出建议”。

5. 解析:选A。由后面的句意“有好多作业要做”可知,此处用不定式表示将来要做某事,强调有问题要解决。

Ⅴ. 完形填空

1. 解析:选B。从下文的“the physics lecture room was on the second floor”可知,此处的building就是有“教室”的那一座。

2. 解析:选A。此处的and连接两个并列的句子,old前的and连接并列的形容词。

3. 解析:选D。从下文可以看出,这个教室不像教室,只是个普通的房间,但牌子上写的是“教室”。

4. 解析:选C。根据常识可知,牌子应该挂在门上。

5. 解析:选B。根据下文可知,学生的年龄只比老师小几岁。

6. 解析:选A。与上句呼应,说明老师与学生年龄差距不大,事实上有时候某些学生的长相和行为显得比老师都要大。

7. 解析:选D。这是根据上文发展来的一种关系,表示一种递进的语气,意为“甚至……”。

8. 解析:选B。从下文的“looking out over the street and many houses”及“threw the apple”可知,这间课室不是在街道里,而是在街道之上,“比街道的位置要高”,所以“苹果才会扔下去,打在车上”。

9. 解析:选D。put some work意为“布置一些作业”。

10. 解析:选C。这是根据事件发生的情形推断出来的,苹果吃了一半后扔出去了,其他选项意义上都不通。

11. 解析:选A。这种“生气”的心情是很自然的,因为有人把苹果扔到了他的车上。

12. 解析:选D。someone表示“有人(某个人,但不知是哪一个)把苹果扔到车上了”。A、B两项意义不通;C项是疑问语气。

13. 解析:选C。A项的hit为及物动词,后不用介词;B项指某人或者某物自然地“倒下”或者“落下”。D项意义不通。

14. 解析:选B。say to为固定用法,此处的意思是“对着某人说话”,不是“与某人交谈(talk to)”。

15. 解析:选D。此处want意为“要找到……”。

16. 解析:选A。句意为:我会在门外等着你(找到那个扔苹果的人)。

17. 解析:选B。用“there be”句型来表示一种存在的状况。

18. 解析:选C。be gone=disappear,意为“消失了”。

19. 解析:选C。根据上句可知,学生已经都跑了,所以是对着空空的房间说“下课”。

20. 解析:选D。本句表示的是与平时相比的反常现象,“没有一个人动”。

Ⅵ. 阅读理解

1. 解析:选C。具体信息题。A、B、D在文章第一段都曾提到。文章第三段只是强调要充分表达自己的技能,并没有提到C项。

2. 解析:选B。具体信息题。根据第三段“Get professional help. It’s worth the money to present yourself well”可知,答案为B。

3. 解析:选C。具体信息题。根据第六点建议可知,C为答案。

4. 解析:选B。具体信息题。根据第三条建议可知,B为答案。

5. 解析:选D。意图态度题。该短文提供了一些找工作时的小建议,涉及信息、简历、面试等方面,因此D为答案。A、B、C都只是文章中的部分信息。

Ⅶ. 短文改错

1. 去掉on

2. took→ take

3. √

4. smooth→ smoothly


6. and→ but

7. by→ in

8. get→ got

9. in→ with

10. high前加a